----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 8:09 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 41 new articles
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"Planet ISKCON" - 41 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 12 May 2011--An Unexpected Exceptional Evening--and--Devotion Only to Krishna?
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Big Over Small : Chunky Cabinet Jewelry
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darshana
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 5 – BG2.26
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 3 – BG1.44–BG2.6
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 2- BG1.9–BG1.43
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 1 – Introduction–BG 1.8
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Queen's Birthday Weekend Retreat
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Badrinarayan Prabhu - Lecture - Lean to Krishna - Sunday Feast
- New Vrindavan, USA: 48-Day Nrisimha Yajna at New Vrindaban
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Before & After : Brooke’s DIY Sunny Patchwork Laundry Room
- Dandavats.com: Queen’s Day in Amsterdam 30 April 2011
- Dandavats.com: Child Protection Seminar Offered at Almiks Gard Sweden and Bhaktivedanta College Radhadesh Belgium
- New Vrndavan, USA: 48-Day Nrsimha Yajna in New Vrindaban
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Darshans – Mrdanga Bring You Back To Godhead?
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Humility
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Fate, free will, astrology 5
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Fate, free will, astrology 4
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Fate, free will, astrology 3 second half
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Fate, free will, astrology 2 first half
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Fate, free will, astrology 1
- Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Thank God I'm Not Perfect
- Australian News: Sri Sri Radha Gopinatha’s 40th Anniversary: Sydney, Australia
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: SERVANT LEADER
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Commenting on SlutWalks
- Kripamoya dasa, UK: Nrsimha Meditations
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Nandagopa, Bh. Visal and Shaurya Dasa ask
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Sype conference with Russian disciples on why we don’t take vows to do sankirtan at initiation, can devotees have abortions and other topics
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Spring Garden Party
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- Kirtans in Oxford, UK: March Kirtan (Catching Up!)
- Mayapur Online: Sri Nrisimha Caturdasi- 5 days to go!
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- Yoga of Ecology, Bhakta Chris, USA: Environmental Pollution Is A Spiritual Problem
- Gouranga TV: Bhajan – 24hr Kirtan – Ram Pandit
- Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: 2011 tour Malaysia – Telok Intan
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 12 May 2011--An Unexpected Exceptional Evening--and--Devotion Only to Krishna?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Thursday 12 May 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: An Unexpected Exceptional Evening Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram--Austin, Texas USA I was desperately searching to find a way that I could transcend the sufferings of material existence and enter into a state of unadulterated, uninterrupted spiritual bliss. I had tried so many ways to achieve this enlightened state, but I had always failed. Still I did not give up because I had hope against hope that if I persevered, somehow or other I would sooner or later be successful. It was finally one unexpected evening in the fall of 1968 in Denver, Colorado, USA that I got the breakthrough I had so long been seeking. My good friend, Patrick Dolan, dropped by my apartment at 1271 Lafayette Street along with a few friends and starting chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra. He expressed his faith in its power and asked us to chant with him. I will remain forever grateful to Patrick for this act of extraordinary kindness. And I will always marvel in remembering that exceptional evening when the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna so magnanimously revealed Himself to me in His most merciful manifestation of His inconceivably sweet holy names: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare Sankarshan Das Adhikari 1271 Lafayette Street--Denver, Colorado, USA http://www.backtohome.com/images/1271_Lafayette_Street.JPG Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Devotion Only to Krishna? Please accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada! In regards to the emphasis on having a spiritual master, in the recent Thought for the Day questions and answers: In Chapter 9, Text 34 of the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna says, Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become my devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me. In Chapter 12, text 8 Krishna says, Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt. There is no mention of a spiritual master in these texts. Your comments will be much appreciated. Feel free to share with all your readers. S.D. Answer: If You Love Me, Love My Dog In the verses you have quoted Krishna says that if we become His devotee, we will come to Him. So it is a fact that all we have to do to go to Krishna is to become His devotee. When it comes to learning how to become Krishna's devotee, who can be a better authority to teach us how to become His devotee than Krishna Himself? So let us learn from Him how to become His devotee. tad viddhi praniptena paripranena sevay upadeksyanti te jñnam jñninas tattva-darinah Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.--Bhagavad-gita 4.34 Krishna is clearly instructing us to take lessons from and render service to the spiritual master. Therefore if we want to become Krishna's devotee, we are obliged to obey this instruction to accept a spiritual master. Plus Lord Krishna directly tells us in the Adi Purana how to become His devotee. He say to do this we must become a devotee of His devotee. ye me bhakta-janh prtha na me bhakt ca te janh mad-bhaktnm ca ye bhakts te me bhakta-tam math My dear Arjuna, those who are My direct devotees are actually not My devotees, but those who are the devotees of My devotee are factually My devotees. If we tell Krishna that we do not want to be the devotee of His devotee, that we only want to be His devotee, He will say that we are not His devotee. In this connection Srila Prabhupada often quotes the English saying, if you love me, love my dog. He explains that the spiritual master is the dog of God, that if you want to love God you must also love His dog, the spiritual master. The final conclusion is that we have to accept Krishna's teachings in full. It is not that we can accept the verses we like and reject the verses we don't like. If we do that, we are guilty of the fallacy known as half-hen logic. There was a farmer who had a hen who laid very nice eggs that commanded a good price in the market. The only problem was that the hen ate a lot of chicken feed. The foolish farmer came up with a bright solution. He decided to keep the end of the hen that lays eggs and cut off the end of the hen that eats. The result was he killed the hen and there were no more eggs. So if in the same way we think that we will accept the verses we like and reject the verses we don't like, the result will be that we will not become Krishna conscious, and we will not go back to Godhead. Therefore we should accept Krishna's teachings in full by becoming the devotee both of Krishna Himself and His pure devotee, the bona fide spiritual master. In this way we will become qualified to return to His kingdom at the end of this lifetime. There are many, many more verses throughout the Vedic literatures stating the necessity of accepting a spiritual master. For the sake of brevity I have mentioned only two. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Sankarshan Das Adhikari on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SDASITE Thought for the Day on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ultimate.Self.Realization Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Big Over Small : Chunky Cabinet Jewelry
Designing one kitchen requires many, many choices. From appliances to cabinets, from lighting to faucets–every decision has an impact on your kitchen’s look…and on your budget. Why not go simple when it comes to door style? With less fuss, you get a timeless look for a lower cost. Make your kitchen sparkle with stand-out hardware. The expense is less and the impact is huge. Keep reading…
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darshana
"O Tulasi, beloved of Krishna, I bow before you again and again. My desire is to obtain the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna."
(Sri Tulasi-kirtana in Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas)
When we take darshan of Srimati Tulasi Devi, we should realize that without the help and mercy of the pure devotees, we will certainly not be able to revive and relish our eternal loving relationship with Krishna.
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.6.57-60 - It is essential that every human being hear about and preach the message of Srimad Bhagavatam (...srotavyah kirtitavyas ca smartavyo bhagavan nrnam).
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 5 – BG2.26
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 5 – BG2.26
BG 2.26: If, however, you think that the soul [or the symptoms of life] is always born and dies forever, you still have no reason to lament, O mighty-armed.BG 2.26: Et même si tu crois l'âme sans fin reprise par la naissance et la mort, tu n'as nulle raison de t'affliger, ô Arjuna aux-bras-puissants.
BG 2.26: Sin embargo, si crees que el alma [o el conjunto de las señales de vida] nace siempre y muere para siempre, aun así no tienes por qué lamentarte, ¡oh, tú, el de los poderosos brazos!
Bhagavad Gita Overview 5 - BG2.26 1996-07-06
Seminar - Bhagavad Gita Overview 5 - BG2.26 1996-07-06 Radhadesh
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 5 – BG2.26
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 3 – BG1.44–BG2.6
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 3 – BG1.44–BG2.6
BG 1.44: Alas, how strange it is that we are preparing to commit greatly sinful acts. Driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness, we are intent on killing our own kinsmen.
BG 1.45: Better for me if the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, weapons in hand, were to kill me unarmed and unresisting on the battlefield.
BG 1.46: Sañjaya said: Arjuna, having thus spoken on the battlefield, cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down on the chariot, his mind overwhelmed with grief.
BG 1.44: ¡Ay de mí!, ¡cuán extraño es que nos estemos disponiendo a cometer grandes actos pecaminosos! Llevados por el deseo de disfrutar de felicidad imperial, estamos decididos a matar a nuestros propios parientes.
BG 1.45: Para mí sería mejor que los hijos de Dhṛtarāṣṭra, armas en mano, me mataran en el campo de batalla, desarmado y sin ofrecer resistencia.
BG 1.46: Sañjaya dijo: Arjuna, habiendo hablado así en el campo de batalla, echó a un lado su arco y sus flechas, y, con la mente presa de dolor, se sentó en la cuadriga.
BG 1.44: Hélas, par soif des plaisirs de la royauté, n'est-il pas étrange que nous nous apprêtions maintenant à commettre de si grands crimes?
BG 1.45: Mieux vaut mourir de la main des fils de Dhṛtarāṣṭra, sans armes et sans faire de résistance, que de lutter contre eux.
BG 1.46: Sanjaya dit: Ayant ainsi parlé sur le champ de bataille, Arjuna laisse choir son arc et ses flèches; il s'assoit sur son char, accablé de douleur.
Bhagavad Gita Overview 3 - BG1.44--BG2.6 1996-07-06
Seminar - Bhagavad Gita Overview 3 - BG1.44--BG2.6 1996-07-06 Radhadesh
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 3 – BG1.44–BG2.6
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 2- BG1.9–BG1.43
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 2- BG1.9–BG1.43
BG 1.9: There are many other heroes who are prepared to lay down their lives for my sake. All of them are well equipped with different kinds of weapons, and all are experienced in military science.
BG 1.10: Our strength is immeasurable, and we are perfectly protected by Grandfather Bhīṣma, whereas the strength of the Pāṇḍavas, carefully protected by Bhīma, is limited.
BG 1.11: All of you must now give full support to Grandfather Bhīṣma, as you stand at your respective strategic points of entrance into the phalanx of the army.
BG 1.12: Then Bhīṣma, the great valiant grandsire of the Kuru dynasty, the grandfather of the fighters, blew his conchshell very loudly, making a sound like the roar of a lion, giving Duryodhana joy.
BG 1.9: Hay muchos otros héroes que están dispuestos a dar la vida por mí. Todos ellos están bien equipados con diversas clases de armas, y todos tienen experiencia en la ciencia militar.
BG 1.10: Nuestro poderío es inconmensurable y estamos perfectamente protegidos por el abuelo Bhīṣma, mientras que la fuerza de los Pāṇḍavas, cuidadosamente protegida por Bhīma, es limitada.
BG 1.11: Todos ustedes, desde sus respectivos puntos estratégicos de entrada a la falange del ejército, deben ahora darle todo su apoyo al abuelo Bhīṣma.
BG 1.12: Entonces, Bhīṣma, el magno y valiente patriarca de la dinastía Kuru, el abuelo de los guerreros, hizo sonar su caracola muy estruendosamente, produciendo un sonido como el del rugido de un león y causándole placer a Duryodhana.
BG 1.9: "Et nombre d'autres héros encore sont prêts à sacrifier leur vie pour moi, tous bien armés, tous maîtres dans l'art de la guerre.
BG 1.10: "On ne peut mesurer nos forces, que protège parfaitement Bhīṣma, l'ancien, tandis que les forces des Pāṇḍavas sont limitées, puisqu'elles n'ont pour les défendre que les soins de Bhīma.
BG 1.11: "Maintenant, vous tous, de vos positions respectives, apportez toute votre aide au vieux maître Bhīṣma."
BG 1.12: A cet instant, Bhīṣma, le grand et vaillant aïeul de la dynastie des Kurus, père des combattants, souffle très fort dans sa conque, qui résonne comme le rugissement d'un lion, réjouissant le coeur de Duryodhana.
Bhagavad Gita Overview 2- BG1.9--BG1.43 1996-07-06
Seminar - Bhagavad Gita Overview 2- BG1.9--BG1.43 1996-07-06 Radhadesh
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 2- BG1.9–BG1.43
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 1 – Introduction–BG 1.8
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 1 – Introduction–BG 1.8
BG 1.8: There are personalities like you, Bhīṣma, Karṇa, Kṛpa, Aśvatthāmā, Vikarṇa and the son of Somadatta called Bhūriśravā, who are always victorious in battle.BG 1.8: "Ce sont des hommes de guerre renommés pour avoir, comme toi, obtenu la victoire dans tous leurs combats: Bhīṣma, Karṇa, Kṛpa, Aśvatthāmā, Vikarṇa et Bhūriśravā, le fils de Somadatta.
BG 1.8: Hay personalidades tales como tú, Bhīṣma, Karṇa, Kṛpa, Aśvatthāmā, Vikarṇa y el hijo de Somadatta llamado Bhūriśravā, todos los cuales triunfan siempre en la batalla.
Bhagavad Gita Overview 1 - Introduction--BG 1.8 1996-07-06
Seminar - Bhagavad Gita Overview 1 - Introduction--BG 1.8 1996-07-06 Radhadesh
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Seminar – Bhagavad Gita Overview 1 – Introduction–BG 1.8
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Queen's Birthday Weekend Retreat
Celebrate your Queen's Birthday holiday weekend by joining us at Hare Krishna Valley.
Bhurijan Prabhu and Mother Jagattarini will facilitate a congregational retreat beginning 6pm. Friday June the 10th. and concluding 12 noon Monday June the 13th.
Retreat fees are $265 per couple, $165 per adult, $125 concession, $35 per child & $25 per day-visitor per day.
To register please contact Keshava das on 0405-577-453. Registrations close on Thursday June the 2nd. (including participants staying off-farm). No late registrations will be accepted.
Hope to see you there!
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Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Badrinarayan Prabhu - Lecture - Lean to Krishna - Sunday Feast
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Badrinarayan Prabhu - Lecture - Lean to Krishna - Sunday Feast
Sunday Feast Lecture titled "Lean to Krishna" given by Badrinarayan Prabhu.
This series of lectures was given during the 2011 TP/GBC Meetings held here in Dallas.
Dallas, TX
2011-01-30• Email to a friend • •
New Vrindavan, USA: 48-Day Nrisimha Yajna at New Vrindaban
On Sunday, May 1, over 40 people attended the inauguration of a 48-day Nrsimha Yajna by a fire sacrifice conducted by Ananda Tirtha Prabhu “The sankalpa or intent of this yajna is to beseech Lord Nrsimhadeva to facilitate opening the full potential of New Vrindaban Dham,” said Jaya Krsna dasa, Community President of New Vrindaban. “We are ask Lord Nrsimhadev’s mercy in clearing away the residue remaining in the dham from the past, assisting the devotees in healing from the past, and creating an atmosphere of protection and auspiciousness in the dham.”
For the next 48 days, a prayer (see below) will be read before the Nrsimha arati both in the morning and evening. Furthermore, the Nrsimha Kavacha Mantra will be played 24 hours daily at the Yajna Shala (between the temple and Govinda’s Snack Bar). Finally, Jaya Krsna is asking all community members to pray for five minutes daily during this yajna for opening the full potential of New Vrindaban Dham. The 48-day yajna will conclude with a fire sacrifice during the 24-hour kirtan on Saturday, June 18.
“I am also arranging for a physical cleaning of the dham as part of the yajna,” said Jaya Krsna. “I have asked Arya-siddhanta dasa, the Vice President for Temple Services, to organize a maha-cleaning of the temple room this coming week.” Later in the month, Arya-siddhanta will organize a maha-cleaning of the entire temple building. In addition, devotees will be responsible for cleaning their rooms and offices in the temple.
After the temple building is clean, Jaya Krsna will focus on the grounds. “The first area is the back of the temple behind the kitchen and the woods between the school to the creek,” explained Jaya Krsna. “There are, of course, other outdoor areas to be cleaned up. I will make a list of those areas in due course of time.”
Please participate in this 48-day yajna and help create an atmosphere of auspiciousness in New Vrindaban. You can participate by attending Nrsimha arati, praying privately, attending the closing fire sacrifice, helping with the maha-clean ups, and/or by cleaning away clutter in your own personal space.
Prayer Offered to Lord Nrsimahadev Before Morning and Evening Nrsimha arati
We offer our respectful obeisances unto Lord Nrsimhadeva, the source of all power. O Lord who possesses nails and teeth just like thunderbolts, kindly cleanse ourselves and the atmosphere in the Holy Dham, help us to let go of all the past influences so that we are able to render pleasing service to You, the devotees and pilgrims.• Email to a friend • •
Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Before & After : Brooke’s DIY Sunny Patchwork Laundry Room
What better room to decorate in calico and gingham than the laundry room? Doing laundry is such a drag, but given the right environment, I could change my mind. Check out this vivid example of a white paint makeover on builder’s grade oak cabinets. It may, however, surprise you to learn that when Brooke first took on her Boulder laundry room, the inspiration was at the tip of her toes…
Before she even considered painting her ugly but solid oak cabinets white, Brooke fell in love with these colorful cement Cuban tiles. Instead of picking just one design, she went patchwork crazy for the whole lot. Although the flooring has the appearance of a random effect, the tile layout was carefully selected with the help of a designer. That, however, is where the professional help ended. Brooke DIY’ed the entire job, soaking the tiles in water, as per installation instructions, before applying two coats of sealant. After grouting, Brooke applied a final coat of sealer and then waxed and buffed the entire floor.
Once her dreamed tile was installed, she says:
“I wasn’t as delighted as I’d thought I’d be, and it was that seriously sad builder’s grade oak cabs which were bringing me down. So I lightly sanded them, primed and painted. And painted. And painted — three coats! I was ticked — I mean, three coats for a laundry room? But I did it. They’re in BM’s Calming Cream, high gloss, which is the color and finish used on trim throughout (most of) the house.”
After putting so much effort into the laundry room flooring and cabinetry, Brooke was inspired by an old yet memorable episode of BBC America’s “Changing Rooms.” She remembers that episode clearly:
“It’s the Peckham episode where Linda Barker did a nursery and painted a huge gingham effect on the wall. I LOVED it. So that’s what I wanted to do in the laundry. Do you know how much work that is? I didn’t! Going around, measuring every five inches horizontally and vertically, and then using that farchadat chalk line. Hate it! It’s messy and you have to really, really wipe it up before painting. If you look closely as the first section I did it doesn’t look great but live and learn.”
With so much effort expended on the floor, cabinets and walls, Brooke took her design to the top and tackled the ceiling. She switched out the large fluorescent fixture that was efficient but an eyesore. Her partner hung up an old white floral chandelier that the couple brought with them from their former house in California. Obviously not one to shy from bold design statements, Brooke painted the ceiling a beautiful and happy golden tangerine (BM Oxford Gold in semi-gloss and the walls in the same Calming Cream but in an eggshell finish). Not everyone is courageous enough to go non-white on the ceiling. Brooke wins the Braonze Star for bravery by not only painting her ceiling a vibrant color, but choosing a semi-gloss finish.
Here’s a final shot of what inspired this massive laundry room overhaul. Brooke says:
“I also bought plain 13″ square cheapo tiles at Lowe’s to go under the washer and dryer. If anyone’s interested, the [Cuban] tiles are from Villa Lagoon Tiles. The owner, Lundy, is my new best friend — she is helpful and fun.”
After checking out the tile shop online, I was surprised to see the price of these beautiful handmade tiles. While not cheap, their price is not necessarily a deal-breaker.
Thank you so much, Brooke, for sharing your unique laundry space–the perfect place to show off your brights!
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Dandavats.com: Queen’s Day in Amsterdam 30 April 2011
Parasuram das: HH Sacinananda Swami and Kadamba Kanana Swami were there on Harinam with hundreds of devotees chanting in ecstasy, and you know I didn't film any of that :)
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011
Hari Sauri das, Mayapura, IN: 2011 tour Malaysia – Telok Intan
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