----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 8:22 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 39 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 39 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 7 April 2011--Qualify Yourself to See God--and--Can We Serve More Than One Master?
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhanu Swami
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Kurma dasa, AU: A Real Tart
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, April 4th, 2011
- Japa Group: He Could Relish Spiritual Bliss
- Mukunda Charan das, SA: Thoughts On Dying
- Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Welcome to the South India Yatra
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Dress to please Krsna
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Love for Krsna and for family
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Dress to please Krsna
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Dress to please Krsna
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dandakrta dasa introduces us to Bhakta Abhaya who is wrestling with others to take the dust of their feet. What should be done?
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: We'll Be Chanting at the Total Health Show this Sunday (10am)!!
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- 3D Temple Project, Cyberspace: Yes, We’re Still Going!
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 272—Poem for April 6
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
- Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: Nine Devotions - Our Own Understanding Strengthened
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Solar Or Nuclear?
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Even the GBC could not figure this one out..
- Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: Marriage and Family (Part 2/2). Lecture by Matsya Avatar dasa (Marco Ferrini), dated May 13th, 2008
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Alex - 13/26
- Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Kirtan–Dancing with the Devil
- Bhakta Eric, Seattle, USA: Update on Books for Sale!
- New Vrndavan, USA: 2011 Festival of Inspiration May 6th, 7th, and 8th
- Mayapur Online: Services Available in JPS Office
- Dandavats.com: Zee News Special Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival Broadcast videos if you missed…
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Gouranga TV: 2011 Gaura-purnima Harinama Budapest
- Japa Group: The Holy Name Is Krishna Himself
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 7 April 2011--Qualify Yourself to See God--and--Can We Serve More Than One Master?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Thursday 7 April 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Qualify Yourself to See God Uploaded from Sri Vrindavan Dhama It is not difficult to see God provided you have the qualification. What is that qualification? To be a pure lover of God. In other words when you have nothing to take from God and you only want to give to God, that is when He will reveal Himself to you. This means that there is nothing more important, more valuable, or more essential than developing your pure love for God. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Can We Serve More Than One Master? Can we serve more than one master and not be hurting our spiritual growth? I belong to SGI, a Buddhist group, a Christian church and am now chanting Hare Krishna/Rama and Om namah Shivaya. I am also chanting Christian and Buddhist chants twice daily. Master, am I only canceling one another, or can I believe in more than one master and serve them all/one? Joe Answer: Water the Root of the Tree If you will simply water the root of the tree, all the leaves and branches will be nourished. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=714185709 Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhanu Swami
Daily Class - Bhanu Swami - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.33
Even if a dog-eater performs bhakti sincerely he achieves the highest perfection (aho bata sva-paco 'to gariyan...)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
[ 9.4MB ]
Daily Class - Bhanu Swami - Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.33
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.3.33 - Even if a dog-eater performs bhakti sincerely he achieves the highest perfection (aho bata sva-paco 'to gariyan...)
SB 12.3.33: The brahmacārīs will fail to execute their vows and become generally unclean, the householders will become beggars, the vānaprasthas will live in the villages, and the sannyāsīs will become greedy for wealth.
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Look at SS Jagannatha and Balarama turbans! Simply majestic aren't they?
And those of SS Gaura Nitai as well!
See the nice gopi-chandana patterns on SS Radha Krishna!
And SS Radha Ballabha's garlands... and those of chota Gaura Nitai!
The dedicated devotees of Their Lordships really put all their hearts into serving Them so expertly.
We are so fortunate to witness such devotion everyday and so fortunate to have the darsana of the residents of the spiritual world everyday.
Praise the Lord incessantly for our utmost good fortune...
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Kurma dasa, AU: A Real Tart
Winter is approaching here in the Great Southern Land. Some stoned-fruits still linger on, but not for much longer.
Plum season in Australia yields a myriad varieties that stay on well after apricots make their brief entrance and exit, nectarines come and go, and all manner of peaches appear and disappear. There are so many varieties of plums that I never get a chance to try them all.
I don't know what these were, but they sure made a nice tart. A pyrex pie dish was lined with puff pastry. I then sprinkled on a mixture of freshly-ground almonds, sugar and flour, then a layer of ripe plums cut in half and pitted. The nut-sugar-flour layer soaked up the gushing plum juice quite nicely, and made a sort of marzipan-like layer between pastry and fruit.
I baked the tart then decided to paint the tart with a generous sloshing of Kosher vegetarian strawberry jelly mixture (based on agar-agar) that I made up with one-quarter the recommended amount of water. This made a glistening glaze and added to the already wonderful flavour.
Though the photo above is overexposed, contemplation on it will still yield the usual attachment and lust, and no doubt many tarts will soon enter many ovens worldwide.
So there. Of course this particular tart is now just a memory. As Bhagavad-gita says "The non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress is like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons". And, may I add, of tarts.
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H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Monday, April 4th, 2011
Some Students
Toronto, Ontario
Isn't it profound that when you allow something so subtle into your life, something spiritual and light that you become more grounded, more stable?
Such was our message to a group of students form George Brown College who came as part of their training in the hospitality and nursing field. Their curriculum includes becoming acquainted with people of different cultural diversities. Our temple was chosen as one of their destinations.
As I was making my presentation I had a young brahmachari monk right next to me. I addressed the group saying, "If this young man in his robes comes to your restaurant or if he happens to be your patient, he will not want onions on his plate, he'll avoid garlic, meat, fish and eggs. In addition to that just to let you know he won't be ordering whiskey or any such thing. He's clean. He doesn't gamble. And one day he just may get married and organize a family planning program."
At the last remark he blushed a little displaying a wholesome degree of bashfulness. I asked him if he would follow me, the maestro, in kirtan chanting. He enthusiastically picked up his mrdunga drum and holding as if carefully handling a baby, started to tap it proceeded to expertly play it. The group responded to his percussion and to my chanting.
They seemed sublime and it seemed they understood that the lightness of chanting, the ultimate in spiritual expression, provides a kind of groundedness. It makes you feel safe.
Once the group departed, went for their coats and gethered to fetch their shoes and expressed their appreciations, I then left the building too - for a walk, of course, catching spring air and doing my legs a favour.
It felt great! I felt light and grounded!
7 KM• Email to a friend ••
Japa Group: He Could Relish Spiritual Bliss
In the material world, if one engages in chanting a material name, he will feel tired after chanting a few times. However, one can chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra all day and night and never feel tired. As chanting is increased, it will come out new and fresh. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī said that if he could somehow get millions of ears and tongues, then he could relish spiritual bliss by chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra.• Email to a friend ••
Mukunda Charan das, SA: Thoughts On Dying
I remember reading a copy of the Bardo Thodol (The Tibetan Book Of The Living And The Dead) when I was at University of Cape Town. I thought it would be an exciting read but actually found this Buddhist scripture quite boring – especially the detailed philosophical passages and Sanskrit terminology. The thing that struck me, however – and still does – about The Tibetan Book Of The Living And The Dead, is the idea that the state of your mind at the moment of death determines the quality of your life after this present life. This doctrine was supported by the concept of a subtle body which remains with the soul after the demise of the gross physical body.
Why would a nice Catholic boy be so convinced by eastern philosophy? Firstly, I vaguely accepted the concept of reincarnation ie. the soul accepts new bodies so long as it has not attained spiritual perfection and harbours material desires. And, secondly, I also held the view, which all religions do – that our consciousness and the way we conduct ourselves in this life – has an impact on our state of existence in the afterlife. I could not, however, integrate the concept of an either/or Judeo-Christian theological understanding into my own existentially underdeveloped world-view.
Reincarnation made sense to me because it gave me power over my own destiny, by dint of proper use of free will. Why would a loving God consign his beloved children to hell eternally for sinning on earth during a fractionally limited period of time? Why should salvation be limited to one lifetime? And why should salvation be limited to one saviour or one religion? If you accept Jesus in your life, you go to heaven; if you don’t, you go to hell. I just couldn’t accept such dogma.
The Vedas teach us to take responsibility for our lives. This is an integral part of sanatana-dharma (eternal religion) or Hindu dharma. In order to overcome the Wheel of Samsara (repeated birth and death), we should develop spiritual consciousness – the same pure consciousness of the Spiritual World. It makes sense that we can only live in the Spiritual World when we have the same quality of the Spiritual World. Therefore the Vedas teach – ante narayana smriti, or ‘remember Narayana at the time of death.’ This philosophy is corroborated in the Bhagavad-gita: yam yam vapi smaran bhavam/ tyajaty ante kalevaram/ tam tam evaiti kaunteya/ sada tad-bhava-bhavitah – ‘Whatever state of being one remembers when he quits his body, O son of Kunti, that state he will attain without fail‘.
If you are thinking of Krishna (Narayana or God) at the time of death, you will attain His abode: janma karma ca me divyam/ evam yo vetti tattvatah/ tyaktva deham punar janma/ naiti mam eti so ‘rjuna – ‘One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.’ The impersonal and voidist Buddhist teachings of the Bardo Thodol consider it perfection, or nirvana, to become nothing – to be freed of gross and subtle and spiritual forms. The Gita, however, teaches us that it is possible to attain to an eternally blissful spiritual form in the Kingdom of God simply by remembering Krishna at the time of death. The Bhagavata Purana documents the success of the great devotee-king Maharaja Parikisit at the time of death. Maharaja Parikisit was the world-ruler. Cursed to die in seven days, he gave up his kingdom in order to fix his mind on the Lord at the time of death – which he managed to do.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada writes in Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1.18.4 purport: ‘Thus a submissive disciple is able to live transcendentally and continue to the end of life. By scientific adaptation, one is able to remember the Lord even at the end of life, when the power of remembrance is slackened due to derangement of bodily membranes. For a common man, it is very difficult to remember things as they are at the time of death, but by the grace of the Lord and His bona fide devotees, the spiritual masters, one can get this opportunity without difficulty. And it was done in the case of Maharaja Parikisit.’
Filed under: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Spiritual Life, Srimad Bhagavatam Tagged: bhagavat dharma, bhagavata purana, eastern philosophy, Hindu dharma, postaweek2011, sanatana dharma, the art of dying, thoughts on dying, tibetan book of the living and the dead![]()
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Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Welcome to the South India Yatra
Once again I have forgotten to eat and sleep for days and I am glued to my computer - specifically my video editing program. I stayed up until 3am last night working on this video on the South India Yatra. Sometimes when a project consumes me, it consumes me. I am now utterly absorbed in the world of South India, the stunning beauty of the devotees on the Yatra, and the magic of listening to my beloved spiritual master.
I am such a novice, but I now offer this humble video to you with a grateful heart.
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Bhakti Lata, Alachua, USA: Welcome to the South India Yatra
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Dress to please Krsna
> Guru Maharaj, I shared the below mail sent by you with one of my friends. > After reading this he showed me a verse and purport from *Srimad > Bhagavatam 7.13.9* which is contradicting with the conversation below. I > wanted to ask your holiness how to understand these two things.
You are more likely to get a reply if you quote the exact part of the verse and purport which you find to be contradictory and explain why you think it is contradictory.
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Love for Krsna and for family
Urmila devi dasi: In that meeting my son was sitting on my lap, and Prabhupada was talking to my father about Krsna, and Prabhupada looked at me and said "Just like this mother is loving her son without any expectation of return, in the same way you should love Krsna." And my father said "Will loving her son help her to love Krsna?" Prabhupada said "No. Loving Krsna will help her to love her son." And even now I hear many devotees saying things like the way you love your family members will help you understand love for Krsna, but that was not what Prabhupada said. He said "No, you have to do it the other way." He said, "If you eat good food you will have good eyesight, but if you put the food in your eye you will become blind."
Memories of Srila Prabhupada, DVD 51.
(Available from www.prabhupadamemories.com)
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Dress to please Krsna
> Guru Maharaj, I shared the below mail sent by you with one of my friends. > After reading this he showed me a verse and purport from *Srimad > Bhagavatam 7.13.9* which is contradicting with the conversation below. I > wanted to ask your holiness how to understand these two things.
You are more likely to get a reply if you quote the exact part of the verse and purport which you find to be contradictory and explain why you think it is contradictory.
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Dress to please Krsna
> Guru Maharaj, I shared the below mail sent by you with one of my friends. > After reading this he showed me a verse and purport from *Srimad > Bhagavatam 7.13.9* which is contradicting with the conversation below. I > wanted to ask your holiness how to understand these two things.
You are more likely to get a reply if you quote the exact part of the verse and purport which you find to be contradictory and explain why you think it is contradictory.
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dandakrta dasa introduces us to Bhakta Abhaya who is wrestling with others to take the dust of their feet. What should be done?
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dandakrta dasa introduces us to Bhakta Abhaya who is wrestling with others to take the dust of their feet. What should be done?
Dandakrta dasa introduces us to Bhakta Abhaya who is wrestling with others to take the dust of their feet. What should be done?
April 6th, 2011
[ 9:42 ]
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Dandakrta dasa introduces us to Bhakta Abhaya who is wrestling with others to take the dust of their feet. What should be done?
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Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 April 6:"Yesterday I saw two pictures of modern abstract arts. There was nothing to impel my Krishna Consciousness. So, if you want to be a great artist in that way, I will pray that Krishna may save you."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: We'll Be Chanting at the Total Health Show this Sunday (10am)!!
We're excited to share that we'll be chanting at the Total Health Show this weekend at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. We hope you can join us on Sunday, April 10th from 10:00am to 11:00am at the Spa Stage.
The show actually opens at 10:00am, so we're anticipating a smaller crowd at the stages. We hope our fellow kirtan-lovers can come out and join us to send out some positive, spiritually-soaked vibes at the Covention Centre this weekend! Hope to see you there!• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 April 6: "So far Allen Ginsberg and Denise Levertov's study of Bhagavad-gita is concerned, that is completely nil. Their appreciations are nonsense but if you and MacMillan think they will actually increase the sale of the book, then never mind, you can add their appreciation."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 April 6: "I accept your invitation and I may stay no more than four or five days each in Paris, Geneva, Stockholm and Rome, and then to Germany at three or four centers there also. Then I must go to Australia returning to India for Janmastami."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974• Email to a friend ••
3D Temple Project, Cyberspace: Yes, We’re Still Going!
Delayed a bit, I will admit. However the show must go on! The Altar is completed, with some of the outside done. Here’s a sneak peak!
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 272—Poem for April 6
4:59 A.M.
A Writer of Pieces
New format—I will begin with a poem written on the day of its printing. Then I will print random excerpts of books I have printed over the last 30 years. I hope this variety will be pleasing.
Poem for April 6
My poems are not like his
daring, incomprehensible, but straightforward
placed at Krishna’s lotus feet like all
the plain, transcendental poems of Tukaram
to Lord Vitthal in the temple. Godhead
Deity, Deity of reciprocation moving
when you offer Him incense, it’s like
a photograph developing. He comes
out and shows Himself, and you
bow down and offer yourself
as He asks us to do in Bhagavad-gita.Offer your homage to Me and worship
Me, become My devotee and you
come to Me. I told Narayana
I don’t want pressure to meet
a swami or go to India.
I’m satisfied offering
homage to Radha-Govinda
here settled in for a
lifetime.He said, “You’ve got
my back.” That was
good to hear, said, “I have
exchanged with devotees
sufficiently, and they can
find me by just pushing
a few buttons on the
Internet or by reading a recent
book.He said something I wrote
affected him: chanting
rapidly on your beads but
holding on to each one before
going to the next. I tried to
offer help by sharing my sadhana with the world.
This is another straightforward
dandavats to Lord Krishna and Prabhupada.
As I bow
down you can do it with
me and receive benefit
of surrender to God.
It’s what he asks us in the
concluding verse and we
repeat it here, bending
our limbs vigorously
with no pain,
grateful for the
dispensation.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
From Begging for the Nectar of the Holy Name (1992)
“This is writing time. In the backyard, I hold a notepad down with two hands against the buffeting winds. Speaking of moods and hourly rhythms, I am feeling a bit dull. The goal is far away. I feel fragile now. Maybe a headache is coming. I have to give a class tonight at 5:00 P.M., the last of the warm-ups for next week’s seminar.
“I have been largely undisturbed here, able to push my counter beads day after day, but I can see what the sastras mean when they say one can go on chanting for many lives without attaining the goal. If one has even a smell of worldly desires while chanting, then Krishna-prema cannot enter. One chants Hare Krishna in the pure state and then enters the ocean of remembrance of Radha-Krishna pastimes. ‘Hare,’ ‘Krishna,’ and ‘Rama’ remind one of how Krishna steals Radhika’s heart by His beauty and qualities and flute-playing—and takes Her to Govinda-sthala or Seva-kunja or Vamsivata. And when a pure devotee chants ‘Hara,’ he thinks how Krishna, although the Supreme Controller, is captivated by Radharani’s beauty, Her pure devotion, youthful grace and contrariness—and She steals Krishna’s mind, taking Him to Radha-kunda.
“Don’t keep saying, ‘Here’s the sweet thing, and I can’t have it because I’m a wretch.’ It may be depressing. One temple leader refused to recite the ten offenses in the morning because he said, ‘It sounds too negative. Don’t do this, don’t do that.’ So we want positive hope. But we can’t bluff or cheat our way into suddha-nama.
“I didn’t reach the first profound stage of deep regret. I see my complaints as too negative. I’m like a new-age psychologist who doesn’t want ‘bad vibes.’ ‘Don’t be so down on yourself, man.’ I say I’m willing to go down the road of remorse, yet it’s not open to me.
“It seems too late now—with three more days—to break open my japa into some new stage. The grace has to descend from the authorized devotees down to me. That includes an experience of genuine regret—the kind expressed by Narottama dasa Thakura, that I have wasted my life because I have not worshiped Radha and Krishna and do not serve Their devotees. I am hard-hearted and selfish.
“Writing these lines amid the grass and yellow wildflowers, sitting on an uncomfortable wooden chair. To chant, Rupa Gosvami says, ‘Be in Vrndavana.’ But here I am in Italy, where a lamb is bleating and the brown hills are starting to show long lines of tiny green crops coming through. There are flies here, just as in India, and they are light on the page. The same one sun, eye of God, shines bright in a southern European clime. I am here for ‘preaching.’ Even in India I’ll be outside the holy dhama.
“Krishna’s places are hidden to all except His unalloyed devotees. Their names are sacred. In the morning, I take two drops of Radha-kunda on my forehead and lips. I say, ‘Govardhana, Yamuna, Nandagram, Sanket, I offer my obeisances unto you.’
“Srila Prabhupada left Vrndavana because he had a message from his spiritual master to give to the West; he was duty-bound. Therefore, despite all the inconveniences and risks, in his old age he traveled to and lived in New York City. He told Dr. Misra’s yoga students, ‘If I stayed in Vrndavana, I’d be perfectly comfortable. No anxiety, nothing of the sort.’ And he said, ‘I am in New York City, the greatest city in the world, but my heart hankers after that Vrndavana. I am not happy here. I wish to be in Vrndavana.’
“I heard that a lady living in the Washington, D.C. area decorated her apartment so that it was ‘just like Vrndavana.’ She worships Radha-Krishna Deities there. I have a few pictures of Vrndavana.
“I don’t want self-pity. But it’s a pity we don’t chant like lovers of Krishna and Radha. That’s rare, and even to talk so much about it as I do is perhaps not so good. People may get the idea I am indirectly showing off—as if I am a special bhakta, whereas actually I’m a dope. (Sorry.) So better to be silent, and even if you have a stirring (like a spring bud, tight) of inclination towards Vraja—which I doubt you have, because with you it’s mostly just talk—but in any case better to be silent. But I talk. And that’s shadow greed.
“How can a pen-man be silent? It’s his nature to talk his head off, remember Srila Prabhupada joking how he asked a young man, “Where were you?”
“He said, ‘I went to see a yogi, and it was very profound.’
“Prabhupada asked, ‘What did he speak?’
“‘Oh, he spoke for three hours on nothing.’
“Srila Prabhupada joked, ‘He spent his three hours just to hear zero?’ So how can I write zero, nothing? Give me a break. I have to say something, even if it’s slightly lawless whispering of what I am not eligible yet to know. I have to maintain some hope.
“The topic of my warm-up class tonight was ‘Your Prabhupada.’ I wanted to convey that each one of us has a unique relationship with Prabhupada. I offered many examples of different ways to approach Prabhupada, but something was lacking. Since this class was just a rehearsal, I stopped in mid-sentence and said, ‘What I want to say here is that there is something wonderful and alive for all of us in relationship with Prabhupada. We should all take advantage of it and reach forward to claim it.’ Madhu replied, ‘Why don’t you say that? Say it just like that.’
“It then occurred to me that my own presentation of Prabhupada is not so alive because of my personal lackings. I have to pray to Prabhupada before I give such classes. This is also connected to my lackings in chanting. So many things in my sadhana need overhauling, not only japa. One of the most important things of all is to have an enthusiastic, non-deadened relationship with Srila Prabhupada.”
From Prabhhupada Meditations, Volume II
Prabhupada: The Strength Within Us“In order to stay in touch with Prabhupada, we can’t be dead. We have to be active and reciprocate. However, there are some things that Prabhupada instigates himself. There is a spiritual strength, a faithfulness that I feel, which I know is from Prabhupada. It is almost like a growth of some kind, and it has its own existence and its own strength. According to sastra this is the bhakti-lata, the devotional creeper. In Prabhupada Meditations, we are mostly seeking his presence by actual memories, which we try to see and feel and touch. What I’m trying to describe now is not less tangible, although it is not exactly a Prabhupada-lila. It is Prabhupada being with us in an important way.
“For example, when I hear skeptical talk against Krishna, there are certain responses of faithfulness that are within my power, in my consciousness and intellect, and so I reply with those. Sometimes I may become overwhelmed by opposition or distractions, but nevertheless there is this supply of strength that keeps coming from being a disciple of Prabhupada. We speak of causeless mercy. Krishna and Prabhupada have claimed us, and in a sense we can’t get away, because we have sincerely surrendered. As the Bhagavatam says, ‘If you ever sincerely surrender to the lotus feet of the Lord, you can never go completely away, even if you seem to. The Lord will claim you back.’
“Let me try to describe it again. We say we are staying in spiritual life by the blessings of the spiritual master. Sometimes we can actually feel that blessing living within us, in addition to our own meager resources, and in addition to what we are as persons. It is part of you, but you know where it comes from: from Prabhupada. One should use this strength courageously, and fight on the basis of knowing it is there. Krishna says His devotee will not be vanquished: kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhakta pranasyati. So one should think, ‘I am a follower of Prabhupada. His sakti is in me. I can sense it. I needn’t be afraid. I can go anywhere and preach; he will protect me.’
“Maybe this is what the Vaisnavas are expressing in their poetry when they say, ‘By the blessings of the guru, the blind man can see the stars in the sky, the lame man can cross mountains, and the dumb man can speak like a great orator.’ It is the sense of being empowered by the spiritual master. Devotees can witness these connections and speak of them, and glorify the fact that Prabhupada lives within us.
“It can also be said that as we get attached to Srila Prabhupada, there is a tendency to weaken in other relationships, especially material ones. If family ties are material, then they tend to weaken.
“The more you become Prabhupada’s disciple, the less you become interested in other things that are not connected to Krishna. You also develop friendships with those who are Prabhupada’s followers.
“In my case I did not know of Krishna except for the painting on the cover of Prabhavananda Swami’s Bhagavad-gita. I thought He was some mythical figure. But by meeting Swamiji on the Lower East Side, I began to know of my relationship with Krishna, starting with hearing about Him. And that has grown to the stage where I now identify Krishna as God, the God whom I understood in my childhood, the Supreme Being, the Creator, the God of religion, and so on. As you make further progress, you begin to understand Krishna as Krishna. He becomes part of yourself, just as Prabhupada does. Even if you neglect the attachment, He is still there, and He acts from His side, and that is a wonderful thing.
“The Prabhupada connection is tangible and strong. By his strength you maintain yourself in spiritual life. If you haven’t fallen down from the four rules, it is because he is protecting you, you should be able to perceive where the strength is coming from. ‘O Gurudeva, Your mercy is all that I am made of.’ As I perceive it I am grateful, and I promise—with feelings of regret at having failed so far—to protect and reciprocate with Prabhupada’s presence, request him to stay always, and especially as you go over the bridge from here to the next life.”
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Gaura-shakti Kirtan, Toronto, CA: Nine Devotions - Our Own Understanding Strengthened
Gaura Shakti had a great opportunity to assist Bhaktimarga Swami (www.thewalkingmonk.org) in his world famous workshop "Nine Devotions of Bhakti Yoga". Even though it is impossible to describe the experience in mere words, this is a humble attempt... to really know what I am talking about, find out about when the workshop will be held next, and BE THERE!
In these workshops, Bhaktimarga Swami leads participants in an interactive personal journey through the nine processes of devotional service. The journey brings out interpersonal dynamics and is very inspiring. Each workshop is unique, owing to the composition of the participants. The origins of these processes of devotional service go back to thousands, even millions of years. They are described by a 5 year old prince, Prahlada, who heard them from his teacher Narada while still in the mother's womb! This episode is described in vivid detail in the pre-eminent historical treatise by Veda Vyasa, put into writing 5000 years ago, a masterly epic called Srimad Bhagavatam.
To sit at the feet of such a master and learn and see how the complex is made simple, how the esoteric is explained in easily understood terms, how the abstract is related back to tangible personal experience, was a rare treat.
Most members of Gaura Shakti had an opportunity to participate twice. Once in Richmond Hill Ontario on Friday April 1 2011, and in Hamilton Ontario on Sunday April 3 2011.
What an opportunity! Hearts melted, inhibitions broke down, strangers became friends, everyone became ecstatic... joy reigned supreme.
The quality of Kirtan is determined by consciousness... The person leading sets the stage, but each individual participant adds their own energy, their own consciousness to the mix in varying degrees. So every Kirtan is unique. Of course, sometimes the Kirtan itself may be wonderful, but one's consciousness may bar one from participating. The barriers are subtle, and most are internal. Krishna is always present in His Names. But, just as a blind man surrounded by sunshine may not be able to see a single ray, a person with a blocked consciousness may not feel Krishna's presence.
The workshop set the stage for some intense cleansing, some intensely energetic and purified consciousness. Dhira Grahi led the group in ecstatic chanting of tunes that came of years of practice, but the effect of the collective consciousness was magical and the tunes took on a flavor as unique as the individuals that made up the extended group. Of course, the benevolent presence of a saint like Bhaktimarga Swami presiding makes such a Kirtan all the more sweeter.
May the whole world be flooded with the joyful chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna, the Hare Krishna Mahamantra!
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Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1966 April 6: "Dwitiya. Today I took meals at Dr. Mishra's place. He is not happy that I am gradually shifting to Paul's place. Today received one letter from Library of Congress Washington. It is good news. At evening there was meeting. There were seven boys and girls. All attended the meeting carefully. Some of them brought Rice, Atta, and fruits."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1966• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 April 6: "The engagements sound very nice, and especially it is good if they pay us. We are not cheap, we are distributing bona fide process, so for traveling far distance they should especially pay us something."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1968 April 6: "The late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri was very much respectful and he met me three times. He was to help me in so many ways, he was my friend but he died. So far his quotation is concerned, it is on the leaflet with picture on it; the one where he is receiving the Bhagavatam from me."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1968• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 April 6: "By Krsna's and Baladeva's mercy a sweet water well has been found about ten feet away from the front part of our land. This news has pleased me very much. Now build a big well 100 feet deep there and fix a pump. Now that the tamal tree is blooming so nicely you may let it stand; do not cut it down, but let it grow."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 April 6: "We are repeatedly asking everyone to study Bhagavad-gita as it is. There are so many gurus, so many guides but they do not know the aim of life. Don't become learned and interpret differently from Bhagavad-gita. Everything is there." Prabhupada Lectures
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Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: Solar Or Nuclear?
Clean energy to be ‘pillar’ of Japan quake reconstruction: Edano
“Japan’s “grand scheme for reconstruction” after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami of March 11 will include a revision of the country’s overall energy policy and possibly a greater reliance on alternative energies, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said in a press conference carried by public broadcaster NHK.
“Considering the damage inflicted this time, alternative energies will become one of the important pillars [of reconstruction],” Edano said. “[Solar] energy or biofuels, so to speak, clean energy, these will be boosted and beefed up in order to overcome the damage done by this disaster.”…”
“The latest Monthly Energy Review released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) last week shows both nuclear and renewable energy sources provided roughly 11 percent each of primary energy production for the first nine months of 2010 – the latest period for which data is available.
“The EIA report states that renewable energy sources, including biomass/biofuels, solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal contributed 10.9 percent of domestic energy production through the end of September, up 5.7 percent over the same period in 2009. Nuclear energy accounted for 11.4 percent of domestic production – down 0.5 percent from the same period last year…”
Worldwide Annual Solar Cell Production More Than Doubles In 2010
” ‘The solar industry is ready to take responsibility for replacing dangerous nuclear power today,’ says Michael Schmela, editor-in-chief of PHOTON International. “Solar has proven that it can grow fast, it’s getting big and it is already much less expensive than most people think,” he adds.
“To put things into perspective, the 27.2 GW of PV cells produced last year are roughly equal in capacity to 27 typical nuclear reactors. The PV electricity generated annually by these cells would be around 27 terawatt hours (TWh), or 27 billion kilowatt hours (kWh), if they were installed in today’s major solar markets. “Even in a country with as little irradiance as Germany, the leading PV market, this is enough to replace the output of around three nuclear reactors,” says Schmela. “If this year’s PV production plans are realized, the output could not only generate as much electricity as about six nuclear plants in Germany, but it could also completely shave peak power demand during summer days in Italy.”…”
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Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Even the GBC could not figure this one out..
A catchy headline so you can catch some extra Prabhupada nectar :-)
It was summer time when Srila Prabhupada visited our home in Toronto. Srila Prabhupada was accompanied by several devotees including sanyasis and GBC. The room was warm and we had a square green table fan running on the side of Srila Prabhupada near the sofa where Srila Prabhupada was sitting.
The fan was running but Srila Prabhupada was not getting any air. One devotee after another tried to fix it including a GBC or two. However the situation remained the same, Srila Prabhupada was not getting any air. Thus the humurous title "Even the GBC could not figure this one out". Of course Srila Prabhupada was observing all of the activity and after a while Srila Prabhupada commented "ulta he", meaning it is backwards! No one except Srila Prabhupada realized that the fan was backwards and the air was not coming to Srila Prabhupada but rather was going towards everyone trying to fix the fan.
When Srila Prabhupada said "ulta he", laughter broke out and the mistake was quickly corrected and Srila Prabhupada started getting air from the fan.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada's observation!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada's humour!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada's laughter!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada's mercy!
This is the fan! I am leaning on it while my kids, Indresh & Minakshi are talking to Srila Prabhupada.• Email to a friend ••
Matsyavatara das (ACBSP), Italy: Marriage and Family (Part 2/2). Lecture by Matsya Avatar dasa (Marco Ferrini), dated May 13th, 2008
Unfortunately it is proved by several clinic experiences that ideals and values are often neglected in pathological and psychopathic families. A bossy father, for example, may block the evolution of a child for decades because of a violent leadership, likewise an irresponsible parent who wastes time fooling around may induce such negative attitude in the children, producing ill effects, which require efforts, time and suffering to be eradicated.A preliminary, accurate education is essential before even thinking of making a family. Nowadays marriage and divorce are easy targets, but this is not a reason to think it harmless. It shows instead the sign of a degrading society. Although we can appreciate the good sides of modern society, it is also important to see the wrong doings, the stains, the incongruities, the paradox, the abuses: like considering abortion a civil right which is not, as the child is not given the right to live.A proper education is required to get married and live marriage as a real success, lasting through time and in harmony, favouring the evolution of our own and others’ personality. A woman should be given the right education to become a wife and a mother, the same as a man to become a responsible husband able to fulfil his role, giving shelter to his wife and children. Nowadays there are no schools to teach this job, or at least they are very rare. There is a lack of culture on this topic and there are no models or living examples to inspire a correct way of thinking, acting and caring for our affectionate relationships; again, such models are very rare to find.Once again, marriage is not about choosing a man or a woman; it is the choice of a husband or wife in order to build a family. Marriage implies procreation and procreation implies education, being aware of the psycho-spiritual laws which rule the world and the life of each human being. Education means loving continuously, caring for the children, helping them to achieve positive and developing results, so that in the future they will also contribute to spread a message of Light and Love.Parents should never act without love, without the wish to correct and lead towards perfection. A smack given in a state of passion is highly destructive and those who are abused violently will not be able to become good parents in the future.Children are a vital part of marriage; getting married with no intention to have children is not recommended. Canakya Pandita explained that a marriage without children is like a desert. Children are of vital importance to strengthen the union of a couple for a noble cause, that is giving education and values to the children. In so doing, the need of love and to be loved is brought to a higher level than that of a mere sensual and passionate attraction. If it is not overcome and sublimated to reach a deeper feeling, it will become otherwise the cause of anxiety, contrasts and unbalance in the relationship. A mother who holds a baby to her breast, may completely satisfy her need for affection in a constructive and evolving way; this works also for a father who takes care of his children, trying to give protection, shelter and affection to the whole family.The education to provide for the children ought to give them protection in life against dishonest tricks, and most of all favour their ethic and spiritual evolution. In any case the greatest way to teach is not by verbal speech but by personal example. It is not necessary for the children to know in theory their parents’ lessons, rather they need to see them applied in life. A real parent is not only the physical parent, but also the producer of his conscience: his duty is to inspire, educate, give shelter.Rishabhadeva explains to his children: do not become a father, a mother or a spiritual master if you are not able to release your family from the suffering of conditioned life. We cannot force our will on others, but we can offer a model to be proud of. A family certainly requires an economic plan to satisfy its material needs: they are not the only, nor the most important ones, yet they cannot be ignored. If one is single, he or she may take care of oneself without any further obligation to society, but a person who has a family and children cannot follow the same logic. It is also important to consider that people who lived on their own for a long time, are not easily willing to accept a different kind of mentality.In order to understand if we are really fit for one another it is suggested to verify it for a few years, not as a married couple, but within a period of time, long enough to make a test. There is a fundamental realization of the substantial difference between complementary and elective affinities.The spouse is not just a shoulder to hang on to or a rescue remedy to loneliness, and of course it is neither a casual friend, one among a number of friendships. It is a person to share a life with, based on a serious and deep union consisting of noble values. Today society promotes an irresponsible way to create couples and family relationships, which kind of society will then be there for our children in the future? Which kind of world will it be? They praise the principle of sense gratification and meanwhile they paralyse true justice and freedom. Abuses and disruptive activities are made legal, but what is said to be legal is not necessarily right. If you meet someone who could become your possible partner, learn to study and observe that person accurately, and most of all try to imagine him or her as the father or mother of your children. Do you see this person: active, protective, responsible, able to give good lessons and teach well, most of all with good examples? Do you think that with the help of this person you could face life crisis, such as: economic difficulties or health problems, or you consider him or her not to be ready, not well aware, with the tendency to avoid responsibilities rather than handling them with courage and maturity? Learn to be well aware of the difficulties originating from an authoritative partner, a despotic father or a jealous spouse who sees competitors and danger everywhere. Younger couples are likely to face some dangers, but developing a certain level of maturity is required to divert dangerous situations without becoming paranoid. Women and men who live with uncertain moral principles or with a low level of responsibility have to modify such attitudes and personality features trying to improve ahead of time, not just once the decision of getting married is already made.A family education program should include these considerations, and many more to be made with a more accurate analysis.Family could become a good instrument for evolution, but it needs to be based on healthy principles, in relation to the deeper and more spiritual instances of the human being, beside ordinary daily necessities. If a person is not interested in evolution, has no transcendental aims, he or she may of course satisfy any private ambition, change partner every six months and fulfil personal goals in life which temporarily satisfy the ego, but do keep in mind that the number of people who commit suicide is increasing out of proportion, precisely among those who develop that type of mentality.The battles we win for our and others’ real wellness give us strength, self-confidence, deep and long lasting satisfaction, we do not gain anything if we give them up for selfish purposes. We ought to trust high values and stick to them in order to overcome any difficulties. By surrendering to our own and others’ weaknesses, we give credit to an ill belief: “I cannot do it ….. I am worthless” and, following such bad forecast, disastrous prophesies will come true.Making a family is not compulsory, to be a father or a mother is not a must for evolution; a person may have made such an experience in previous lives and may have reached a level of awareness so as to adjust life and grow up without the need to fulfil that kind of social duty. For those who decide to make a family, it is important to take onto themselves this responsibility and keep well in mind the purpose of a family, which actually is ending the need for a family.The target is to release ourselves from attachments and exterior needs, to develop affectionate and spiritual autonomy, therefore husband and wife ought to help one another for the sake of their union, on the grounds of gratitude and mutual self-esteem, rather than on an emotional and psychological dependence.The aim is not to repress love, rather to elevate our ability to love and be loved, stretching it progressively so as to become universal. In fact the necessity to exchange fulfilling affection and feelings is not granted by marriage, it will depend on our ability to transfer and live love on an even higher and more conscious level. A family is to be consumed and I say it with no lack of respect, nor with the intention to downgrade the institution of the family in itself; I mean that its function is to bring to full maturity and realization, as though it were a real sacrifice, developing wisdom, wellness and benefits to all family members.Beware of the damages caused by betrayal and unfaithfulness: these light up the fire of passion and increase the attachment to new partners and fantasies, acting as an impediment to the spiritual and ethical ascent, and their influence is even worse on the children’s welfare.The wish to make a family – with the right motivations – is a noble desire, it is a responsible choice, the same as the path of renunciation, whose practise also requires to take responsibilities, in order to mature and be able to give and receive affection and love. The path of renunciation does not mean giving up love, on the contrary: such choice implies learning to love everybody, being aware that each human being has a common spiritual root.In conclusion, looking back on history: before the last two or three generations there was never a time without worthy models for humanity to aim at: the hero, the mystic, the gentleman, etc. On the contrary they now try to wipe away any noble, moral principle: we are living the era of the self-made man, the man who can make up for his own living and then becomes drug-addict, depressed, restless because of conflicts, lack of self-esteem and dissatisfactions, which can even lead to suicide. Who is the icon of the television media? The soccer player, the showgirl, the successful singer, the money-faced fashion designer who can no longer live without drinking or sexual perversions. Unfortunately young people are clutched by those false stereotypes whose lives seem easy, but how much suffering, self-commiseration and desperation is hidden behind those lives! The outlook is a cheater. True success is made of continuous and serious efforts for the achievement of positive and evolving purposes. Those who live this level of consciousness remain active, productive and creative even as years go by. In history there are outstanding examples of people such as Goethe, who wrote the Faust in his eighties, or Jung, who in his late years composed his biography “Remembrance, Dreams and Reflections”; or other wise men and Masters like Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who in the late years of their life accomplished wonderful projects for the benefit of humanity. To be young or old does not depend on the date of birth: it depends on our life-style, on our priorities, on the quality of our motivations and the dedication we apply to the pursuit of our targets. If we live to develop Wisdom and Love, we get younger with the time passing by.Every one has to ponder on the nature and purpose of marriage and on their personal choice of social status, observing one’s own attitudes and tendencies, because what is good for one person may result ill or even damaging for another person. Both choices, either to get married or not, are worthy; it is up to us which path to follow, and live it with consistency.• Email to a friend ••
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Alex - 13/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Gopi Gita dasi - 23/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Amala Kirtan das - 22/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Garuda das - 21/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Ram Pandit - 20/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Govinda Caran das - 19/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Vrinda - 18/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Raja - 17/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Madhava Hari das - 16/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Neha - 15/26Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Radhika - 14/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Alex - 13/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Amrta - 12/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Kapil - 11/26
Bhajan 24hr Kirtan - Rupa Madhurya das - 10/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Hari das - 9/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Hari das - 8/26
Kirtan - 24hr Kirtan - Nityananda Prabhu - 7/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Sunita - 6/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Gopi Gita dasi - 5/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Ratna Radhika dasi - 4/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Mukunda Datta das - 1/26
Alex singing a Hare Krishna bhajan for Dallas' New Year's 24hr Kirtan.
Dallas, TX
Download: 2010-12-31 - 14 - 24hr Kirtan - Alex.mp3
2010-12-31 - 14 - 24hr Kirtan - Alex
2010-12-31 - 14 - 24hr Kirtan - Alex
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Alex - 13/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Gopi Gita dasi - 23/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Amala Kirtan das - 22/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Garuda das - 21/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Ram Pandit - 20/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Govinda Caran das - 19/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Vrinda - 18/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Raja - 17/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Madhava Hari das - 16/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Neha - 15/26Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Radhika - 14/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Alex - 13/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Amrta - 12/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Kapil - 11/26
Bhajan 24hr Kirtan - Rupa Madhurya das - 10/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Hari das - 9/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Hari das - 8/26
Kirtan - 24hr Kirtan - Nityananda Prabhu - 7/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Sunita - 6/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Gopi Gita dasi - 5/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Ratna Radhika dasi - 4/26
Bhajan - 24hr Kirtan - Mukunda Datta das - 1/26
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Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Kirtan–Dancing with the Devil
Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Kirtan–Dancing with the Devil
Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Kirtan–Dancing with the Devil
Last Saturday we had an amazing time dancing and chanting at the Deep Ellum Arts Festival. Every year we are invited to come and chant and dance. This kirtan movement is so powerful that even the Devil himself is carried away in it's sway. This photo might confirm the suspicions of several Born-Agains, however it illustrates quite the opposite.
In Bhakti Yoga, the path of loving service to God, one does not give ones regular activities. Rather such activities dovetailed in the service of God. The desire to dance is there present in every soul, along with the desire to sing. Yet singing about the temporary never seems to satisfy the heart. Once we add the eternal, Sri Krishna – God, to the equation we have a good formula for factual and substantial happiness. And as side bonus one who takes to the chanting of Hare Krishna does not have to be born again.
Hugbox comes every year to attend the kirtan along with his other friends the hippies and happies.
People just love seeing the kirtan.
These girls danced with us the whole time although we had never seen them at the temple before. There was a devotee named Mishra Bhagavan who had put tilak on their faces and others who were watching the show.
Every year there is great response from the crowd but this year tops it all.
A group of a dozen teenage girls who were obviously part of some Christian private school bus trip ecstatically joined the kirtan with full vigor. They danced and danced and sang and sang and then they asked “Can we sing too?” (meaning, can we lead the Maha Mantra on the microphone) They then also got to lead the kirtan. It was quite wonderful seeing their enthusiasm. And finally when their head mother/ chaperone figure saw them also leading the kirtan she then decided to corral them and haul them off. It was just too much mercy.
Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Kirtan–Dancing with the Devil
In the middle of the kirtan I was asked to give a short introduction to the Maha Mantra Kirtan which can be found on this video at
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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Bhakta Eric, Seattle, USA: Update on Books for Sale!
I’ve added a few more books to the list and now actually have a list!
The Srimad Bhagavatam set has been sold, as have a few other books. Also, a few books have been added. Here are some pics (click to enlarge)…
Sarartha Darsini: 10th Canto Commentaries – Visvanatha Cakravarti
Adventures of Young Krishna – Diksha Dalal-Clayton
Vrndavana Dhama Ki Jaya! – Dhruva Maharaja Dasa
Servant of the Servant – Tamal Krishna
Mahabharata (condensed) – Krishna Dharma
Nectar of Book Distro – Prabhupada, others
Sri Panca Tattva – Steven Rosen
Vedic Ecology – Ranchor Prime
Jaya Jagannatha! – Dhruva Maharaja Dasa
The Glories of Advaita Acarya
Jaiva Dharma (pink cover)
Sri Jagannatha; pastimes of the lord of the universe – Bhakti Purusottama
Doorway to Eternity – Ramon Dekkers
Sri Bhaktivinoda Vani Vaibhava
Little Krishna – Harish Johari
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu; Life and Precepts – Bhaktivinoda Thakura(Paperbacks)
The Pancatantra – Patrick Olivelle
Sri Brihat Bhagavatamritam – Sree Gaudiya Math
Bhakti Trilogy – Visvanatha Cakravarti
Sri Bhakti Raksaka Bhajana Madhuri – Bhakti Nandan Swami
Shrimad-Bhagavatam – Purnaprajna das
Appreciating Sri Vrndavana Dhama – Mahanidhi Swami
Shri Pushpanjali – Shri Patita Pavana das
Sri Guru Tattva Vijnana & Sri Bhakta Tattva Vijnana – Pandita Sri Ananta
The Bhagavad-Gita in Black and White – Charles Michael Byrd
Light on Life; Intro to Astrology of India – Hart Defouw
Stories of Krishna – Vivienne Baumfield
Krishna: The Beautiful Legend of God – Edwin Bryant
Transcendental Diary (Vol. 3) – Hari Sauri
Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy – Richard Thompson
Sri Gaura Lila – Varsana Swami
Reason & Belief – Tamal Krishna
Science of Yoga – Tamal Krishna
Celestial Key to the Vedas – B.G. Sidharth
Sri Krsna’s Names in Bhagavad-gita – Purusottama Dasa
The Loves of Krishna in Indian Painting and Poetry – W.G. Archer
Mukta Caritra – Raghunatha Dasa Goswami
Monkeys and the Mango Tree – Harish Johari
Folk Tales and Fairy Stories from India – Sudhin Ghose
Hrishikesa – Dr. T.V. Gopal
Beneath a Vedic Sky – William R. Levacy
How to Read Your Horoscope – Nalini-Kantha das
Journey to Unknown India – Walther Eidlitz
Dhama Sevamrta; Reciprocation Manifest
Sri Gopal Sahasra Nama – Lord Siva
Sri Radha Sahasra-nama-stotra – Lord Siva
Under the Spell of God – Makeda Cannon
Perfect Escape – Devamrita Swami
Vedic Astrology – Ronnie Gale Dreyer
Dictionary of Sanskrit Names
Unspoken Obstacles on the Path to Bhakti – Purnacandra dasa
The Power of Dharma – Stephen Knapp
The Hidden Glory of India – Steven Rosen
Sri Bhajana-Rahasya – Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Food for the Spirit – Steven Rosen
Vaisnavai – Steven Rosen
The Live and Times of Lord Chaitanya – Steven Rosen
Holy Cow – STeven Rosen
Sri Upadesamrta – Rupa Goswami
Sri Manah-siksa – Narayana Maharaja
Shri Chaitanya Shkshamritam – Bhaktivinode Thakur
The Play of God – Vanamali
The Song of Rama – Vanamali
Sri Gauranga-Mahima – Advaita Acarya
Devadasa – Shri Kedar Nath Dutta
Ramayana – Ranchor Prime
108 Names of Krishna
Six Volume Retelling of Ramayana – Ashok K. Banker
Six Volume Srimad Bhagavatam – Sri Gaudya Matha ChennaiAgain, prices are:
For all of the Satsvarupa Maharaja books: $150 (there are 52 of them)
The Hardbacks are $4 a piece
The Paperbacks are $2 a pieceI also still have the Kushakratha books for sale. $3 a piece or $300 for all 113 of them.
Shipping to anywhere but the US will be a LOT of money.
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New Vrndavan, USA: 2011 Festival of Inspiration May 6th, 7th, and 8th
Click here to see the New Vrindaban Festival of Inspiration poster with contact info.
1. H H Bhakti Marg Swami (Drama)
2. H H Radhanath Swami (Tentative)
3. H H Varshana Swami
4. HH Bhakti Sundar Swami
5. H H Danavir Goswami
6. Shyamasundar & Gurudasa
7. Vaisesika dasa
8. Anuttama dasa
9. Arcana Siddhi dasi & Karnamarita dasa
10. Bada Hari dasa
11. Braja Bihari dasa
12. Dravida dasa
13. Ekavira dasa
14. Jaya Krsna dasa
15. Kamalini dd
16. Krishnanandini devi & GVT
17. Mitravinda das
18. Uttama dasi & Partha & GVT
19. Laxmimoni dasi
20. Mahamaya dasi
21. Maharha dasi
22. Mystery Guest
23. Rambhoru dasi
24. Srinandanandana das
25. Vraja Lila dasi
26. Krishna Priya dd (yoga)
Entertainment Co ordinator: Bhakti Lata Bija dd
Sound, Lights, General Good Will: TK, Sachi, Bhima and GovindaClick here to see the New Vrindaban Festival of Inspiration poster with contact info. INVITED FOI 2011 PRESENTERS: 1. H H Bhakti Marg Swami (Drama) 2. H H Radhanath Swami (Tentative) 3. H H Varshana Swami 4. HH Bhakti Sundar Swami 5. H H Danavir Goswami 6. Shyamasundar & Gurudasa 7. Vaisesika dasa 8. Anuttama [...]• Email to a friend ••
Mayapur Online: Services Available in JPS Office
The JPS Office ( Office of HH Jayapataka Swami, GBC and Co-director of ISKCON Mayapur) is looking for a (part-time) Supervisor and a (full-time) Manager. It is possible that a single person having the qualifications for both the posts may be selected. This is a very urgent requirement, as there is at this point in time no one occupying these positions.
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Dandavats.com: Zee News Special Mayapur Gaura Purnima Festival Broadcast videos if you missed…
By Zee TV
Coverage of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu`s birth anniversary celebration at Isckon HQ, Mayapur, West Bengal. Watch three very nice videos - in Hindi - broadcasted in 68 countries
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
We apologise for the very late upload of the darsana and we thank Aniruddha Prabhu for taking the pictures today.
Without any further delay, here is today's darsana.
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Gouranga TV: 2011 Gaura-purnima Harinama Budapest
2011 Gaura-purnima Harinama Budapest
Nityananda Chandra Das, Dallas TX: Kirtan–Dancing with the Devil
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Japa Group: The Holy Name Is Krishna Himself
By hearing and chanting we come to understand that the holy name is Krishna Himself. By hearing and chanting we can directly associate with the Supreme Lord, remove all dirty things from our hearts, and attain pure love of God.From Vaisnava Behavior
by Satsvarupa dasa Goswami• Email to a friend ••
More Recent Articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Wednesday 6 April 2011--Perfection by Hearing from the Proper Source--and--All You Need is Love
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: ANZAC Holiday Japa Retreat Information
- ISKCON Brampton, Canada: Ramayana Dress up Festival for kids at ISKCON Brampton on Tuesday April 12th 2011
- Vraja Kishor, JP: Who is Goddess Radha?
- Vraja Kishor, JP: ¿Quién es la Diosa Radha?
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Bhanu Swami
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