----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 8:09 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 33 new articles
Here are the latest updates for"Planet ISKCON" - 33 new articles
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Free Fun : Pea Picking
- Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: Travel Journal#7.5: Tucson and Flagstaff
- Kurma dasa, AU: Call of the Valley, and the KKK
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
- H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, April 1st, 2011
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Prime Minister or dog, there is suffering
- Japa Group: Japa Retreat - Concluding Words
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Mother Daughter Cake Team
- Dandavats.com: Political Correctness: WHO started it, WHEN, and most importantly WHY!!!
- Dandavats.com: Pure devotion not so cheap! We are kanistha-adhikari devotees
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Vishvambhar das - SB 10.2.3-5 - Killing Demons
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 270—Poem for April 4
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Inspiration, Organization and Distribution
- Bhakta Eric, Seattle, USA: A Ton of Books for Sale!
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Rupeswar Gauranga dasa, asks
- David Haslam, UK: Sea Erosion, Spiritual Erosion a Holiday Thought
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday April 4, 2011
- Gouranga TV: Aindra Kirtan – ISKCON Vrindavan – October 3, 2009
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Bhanu Swami at Urban Yoga
- Japa Group: Taking Our Environment Into Account
- Dandavats.com: New Book On Vraja Dhama
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Lord Nityananda is our inspiration for the day; it is said that He is always smiling and never gets angry.
Isn't our Nitai so sweet with that soft gaze of His; He conquers the hearts of many and His devotees are simply fond of Him.
Srila Vrindavana Dasa Thakura tells us how:
"...if His mother Padmavati did not see Him for a moment, she felt this as more than a yuga...
...Hadai Pandit embraced Lord Nityananda again and again, and the Lord's butter-soft body merged in His father's..."
(Sri Nityananda Caritamrta, Chp 2).
Here is the darsana of that bliss-giving Lord who enchants everyone in the whole three worlds.
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Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Free Fun : Pea Picking
english peas : organic & local
Last week the kids were home on spring break. I got a call from my friend AV inviting us to come pea picking at the farm where he works. Well, wild horse couldn’t keep me away from picking free peas!
princess and the pea
Sorry about all the cliched captions. Okay, I’m not. I did enjoy writing them.
We were a group of three adults and 8 kids. The young man working at the farm that day asked if we brought the entire class. Ummm, yeah. It was just two families.
english peas
two peas in a pod
You may notice that every picture of me, since having the baby, I am wearing this shirt. Yup. That’s right. I fit into one shirt and one shirt only.
yes, peas
We had a great time baking in the sun, us and our peas. Many peas were eaten straight off the vine in the field. The taste was warm and sweet with a watery, cooling burst. Delicious. The kids were stuffing their mouths with peas and, as a mom, I felt such satisfaction. All those vitamins and anti-oxidents. Plus, it’s great to be out in the spring sun and fresh air. Of course, on the car ride home some of the children complained that the pea patch was too sunny. That they should grow peas in the shade. It’s a typical habit of my kids to complain after doing something fun. To focus on the negative and sound ungrateful. But I didn’t care because I know we had fun. And because I had a bucket full of free peas.
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Krishna-kripa das, Mayapura: Travel Journal#7.5: Tucson and Flagstaff
Diary of a Traveling Sadhaka, Vol. 7, No. 5
By Krishna-kripa das
(March 2011, part one)
Tucson and Flagstaff
(Sent from Gainesville, Florida, on April 4, 2011)
Where I Was and What I Did
In the beginning of March I continued chanting kirtana for three hours and trying to promote the study of Bhagavad-gita on the campus of the University of Arizona. Two students who came to the programs last semester came again this semester, and five new students came, two of them coming more than once. Both of the new students who came twice this semester had a serious interest in religion, a boy who was majoring in religion and a girl who was getting a minor in religion. In each class, after speaking on topics from Bhagavad-gita, I did five minutes each of both japa, chanting as a personal meditation, and kirtana, chanting with others, accompanied by instruments. The lectures were titled “The Philosophy of Yoga and Meditation,” “Self-Realization,” and “Is There an ‘Only Way’?” and I uploaded my lectures to iskcondesiretree.net, in case anyone wants to hear them. While at the campus, I became involved in a humorous video done by videographers working for the Arizona Daily Wildcat, and displayed on the newpaper’s web site. I also got to do another program at Pima Community College for the Asian religion class. My trip to Arizona culminated in a three-day visit to The Bhakti Vine in Flagstaff, where Bhaktas Alex and Justin joined me for three hours of harinama each day.
Humorous Video
I often saw students wandering around the campus at Univ. of Arizona with video cameras. One girl was actively recruiting people for her video, and I asked what it was about. She said she was interviewing people but asking only a single question. I asked her the question, but she would not tell me until I agreed to be interviewed on video. I thought this was an opportunity to share the Hare Krishna view on some topic, so I agreed. I was caught off guard upon hearing the question, “What is your favorite dance step?” I thought for a second and then did my favorite Hare Krishna dance. What follows is the video. I am from 0:47 to 1:16 minutes from the start. Because I like to share the chanting, I felt a little bad they covered over my chanting with other music, but that is a standard technique that is often done to make a production more artistic. At least the music for my dance was more in the mode of goodness than the rest of the music as you may notice.
Humorous Video
Caroline, the interviewer, said her friends liked my dance the best of all. I invited her to dance at the Sunday program at the local Krishna temple. She said she would come, but not until I return in October.
Pima College Program
I did another program at Professor Darlene Martin’s class on Asian Religion. This time all but two of the students chanted along with the fifteen-minute kirtana. Because I had already spoken on Bhagavad-gita and summarized our philosophy to them, I decided to focus on the some things about Hindu religion that are confusing to westerners. I talked about why the cow was sacred, not that she is worshiped as God, but she is respected for all her gifts, especially milk and all its products, many of which are required in religious ceremonies. Furthermore, the bull serves humankind by plowing the fields, as I have personally seen in rural Bengal. Only one devoid of the spiritual quality of gratitude would take the life of such selfless servants of humanity. I also explained that the caste system was not meant to be based on birth, but as Bhagavad-gita says, based on qualification and activities. The Gita lists the qualifications of the brahmanas [priests and intellectuals] and ksatriyas [administrators] and the activities of the vaisyas [farmers and merchants] and sudras [laborers and artisans]. It is as foolish to assign someone to a social division by birth as it is to allow the untrained son of a surgeon to practice surgery merely because his father did so. Both the students and the teacher liked the class and the prasadam we distributed afterwards.
Flagstaff: The Bhakti Vine
I met Bhakta Alex in his senior year at Florida State University in Tallahassee two years ago. He had gotten a Bhagavad-gita from brahmacari book distributor, Ananda Vidya Prabhu, taken an interest in Krishna consciousness, and begun to come to the Tallahassee temple. He was enthusiastic to attend some harinamas with me then. After graduating, he traveled with Kalakantha Prabhu to Saranagati, and then got trained up at the brahmacari ashram in San Diego. I was happy to meet him again in Tucson last autumn, and he told me he was starting a small center, The Bhakti Vine, in Flagstaff, a college town where Northern Arizona University is prominent. I decided to visit Flagstaff at the end of my Arizona visit to encourage him in his service.
The day I left for Flagstaff was special for me because I chanted for two hours at University of Arizona in Tucson, for forty minutes at the Greyhound bus station in Phoenix and then for an hour with Bhaktas Alex and Justin in downtown Flagstaff. This was more places and more time than I usually did, and I felt victorious. We got an interesting experience of the divine and demonic nature while Justin was distributing cookies on harinama. In one case, after accepting a cookie, a person later threw it back at our party, and it shattered on the ground, the pieces still contained in the plastic bag enclosing it. In another case, a woman, perhaps in her 30s or 40s embraced Justin in gratitude after he gave her a cookie. In our outreach work, we always meet people who love us and people who hate us, but usually the range of emotions is not expressed so vividly in the same harinama.
In the places I go, I try to encourage the local devotees to come out and chant with me for three hours a day, but I am not always successful. If I am too unsuccessful, I am not eager to return to such places, but Alex and Justin were so enthusiastic, I was very happy to have come there and chant three hours daily in public with them, and I look forward to returning. One of the nice features of chanting in Flagstaff was that every single day we met someone who wanted us to teach them the mantra so they could chant along with us. It is rare to encounter that amount of interest.
One day we brought the extra prasadam to the Food Not Bombs distribution program, and we chanted at least an hour there. One young lady from Morocco danced with us, sang the mantra, and played a one-headed drum. One man also played on another one-headed drum, and another four people danced along. They organizers of the event were grateful for the prasadam and the kirtana.
Recently Bhakta Alex was blessed with a week-long visit of Ganapati Swami who distributed books on the campus and convinced an additional ten people to come to the Friday program there.
It was spring break week when I visited Flagstaff and The Bhakti Vine had been opened a mere month, but still two people attended one program and three attended another. Their programs are scheduled for Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday.
Here is a video of a Sunday program:
Here is a video of a Sunday program:
I can see in the brief time Alex has been there, he has made many friends who are willing to help out in different ways. Alex also is interested in doing some agriculture and has found others who are similarly interested.
I think there are many college towns in America and other youthful and ambitious young devotees might consider establishing centers to spread Lord Caitanya’s message there. I bet they would find people interested in their message and willing to help as Bhakta Alex did.
All glories to the spreading of Lord Caitanya’s auspicious movement of chanting and dancing to every town and village.
Notes on Srila Prabhupada Memories Video#51
One devotee was chanting with his japa beads around his neck. Srila Prabhupada inquired if he had a bead bag. The devotee said it was in the wash. Srila Prabhupada had his servant get him a bead bag and give it to the devotee, explaining that we should have two bead bags, so we have a spare when one is in the wash.
Bhakti Vikasa Swami:
One devotee came to the room where Srila Prabhupada was giving audience to his disciples with prasadam [spiritual food] to distribute, but the room was so full he could not enter. The devotee proposed that he give the disciples the prasadam when they left. Srila Prabhupada said, “They will never leave.” All the followers of Srila Prabhupada, exclaimed, “Jaya Prabhupada!” I considered that he was blessing us to never leave his association.
Laksmi-Nrsimha Prabhu:
Srila Prabhupada stopped one devotee who was a little proud of his chanting on the very first line of the Guru Puja song. Seeing this, whenever I lead kirtana, before I start I pray to Lord Nrsimha that He might destroy my Hiranyakasipu-like pride so I can sing with a pure heart.
Once Srila Prabhupada was highly praising brahmacari life to a group of enthusiastic young brahmacaris, but understanding the difficulty of maintaining a lifetime vow of celibacy, Srila Prabhupada concluded, “If you cannot be an honest brahmacari, be an honest grhastha [householder].
Mother Laksmimoni:
Srila Prabhupada said that Maya is in back of Krishna. We do not have to look for Maya. When we forget Krishna, Maya is there.
In Mayapur, Srila Prabhupada had a whole tent set up for pregnant ladies and ladies with children which had special cooking facilities so they could eat properly.
Mother Urmila:
Srila Prabhupada once said to me, “You are loving Krishna by chanting and dancing.”
After visiting Srila Prabhupada, my father said to me, “Now I understand why you joined this movement. He is a genuine holy man.”
Insight from Lectures
Radhapada Prabhu:
Srila Prabhupada saw that the state leadership was going from one party to another, and thus serving the interest of the party was the concern of the leaders and not serving the interests of the people.
King Nimi did not want to regain his material body, although the demigods offered him the chance. He had experienced the unpalatable dealings of the material world, even in relationship to his own guru, and thus he was not eager to return here.
Krishna is purna-purusottama, the complete personality of Godhead.
In Nepal there is the town Janakapur, where Janaka, Sita’s faither appeared, and where there is now a large temple of Sita.
We imagine, “This government minister makes so much money, he must be so happy.” In reality, however, he is suffers from the three-fold miseries just like everyone else. Thus Sanatana Goswami inquired from Lord Caitanya, “Why I am suffering the three-fold miseries?”
We should not be attached to this world where everything is temporary. We should finish our business and get out, just as one finishes his business in the bathroom and gets out.
Just as the children always want to play and avoid doing homework, we tend to do all things of temporary benefit and ignore acts of devotion to the Lord.
The famous verse, harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam, which states the holy name is the only way, was spoken Lord Brahma to Narada, when Narada inquired from him about how to progress spiritually in this age of Kali.
The famous heavenly society girl, Urvasi, was manifest from the thigh of the Lord in his incarnation as Nara-Narayana Rsi, when Indra sent Menaka and other heavenly beauties to disturb His meditation. The word “Urvasi” comes from two words “uru” which means “thigh” and “vasi” which means “one who controls.” By her beauty she controls.
Narada travels everywhere, and before answering a person’s inquiries, he glorifies the Supreme Lord Narayana. Once Narada was describing the glories of Pururava, and Urvasi become attracted. Devotees describe everything material or spiritual so nicely that people are attracted.
The devotees are aware of everything going on in the material world in the way of sense enjoyment, but they have no taste for it.
Jaya Kesava Prabhu:
Krishna and His devotees, although seen by the people in general, cannot be perceived as they really are.
According to Jiva Goswami, one can stay in Gokula Vrndavana [the replica of the spiritual abode within this world] for many births if one is not completely pure.
The gradual progression of thinking, feeling, and willing, are there both materially and spiritually.
Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says about Bhagavad-gita 2.40 that there is no loss if one performs devotional service because Krishna is very grateful.
You have to be careful because you can misuse a leadership position to gain service for yourself. You can misuse kirtana for your own popularity rather than for making Krishna popular. By acting according to Krishna’s direction, we can avoid this.
Gangeya Prabhu:
The happier we are when the good things happen, the more we will suffer when the inevitable bad things happen.
I had a friend who would become so angry when the sports team he was rooting for would lose that he had to chop wood for half an hour to cool down. Another friend laughed at the absurdity saying, “The team members do not even know you exist, so why are you getting so upset about their loss?”
Even peace can be drab. When you are in stress, peace is attractive, but after you have been peaceful for some time you want more.
Just as sponge gives less water with each squeeze, the more we try to squeeze sense pleasure from the body, the less we get.
Krishna’s beauty is confidential and cannot be accessed by everyone.
Heavenly sense pleasure is dismissed by Prabodhananda Sarasvati for it ultimately cannot be grasped of any length of time.
Jai Nitai Prabhu:
Once Bhaktivinoda Thakura was attacked by a fever while visiting the holy land of Vrndavana. He prayed to Krishna that he be freed from the fever during his stay in that holy land, and that if He liked, He could continue his purification through illness later. The fever vanished.
Lord Caitanya’s birthplace was ascertained in 1888.
Jagannatha Dasa Babaji was given a rupee by a wealthy man. After some time he told his servant to find the man and return the money. Babaji Maharaja said to the man, “I could not bear the weight of even one rupee. How can you tolerate the burden of so many?”
A wealthy landowner asked if Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja could show him a miracle. The babaji immediately began beating the ground with a stick, and the landowner was worried he was angered. He replied, “No, I was chasing away a goat that was attacking a tulasi plant at Lokanatha Goswami’s place at Radha Kund. The landowner found out via telegram that a goat had indeed attacked a tulasi plant at Lokanatha Goswami’s place at Radha Kund, and the so the babaji became very famous.
sa vai pumsam paro dharmo
yato bhaktir adhoksaje
ahaituki apratiyata
yayatma suprasidati
“The supreme occupational duty [dharma] for all of mankind is that by which one can attain loving service to the transcendent Lord. Such service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted in order to completely satisfy the self. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6)
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Kurma dasa, AU: Call of the Valley, and the KKK
Last weekend's Bhakti Yoga Cookery Retreat at Hare Krishna Valley, outside of Winchelsea in country Victoria, was a resounding success!
Here we are with all the happy punters.
There's more opportunity to enjoy Kurma's Kitchen Kamaraderie this coming weekend at La Trobe University campus, Melbourne and Gopal's Restaurant in Swanston Street, also in Melbourne.
Here's the details. Be quick, only a few places remain:
La Trobe University Campus, Bundoora, Cookery Workshop@ Life Skills Cafe, Saturday 9 April 2011, Bookings and enquiries: Manoj latrobebhaktiyoga@gmail.com, phone 0430 1008 17.
Gopal's Vegetarian Restaurant, Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC, One Day Cookery Workshop, Sunday 10 April 2011, Bookings - 03 85550361.
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H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
What I Saw and What I Said
Hamilton, Ontario
I had walked an early hour on Yonge Street when parties just begin to wind down, when cab drivers are very busy and people on the street speak louder than normal. A woman with tight slacks who was very elevated (due to her high heels) was very much dressed to tease. A male motorist coasted next to her as she walked speaking on her phone. He was offering her a ride and more, but she expressed disinterest. Yet she loved the attention and he loved the tease.
I was compelled to chant on my beads with enhanced fervour. Yes, the sight was one of cheap thrills.
I don't normally take to this street with its strip of raunchiness. If I go northbound or even south of Dundas I won't see these things. It could be worse for a monk's eyes.
I visited Brampton at noon to speak to our community there. A new couple asked about caste identity and I explained that the Gita which addresses this speaks about a societal structure that is meant to give spiritual direction by brahmans known for honesty, wisdom, austerity and cleanliness. There is not an emphasis on someone being higher or lower, but more so on serving.
The same emphasis of service applied in my facilitation at the Nine Devotions workshop held in Hamilton's Shanti Yoga Studio. "We are servants. We are spirits or souls. We are not this body or a position or even a gender for that matter. We exist as an anti-material spark of life. And that's what we are," was the message.
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H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011
The Aim of the Game
Markham, Ontario
India won the cricket game against Pakistan. And so I am hearing a lot about that from members who have had their eyes glued to the screens.
The cousin to cricket is baseball something I'm a little more familiar with. Bhakta Kurt, a young monk from Victoria strolled with me along our neighborhood residential alleyway when we came upon a father and his young son engaged in pitching and batting a ball. The young boy very spontaneously said to dod when he peered at our robes, "Why are they like that?"
"They're Hare Krishnas." The father kept on talking to educate his son as Kurt and I gave a nod.
Just an hour later Kurt and I made our way down the Don Valley Parkway in individual cars,yet we saw the same thing- India cricket fans showing off national pride with flags of India poking out of automobile windows.
Sports are an amazing pre-occupation for the public. If only spirituality had as much popularity. I see though, that both athletes and practitioners of faith can get spoiled. As I heard one Hindu say just this morning, "All mandirs (temples) are after money." That's why some people prefer to have allegiance to spirituality as opposed to churchianity or religion. Indeed the path of the Absolute can lose its luster at times.
Sports have become much like that- big money makers. Big commercial ventures. The "sport" is often taken out of the game like God is often removed when there is too much dogma or commercialism.
What does it take to bring integrity back to a game or a faith? Perhaps a re-evaluation of things. Look at your intent. How are you scoring? More internally of course.
Krishna edges Arjuna on in the Gita, saying to His warrior friend to play the game of fighting fairly and as best as can be and the results are to be regarded as secondary. Take up duty. Do not consider the happiness or distress behind it. Krishna is pushing for sincere endeavor always- to make the right aim.
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H.H. Bhaktimarg Swami: Friday, April 1st, 2011
April Opening
Richmond Hill, Ontario
I don't know if anyone wishes to hear about spring and nature but here goes anyway.
Winter has broke, finally. Along the moraine Rouge River system we could detect it. It was obvious with robins in sight, red-winged black birds in song, and snow now a clear fluid of water rushing by our feet.
It was kind of a rare moment for us just to be us, or rather to be together with the busy lives of devotion, work and school and all. I was with the members of the Gaura Shakti Bhajan Band. We had a few minutes to kill before entering Yvonne's spa so we timed ourselves a little early (better early than late) to meet our appointment and so we hit the trail at the Rouge. The environment set a great tone for our evening engagement, not for a spa but for conducting a workshop on the nine devotions.
Nine Devotions are 1) hearing 2) chanting 3) remembering 4) rendering service 5) honoring the Divine form 6) power praying 7) declaring servitude 8) befriending and 9) sweet surrendering. All of these practices are directed to Vishnu if we translate the origins of these 9 concepts literally from a Puranic verse. The words which I did express in Sanskrit originally sounded a bit foreign to the attendees at the spa and who were of various backgrounds like England, Iran, Ukraine, Philippines, Columbia, India and even Canada. But as we glided through the devotions all who were there felt they knew these principles. After all who is not familiar to praying or recalling a life-changing experience or to making a friend?
We just don't do these things enough. And that was the comment by one of the attendees- "We don't do these things enough?"
To wrap up the evening at Yvonne's Spa Gaura Shakti led us in a great chant and all ended with refreshments.
There you have it- a word on nature, Vishnu and what we did at Yvonne's Spa on April Fools.
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Prime Minister or dog, there is suffering
The holy name of Krsna is the panacea for all cures to the diseases of this material existence. Suffering is due to the material body. The entire Vedic civilization is meant how to avoid taking another material body. Because it is a fact you have to take birth again, but it should not be in this material body. Whether you take birth as the Prime Minister or as a dog, there is suffering. It does not matter. Krsna consciousness is an attempt to awaken people from the slumber of deep ignorance in which they do not even know properly how they are suffering. Simply if they will follow the instructions of Bhagavad-gita, it can be possible, even for the mass of people.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Dr. G. Ghosh, 19 April, 1977
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Japa Group: Japa Retreat - Concluding Words
In the final part of the Japa Retreat - Sacinandana Swami gives a summary of the whole Retreat and reminds us of important basics in our Japa.
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Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Mother Daughter Cake Team
It’s good to start ‘em young!
Visit this link for instructions on natural food coloring for frosting.
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Dandavats.com: Political Correctness: WHO started it, WHEN, and most importantly WHY!!!
Bill Lind: For the first time in history of the so called modern, refine, advanced and free society, we have to be fearful of what we say, of what we write, and of what we think. We have to be afraid of using the “wrong” words that present word denounces as offensive, insensitive, racist, sexist, or homophobic etc
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Dandavats.com: Pure devotion not so cheap! We are kanistha-adhikari devotees
By Nitai dasa
Devotees often quote a lecture by Srila Prabhupada where he said that even if they were seventy percent surrendered; Krsna will still take them back to Godhead. During this lecture, Srila Prabhupada was speaking on how one has to be one hundred percent surrendered. At the end of the class, he noticed the devotee’s disappointment that they will not be able to make the standard
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Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1966 April 4:
"Poornima. Today I have replied the letter of State Department regarding visit to the President. I went to see Mr. Bogart. His publisher Mr. Laughton interested in publishing Srimad Bhagwatam. Then I came to Paul's place. There was meeting and Kirtan, Hari Katha."
Prabhupada Jounal :: 1966• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 April 4: "All our principles must be followed to derive spiritual benefit. That is our method. If a doctor prescribes medicine and diet and the patient follows both, then he will get well. If he follows in part, he may not."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 April 4: "Just work sincerely and follow the regulative principles. We are respected everywhere on our purity platform. This should be maintained."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 April 4: "I have got confidence in you because Krishna has given you special talent for chanting. I enjoyed your chanting so nicely that I thought myself immediately carried to Vaikuntha."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1971 April 4: "Here we are having massive Sankirtana Festival where 20,000 to 30,000 people are attending daily. Many important men are interested. We will have our permanent center here soon."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1971• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 April 4: "Simply by agreement you have changed everything, so what is this? Inform the other GBC members that there shall be no change within the society."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1972 April 4: "If my right-hand men are making such big big changes without consulting me then what can I do? There should be no change. Both the meeting and the resolution are irregular."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1972• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1974 April 4: "It is not possible to accept any big scheme. We now have to import men from foreign countries. We are not going to make any big scheme anywhere else unless we have sufficient manpower."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1974• Email to a friend ••
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Vishvambhar das - SB 10.2.3-5 - Killing Demons
Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Vishvambhar das - SB 10.2.3-5 - Killing Demons
SB 10.2.3: Persecuted by the demoniac kings, the Yadavas left their own kingdom and entered various others, like those of the Kurus, Pañcālas, Kekayas, Śālvas, Vidarbhas, Niṣadhas, Videhas and Kośalas.
SB 10.2.4-5: Some of their relatives, however, began to follow Kaḿsa's principles and act in his service. After Kaḿsa, the son of Ugrasena, killed the six sons of Devakī, a plenary portion of Kṛṣṇa entered her womb as her seventh child, arousing her pleasure and her lamentation. That plenary portion is celebrated by great sages as Ananta, who belongs to Kṛṣṇa's second quadruple expansion.
SB 10.2.3: Perseguidos por los reyes demoníacos, los Yadavas abandonaron su reino y se refugiaron en los reinos de los Kurus, Pañcālas, Kekayas, Śālvas, Vidarbhas, Niṣadhas, Videhas y Kośalas.
SB 10.2.4-5: Sin embargo, algunos de sus familiares comenzaron a seguir los principios de Kaḿsa y se ocuparon en servirle. Una vez que Kaḿsa, el hijo de Ugrasena, hubo matado a los seis hijos de Devakī, una porción plenaria de Kṛṣṇa puso a Devakī entre la dicha y la lamentación entrando en su vientre para ser su séptimo hijo. Los grandes sabios glorifican a esa expansión plenaria con el nombre de Ananta, que pertenece a la segunda expansión cuádruple de Kṛṣṇa.
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 2, Texts 3-5 titled "Killing Demons" given by Vishvambhar das.
Dallas, TX
Persecuted by the demoniac kings, the Yadavas left their own kingdom and entered various others, like those of the Kurus, Pancalas, Kekayas, Salvas, Vidarbhas, Nishadhas, Videhas and Kosalas.
Some of their relatives, however, began to follow Kamsa's principles and act in his service. After Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena, killed the six sons of Devaki, a plenary portion of Krishna entered her womb as her seventh child, arousing her pleasure and her lamentation. That plenary portion is celebrated by great sages as Ananta, who belongs to Krishna's second quadruple expansion.
Some of the chief devotees, such as Akrura, stayed with Kamsa to satisfy him. This they did for various purposes. They all expected the Supreme Personality of Godhead to appear as the eighth child as soon as Devaki's other children were killed by Kamsa, and they were eagerly awaiting His appearance. By remaining in Kamsa's association, they would be able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead take birth and display His childhood pastimes, and Akrura would later go to Vrindavana to bring Krishna and Balarama to Mathura. The word paryupasate is significant because it indicates that some devotees wanted to stay near Kamsa in order to see all these pastimes of the Lord. The six children killed by Kamsa had formerly been sons of Marici, but because of having been cursed by a brahmana, they were obliged to take birth as grandsons of Hiranyakasipu. Kamsa had taken birth as Kalanemi, and now he was obliged to kill his own sons. This was a mystery. As soon as the sons of Devaki were killed, they would return to their original place. The devotees wanted to see this also. Generally speaking, no one kills his own nephews, but Kamsa was so cruel that he did so without hesitation. Ananta, Sankarshana, belongs to the second catur-vyuha, or quadruple expansion. This is the opinion of experienced commentators.
2011-01-21 - Vishvambhar das - SB 10.2.3-5 - Killing Demons
2011-01-21 - Vishvambhar das - SB 10.2.3-5 - Killing Demons.mp3
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 270—Poem for April 4
4:50 A.M.
I want to thank Bhakta Ricard of Sweden for typing my journal for 1½ years constantly and expertly. Now he has to stop doing it in order to give more time to his family, but I hold hope that sometime in the future he may come back again. I want to also thank Gurudasa for coming forward and volunteering to do the entire seven days of internet typing all by himself. He is exhibiting the full surrender of a disciple toward the spiritual master and is enlivening us all by his degree of surrender. But in order not to burn out Gurudasa we are going to make the excerpts from the writing of the past shorter so that he can maintain without breakdown. If more typists come forward to volunteer we can lengthen the excerpts in the future.Poem for April 4
By the time I get here
I have already finished sixteen
almost flawless intermediate rounds,
and the Deities have transformed
before my eyes in curlicues of incense
Their protective and sweet forms,
so I am in an altered state
of consciousness ready for a poem.But it ain’t easy bringing the homage
to forebear and witness in Krishna
dandavats. He appears tangible
in words as I have done many
times calling Him to appear
before me so I could offer
prayers like in the Krishna book
approving the Lord as almighty
controller of modes of nature
and dear friend of His parisads
in Goloka Vrndavana. You can
do it as a medium
and be satisfied you were
an instrument dovetailed
in devotional service in
coming Easter time and the
visit of a Swami to
Stuyvesant Falls Karuna
Shakti Yoga Studio.I will participate hearing
him if it’s not too late at night,
or maybe he would concede
to meet with me during the
day. Think of something to
say in krishna-katha.Otherwise the days are unengaged
with visitors, and you try
to find the times to enter
the autobiographical space
enchanted with the mood
of a theme come to your mind
of ISKCON history or Prabhupada
characteristics or your own
present diary. Today I have
to do yoga, and I’ll be
interrupted but I pray I’ll
find the time and mind-space
to do a genuine session
of remembering or coming into
the experience of a current
meditation on the self
in Krishna consciousness.
It’s as simple
and dependent as that.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
Samadhi Diary, Introduction
This book is a diary that I kept during August-September when I was feeling an unmistakable pull to become more focused in my relationship with Srila Prabhupada and more tangibly directed by him. The nature of diaries are that they are bound by what we have to say at a particular moment. We don’t go back and change them later. Sometimes the expression is feeble, perhaps not even wholly Krishna conscious, but it’s a flowing out, the inhalation and exhalation of life as we are living it at any specific time.
I wrote this diary mainly while visiting two tirthas at the Krishna-Balarama Mandir: Srila Prabhupada’s rooms and his Samadhi Mandir. I went to each of those places daily to pray to Prabhupada. For me prayer includes writing; that is, I pray through my writing. As I wrote in my diary itself, “Because my mind is too restless to practise silent meditation I write these notes. The notes are meant to free my mind, to clear out the static, and to open the channels for spiritual commerce from me to him and from him to me.
I went to Prabhupada’s rooms immediately after mangala-arati every morning. I was always the first one there. Later in the day I would visit the Samadhi Mandir, sit in a corner and write for half an hour. On the way back to the guesthouse, I would again visit Prabhupada’s rooms and continue to write. My writing was focused on asking Prabhupada what he wants me to do and ask him to reveal himself to me. At that time because of various things that were going on, I felt as if my heart was extended on a wire and pulleys, and I realized that I was dying even while the various ISKCON issues and controversies were being debated. I wanted to feel a deeper integrity in my relationship with Srila Prabhupada and to learn to read his books as an act of prayer. I also realized that such introspection and the seeking of exacting integrity would cost something, and I tried to understand what that was through this writing.
While I was confident that I was with Prabhupada’s movement and under his general direction, I wanted to ask him to let me know more directly what pleases him most. I was aware, however, that I wasn’t asking the question in an unconditional way. Prabhupada knew it too. But what’s the use of living if I do not live according to my spiritual master’s desire? This diary was yet another attempt to face my spiritual master. By approaching Prabhupada, I trusted he would see me. Often when a disciple actually came before Prabhupada, Prabhupada would ask, “Is everything alright?” The disciple could then take the opportunity to ask his question.
“If you see me today, Srila Prabhupada, this is what I would say to you: “I’m trying to physically come to your special places of worship and murtis so that you will see me and I’ll be able to render service. I want you to know what I’m doing. Please tell me what you think is best for my advancement as your disciple.”
I wish I could always be visiting Srila Prabhupada in his rooms. At least while we are in Vraja, we who wish to serve Prabhupada can serve most comfortable in these two tirthas. We belong here. People come by and throw coins on his altar, and the workmen in nearby ashrams and shops are noisy, but this is the heart of ISKCON, our home. We can circumambulate all of Vraja simply by circumambulating these grounds. The white lions standing to guard Prabhupada’s samadhi will also guard us as we shelter at his feet. “Gurudeva, give to this servant just one drop of mercy. I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. Give me strength. Let me be as you are, without desires or aspirations.
Vandanam, a Krishna Conscious Handbook on Prayer
I would like to introduce my topic with an incident in which devotees discussed the nature of prayer. This took place during a Srimad-Bhagavatam class held at the Krishna-Balaram Mandir in Vrndavana last year.
The verse under discussion was Srimad-Bhagavatam. Eighth Canto, Chapter 3, “Gajendra’s Prayers of Surrender,” Verse 1:
Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Thereafter, the King of the elephants, Gajendra, fixed his mind in his heart with perfect intelligence and chanted a mantra which he had learned in his previous birth as Indradyumna and which he remembered by the grace of Krishna.
In his purport. Srila Prabhupada stated that Krishna gives us a chance to remember devotional activities that we performed in previous lives. Particularly at a time of danger. we may remember a mantra or prayer we previously practiced, and thus perfect our life by being rescued by the Personality of Godhead.
It is imperative, therefore, that all devotees in Krishna consciousness practice chanting some mantra. Certainly one should chant the Hare Krishna mantra, which is the maha-mantra, or great mantra, and also one should practice chanting cintamani-prakara-sadmasu or the Nrsimha stotra (ito nrsimhah parato nrsimho yato yato yami tato nrsimhah). Every devotee should practice in order to chant some mantra perfectly so that even though he may be imperfect in spiritual consciousness in this life, in his next life he will not forget Krishna consciousness, even if he becomes an animal. . . . Therefore, we should not forget the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra under any circumstances. It will help us in the greatest danger, as we find in the life of Gajendra. (Bhag. 8.3.1, purport)
The devotee giving the class in Vrndavana, touched on the topic of reciting prayers. He said that it should be done at the time of greeting the Deities. As evidence, he quoted from The Nectar of Devotion, where the important bhakti practices are listed. There we find, “15. Chanting; 46. Offering prayers; 17. Reciting notable prayers.” The Nectar of Devotion also refers to the Nrsimha Purana where it is stated, “Any person who comes before the Deity of Lord Krishna and begins to chant different prayers is immediately relieved from all the reactions of sinful activities and becomes eligible, without any doubt, to enter into the Vaikuntha-loka.” (NOD, “Reciting Notable Prayers”)
One of the devotees attending the class asked if prayers could also be practiced by spontaneously speaking one’s mind and heart to Krishna. The lecturer said yes, but another devotee said no: we should only recite scriptural prayers composed by pure devotees, because we are not advanced enough to pray properly. Another devotee commented that our main prayer should be the Hare Krishna mantra as mentioned by Prabhupada in the purport about Gajendra.
I was enlivened by this discussion, but wished there had been more encouragement for personal prayer. If the only time we “recite prayers” is during the greeting of the Deities in the morning, that would amount to no more than three or four minutes. And yet the points raised by the devotees about perfect sastric prayers and the Hare Krishna mantra were valid.
Later it occurred to me that what I had most wanted to hear in a class on prayer—and which hadn’t been mentioned—was the quality of attention and devotion given by the person who is praying.
In the verse about Gajendra, it is stated that he concentrated the mind or consciousness in the heart, samadhaya mano hrdi. And this seems to be the essential point regarding prayer: whether one recites the uttamaslokas, prayers from the scripture, chants japa, or prays to the Lord from his personal thoughts and feelings, it should be done wholeheartedly and not mechanically. For the purposes of this book, Vandanam, I wish to use the word vandanam or prayer in this sense—as a state or quality. If recitation of japa is inattentive or offensive, then it can hardly qualify for the definition of prayer. Prayer occurs when we break through the material coverings and actually speak to Krishna, chant His holy names, and enter the spirit of the sastric stotras.
This little book, Vandanam, is not intended as an academic exercise, but a practical instruction on “how to pray.” I do not have a secret method, and I have made very little or no advancement personally into deeper states of prayer. But I am convinced that prayer deserves our attention and that its teaching is often overlooked among the priorities for an ISKCON devotee.
We sometimes quote a saying of Prabhupada’s, “Work now, samadhi later” without sensitivity to its meaning and application. Properly understood, no devotee can actually work for long in a devotional career unless he or she learns how to pray.
My definition of prayer as a true state of immediate experience rather than a remote or theoretical one, is supported by the definitions of prayer given in Webster’s Dictionary.
Pray: to address God or a Deity, especially with devout petition. To request something fervently; to implore.
Prayer: a formal set of words used in praying. An earnest entreaty.
These definitions describe the two kinds of prayer we have mentioned: reciting scriptural stotras and expressing your own mind and words. Another dictionary definition shows the influence of agnosticism: “A minimal chance or hope.” A Christian Little Catechism on Prayer gives this definition: “Prayer is a conversation with God in which we manifest to Him the desires of our hearts.”
As we go further into the inner meaning of prayer, we hear from Prabhupada that it must actually be done with bhakti, with love. In a conversation Prabhupada had with Reverend Gary Davis in the early days of ISKCON in New York, the Reverend brought up the fact that it is crucial to know what to pray for. Prabhupada replied, “We should pray, ‘Please let me love You.’”
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Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Inspiration, Organization and Distribution
Bhakta Shawn with Vandita Mataji (I only got a couple of shots with my phone and this was a funny one not meant for the blog...but that is all I got!)Last Saturday ISKCON Toronto held its 22nd MSF (Monthly Sankirtan Festival). 84 devotees turned out and distirbuted books in 4 prime corners in the heart of Canada's largest city. I was going to simply share a few stories of what happend on the street corner we were distributing books at...but I got to thinking that in preparation for distribution there first needs to come inspiration and organization.
Inspiration of course comes from Srila Prabhupada and the importance he placed on book distribution. Inspiration also comes from being part Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabu's sankirtan movement, especially in the month of His appearance day.
Inspiration recently has come from H.H. Bhaktimarga Swami and Vaisesika Das who have fired up book distribution in Toronto. Maharaja has gotten a group of bramacharis to start travelling accross Canada distributing books and he also brought Vaisesika Prabhu to Toronto to visit. Vaisesika Prabhu has come to Toronto a few times and unfortunately most of these days my personal schedule has not worked out to personally soak up all this nectar but his inspiration in so infectious that even if you get it second hand you get the benefit.
From this inspiration there comes organization. To go out on book distribution whether it be for 22 months in a row or to functions and events, there needs to be organization. Organization most importantly entails books but also keeping counts, ensuring prasadam for passerbys and participants as well as getting devotees to come out. For example I was going back and forth helping Radha Mohan Prabhu on another matter and in the last half dozen emails there were subtle (and not so subtle) reminders about the MSF. So for this organization there is the afforementioned Radha Mohan Prabhu, his wife Shyama Mohini Mataji, Vrindavan das, Milind Prabhu and so many young devotees that bring everyone together for sankirtan yajna.
After all of this comes the glorious distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books! Which brings me to last Saturday. When we pick a spot it is not necessarily the highest traffic spot but a location where you can take a few steps and walk with someone to explain what you are trying to give them. We were a small team of 4 and here are few quick stories.
There is a young man named Shawn in his teens that we all like to poke fun with. So on one extreme is Shawn's first encounter where a man yelled obscenities at him. Shawn took it well but was somewhat deflated. On the other extreme is an encounter towards the end of book distribution where Shawn tagged along with us and we met a young lady going to college in America who was very sweet. She was asking if it was okay to give U.S. dollars? Is it enough? She was genuinely interested in the book, the ISKCON website and list of temples so she could look up a local ISKCON center in Ohio. Her appreciation, warmth and wishes reinforced that some people are simply meant to have these books.
The next encounter also happened at the end of the afternoon outing. Vandita Mataji approached the hot dog vendor who was watching us for a few hours stop some of his potential street traffic to offer them books. A few minutes later the hot dog vendor serving beef and pork has a Higher Taste in his hand. It reminds me of this month's MSF quote which included, "........Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His associates did not consider who was a fit candidate and who was not...........whether one be a gentleman, a rogue or even lame, invalid or blind...."
Kishori met 3 young men and they knew we were Hare Krishnas and were snickering. One of the young men heard Kishori out and told how his sister was interested in Vegetarianism and pretty soon there was a book distributed and on its way to the intended reader.
The final story to share on this blog post is of a young man coming out of the Ontario Court House which was one of the 4 principal buildings where we were distributing books. He was with his parents and somewhat distraught. He said he was having a bad day but grabbed a book. I could not help to think that he might actually read it the same day...he did seem to need some shelter which can only be found at the lotus feet of Guru and Gauranga.
Of course there are many other stories including a few that promised to pop into the temple. Our story is that we are thankful for the inspiration, the organization and the oppurtunity to do book distribution!
Preaching is the essence. Purity is the force. Utility is the principle. Books are the basis.
Indresh's wife Kishori out on book distribution with winter gear. It is March in Toronto and yes it is still cold!• Email to a friend ••
Bhakta Eric, Seattle, USA: A Ton of Books for Sale!
I’m doing some spring cleaning and have a BUNCH of books to sell. Soon, I’ll let them individually, but for now, Here are shots of the spines…
You’ll notice that I have a Srimad Bhagavatam set for sale. I’m asking $200 for that. If anyone is interested in anything else, we’ll work out a deal. You can click on the photos to enlarge them.
Here are the prices….
For the SB, I’m asking $200.
For all of the Satsvarupa Maharaja books: $150 (there are 52 of them)
The Hardbacks are $4 a piece
The Paperbacks are $2 a piece
And the Kushakrata books are $3 a pieceQuestions?
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Rupeswar Gauranga dasa, asks
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Rupeswar Gauranga dasa, asks
Rupesvara Gauranga dasa, asks
April 4th, 2011
“How do we ensure that we stay in ISKCON for the rest of our lives? Is it something in particular or it is different for different devotees? Is there something Srila Prabhupada wrote as a general instruction? I hear the term ‘never leave ISKCON’, what does it mean exactly?”
[ 12:10 ]
H.H. Sivarama Swami: Rupeswar Gauranga dasa, asks
“How do we ensure that we stay in ISKCON for the rest of our lives? Is it something in particular or it is different for different devotees? Is there something Srila Prabhupada wrote as a general instruction? I hear the term ‘never leave ISKCON’, what does it mean exactly?”
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David Haslam, UK: Sea Erosion, Spiritual Erosion a Holiday Thought
The month of April, there is no planed visit to The Manor and I’m already missing everyone but there is a need to spend some time with my nice so I’ve taken her and one of her friends to Withernsea Sands in the East Yorkshire Riding’s area so each morning I’ve had a lovely walk [...]
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ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Deity Darshan: Sunday April 4, 2011
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Gouranga TV: Aindra Kirtan – ISKCON Vrindavan – October 3, 2009
Aindra Kirtan – ISKCON Vrindavan – October 3, 2009
Gouranga TV: Aindra Kirtan – ISKCON Vrindavan – October 3, 2009
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Bhanu Swami at Urban Yoga
Maharaja will be speaking on the topic of 'Beyond Birth and Death' at Krishna Fest this Wednesday at 6pm.
About Bhanu Swami:
His Holiness Bhanu Swami is an erudite scholar and his headquarters are in Chennai, India. Bhanu Swami travels extensively around the world & South India.
He is a senior disciple of Srila Prabhupada, the Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Maharaja is known for his deep understanding of Vedic literature. Originally from Canada, Bhanu Swami has lived in India for many years and has translated numerous Vedic literature's from Sanskrit and Bengali into English.
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Japa Group: Taking Our Environment Into Account
Our environment during Japa can have a big impact on the quality of our rounds. We need to ask ourselves a few questions - Do I get constantly interrupted by others during Japa? Do I get constantly distracted by the environment around me? Is the environment around me helpful for concentration?
For those in family or household life, chanting Japa can be a hard task....there are many distractions to keep us from concentrating. We need to give sacred time to the Holy names and try to place ourselves in a peaceful situation to increase the chances of deep meditation.
We may need to excuse ourselves from the family situation and go for a Japa walk or sit in a place away from interruptions. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, we need to treat our Japa time as the most important part of the day - give respect to Krsna and really try hard to pronounce all the names properly and to hear ourselves with attention.
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Dandavats.com: New Book On Vraja Dhama
Sahadeva dasa: This is the first book in the series of Vaisnava acharyas' works that we are planning to print and put up online. The idea is to make a comprehensive repository of Vaisnava acharya’s works which confirm to good standards
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Dandavats.com: Report from the GBC’s Strategic Planning Temple Development Committee
By Kaisori dasi
A devotee friend asked me recently about the rationale behind creating a strategic plan for a spiritual organization. He understood the need for strategic planning in the corporate world where you have to anticipate market changes and consumer interests, but he suspected its relevance to our confederation of devotees who, after all, are ultimately interested in transcendence. Doesn't it go against the spontaneous nature of performing devotional service and spoil the devotees' spirit a little if everything has to be so mapped out?
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More Recent Articles
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- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Monday 4 April 2011--Liberated Soul or Slave of Maya: Your Choice--and--How to Fully Surrender to Krishna?
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Nanda Mandir Prabhu
- ISKCON Brampton, Canada: Sunday Feast - April 3 2011
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Offenses to Avoid at the Temple - Slides from Today's Sunday Feast Class by Rupanuga das
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