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"Planet ISKCON" - 37 new articles
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.48 Progress In Cursed Times
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.47 Impolite & Pessimistic
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.45 If I Leave Everything Will Fall Apart
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.44 Bhagavad-Gita Chap 9.1-14 Summary, God Is Nice
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.35-36 Big Deal I Am Eternal
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.3.3 Everything Comes From Krsna
- Kurma dasa, AU: Krishna, the Lord of Sweetness
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.3.2 The Difference Between Matter & Spirit
- The Loft, Auckland, NZ: Re-Opening on Tuesday 26th
- Japa Group: With Genuine Spiritual Feeling
- David Haslam, UK: Engage all, even council/government officials in service
- Toronto Sankirtan Team, CA: A part of a grand orchestra
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Prabhupada was happy to see you
- Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Tamohara Prabhu - SB 10.2.11-12 - Material Miseries
- ISKCON News.com: British Man Sentenced To 70 days For Burning Quran
- ISKCON News.com: US Senate Confirms Religious Freedom Ambassador
- ISKCON News.com: The Archbishop of Canterbury on the Royal Wedding
- ISKCON News.com: 2011 Festival of Inspiration in New Vrindaban, USA
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: The Budapest Centre will cease to use, consume or serve violence based milk or milk products by the end of April
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 287—Poem for April 21
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
- ISKCON News.com: Live Streaming: Durban Ratha Yatra Festival
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Srila Prabhupada's Kadamba garland
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Krishna Kids & Easter Eggs
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: A meeting at the Bhaktivedanta College
- Dandavats.com: Lord Krishna As Raas Behari
- Dandavats.com: Simple Living and Varnasrama
- Dandavats.com: Unnecessary Necessities
- Dandavats.com: All Set For Durban’s Ratha Yatra Festival! (join Us On The Live-Stream)
- Dandavats.com: Yamuna Rally
- Dandavats.com: New Video His Divine Holiness Shrila Prabhupada
- Bhakta Chris, New York, USA: The Humble Musings Of The Manhattan Monk 4/21/11
- Japa Group: Chanting With Love
- Gouranga TV: Lecture – Malati Mataji – SB 10.2.10 – Demigod Worship
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
"I worship the primeval Lord, Govinda, who is always seen by the devotee whose eyes are anointed with the pulp of love. He is seen in His eternal form of Syamasundara, within the heart of the devotee."
(Brahma-samhita 5.38)
May our eyes be anointed with that pulp of love while taking darsana of beautiful Syamasundara; maybe then we shall, at last, see Him seated on the throne of our heart posing majestically next to Srimati Radhika.
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.48 Progress In Cursed Times
SB 08.05.48 Progress In Cursed Times 2002-01-08 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.48 Progress In Cursed Times 2002-01-08 Perth
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.48 Progress In Cursed Times
SB 8.5.48: Activities dedicated to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even if performed in small measure, never go in vain. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, being the supreme father, is naturally very dear and always ready to act for the good of the living entities.
SB 8.5.48: Las actividades que se dedican a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, por pocas que sean, nunca son en vano. La Suprema Personalidad de Dios es el Padre Supremo, y por ello las entidades vivientes sentimos un gran afecto natural por Él; Él siempre está dispuesto a actuar por nuestro bien.
SB 8.5.48: Les activités dédiées à Dieu, la Personne Suprême, aussi insignifiantes soient-elles, ne sont jamais accomplies en vain. Dieu, la Personne Suprême, le père suprême, est naturellement très bon et toujours prêt à agir pour le bien des êtres vivants.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.48 Progress In Cursed Times
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.47 Impolite & Pessimistic
SB 8.5.47: Karmīs are always anxious to accumulate wealth for their sense gratification, but for that purpose they must work very hard. Yet even though they work hard, the results are not satisfying. Indeed, sometimes their work results only in frustration. But devotees who have dedicated their lives to the service of the Lord can achieve substantial results without working very hard. These results exceed the devotee's expectations.
SB 8.5.47: Les Karmīs sont toujours anxieux d'accumuler des richesses pour la satisfaction de leurs sens, mais pour cela ils doivent travailler très dur. Pourtant, malgré leurs efforts, ils ne sont pas satisfaits des résultats; parfois même, leur pénible labeur n'aboutit qu'à la frustration. Mais les bhaktas qui ont dédié leur vie au service du Seigneur peuvent obtenir des résultats substantiels, sans pour cela fournir un travail très pénible. Ces résultats dépassent les espérances du bhakta.
SB 8.5.47: Los Karmīs están siempre muy deseosos de atesorar riquezas para complacer los sentidos, pero para ello tienen que trabajar con gran tesón. Sin embargo, por mucho que trabajan, no obtienen resultados satisfactorios. De hecho, muchas veces el único resultado de su trabajo es la frustración. En cambio, los devotos que han dedicado sus vidas al servicio del Señor pueden alcanzar resultados sustanciales sin esforzarse demasiado. Esos resultados van más allá de lo que ellos mismos podrían esperar.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.47 Impolite & Pessimistic
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.47 Impolite & Pessimistic
SB 08.05.47 Impolite & Pessimistic 2002-01-07 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.47 Impolite & Pessimistic 2002-01-07 Perth
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.45 If I Leave Everything Will Fall Apart
SB 8.5.45: O Supreme Personality of Godhead, we are surrendered unto You, yet we wish to see You. Please make Your original form and smiling lotus face visible to our eyes and appreciable to our other senses.
SB 8.5.45: O Seigneur, Toi la Personne Suprême, nous Te sommes soumis, mais désirons cependant Te contempler. Nous T'en prions, rends Ta Forme originelle ainsi que Ton souriant visage pareil-au-lotus visibles à nos yeux et perceptibles à nos autres sens.
SB 8.5.45: ¡Oh, Suprema Personalidad de Dios!, nos hemos entregado a Ti, pero ahora deseamos verte. Por favor, haz que Tu forma original y Tu sonriente cara de loto sean visibles a nuestros ojos, y que podamos percibirlas con nuestros sentidos.
SB 08.05.45 If I Leave Everything Will Fall Apart 2002-01-05 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.45 If I Leave Everything Will Fall Apart 2002-01-05 Perth
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.45 If I Leave Everything Will Fall Apart
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.45 If I Leave Everything Will Fall Apart
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.44 Bhagavad-Gita Chap 9.1-14 Summary, God Is Nice
SB 8.5.44: Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is completely silent, free from endeavor, and completely satisfied by His own achievements. He is not attached to the activities of the material world through His senses. Indeed, in performing His pastimes in this material world, He is just like the unattached air.
SB 8.5.44: Ofrezcamos respetuosas reverencias a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, que es completamente silencioso, que está libre de todo esfuerzo y que está completamente satisfecho en virtud de Sus propios logros. Él no tiene los sentidos apegados a las actividades del mundo material. En verdad, cuando lleva a cabo Sus pasatiempos en el mundo material, es tan desapegado como el aire.
SB 8.5.44: Présentons notre respectueux hommage à Dieu, la Personne Suprême, qui est complètement silencieux, libre de tout effort et parfaitement satisfait de Ses propres réalisations. Il n'est pas attaché par Ses sens aux activités de ce monde matériel. Quand Il Se livre à Ses Divertissements ici-bas, Il demeure comme l'air, libre de toutes attaches.
SB 08.05.44 Bhagavad-GitaChap 9.1-14 Summary, God Is Nice 2002-01-04 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.44 Bhagavad-Gita Chap 9.1-14 Summary, God Is Nice 2002-01-04 Perth
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.44 Bhagavad-Gita Chap 9.1-14 Summary, God Is Nice
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.44 Bhagavad-Gita Chap 9.1-14 Summary, God Is Nice
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.35-36 Big Deal I Am Eternal
SB 8.5.35: Fire, which is born for the sake of accepting oblations in ritualistic ceremonies, is the mouth of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Fire exists within the depths of the ocean to produce wealth, and fire is also present in the abdomen to digest food and produce various secretions for the maintenance of the body. May that supremely powerful Personality of Godhead be pleased with us.
SB 8.5.36: The sun-god marks the path of liberation, which is called arcirādi-vartma. He is the chief source for understanding of the Vedas, he is the abode where the Absolute Truth can be worshiped, He is the gateway to liberation, and he is the source of eternal life as well as the cause of death. The sun-god is the eye of the Lord. May that Supreme Lord, who is supremely opulent, be pleased with us.
SB 8.5.35: Le feu, qui naquit afin de recevoir les offrandes lors des cérémonies rituelles, représente la bouche de Dieu, la Personne Suprême. Il existe dans les profondeurs de l'océan, où il produit les richesses, et se trouve aussi présent dans l'abdomen afin de digérer la nourriture et de produire différentes sécrétions nécessaires à l'entretien du corps. Puisse Dieu, cette Personne suprêmement puissante, être satisfait de nous.
SB 8.5.36: Le deva du Soleil trace la voie de la libération, que l'on appelle arcirādi-vartma. Il est la source principale de compréhension des Vedas, le lieu où peut être adorée la Vérité Absolue, la porte donnant sur la libération, et la source de la vie éternelle comme la cause de la mort. Le deva du Soleil est l'oeil du Seigneur. Puisse ce Seigneur Souverain à la puissance infinie être satisfait de nous.
SB 8.5.35: El fuego, que ha nacido para aceptar las oblaciones en las ceremonias rituales, es la boca de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios. El fuego existe en las profundidades del océano, donde produce riquezas, y se encuentra también en el abdomen para digerir los alimentos y producir diversas secreciones destinadas a mantener el cuerpo. Que esa supremamente poderosa Personalidad de Dios Se complazca con nosotros.
SB 8.5.36: El dios del Sol señala la senda de la liberación, que recibe el nombre de arcirādi-vartma. Él es la principal fuente de comprensión de los Vedas y la morada en que se puede adorar a la Verdad Absoluta. Él es la puerta de la liberación y la fuente de la vida eterna, así como la causa de la muerte. El dios del Sol es el ojo del Señor. Que ese Supremo Señor, que es supremamente opulento, Se complazca con nosotros.
SB 08.05.35-36 Big Deal I Am Eternal 2002-01-01 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.35-36 Big Deal I Am Eternal 2002-01-01 Perth
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.35-36 Big Deal I Am Eternal
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.35-36 Big Deal I Am Eternal
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.3.3 Everything Comes From Krsna
SB 8.3.3: The Supreme Godhead is the supreme platform on which everything rests, the ingredient by which everything has been produced, and the person who has created and is the only cause of this cosmic manifestation. Nonetheless, He is different from the cause and the result. I surrender unto Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is self-sufficient in everything.
SB 8.3.3: La Divinité Suprême représente le niveau ultime sur lequel tout repose, le principe dont tout émane, le créateur et la cause unique de cette manifestation cosmique. Malgré cela, Elle reste différente de la cause et du résultat. Je m'abandonne à Dieu, la Personne Suprême, qui Se suffit à Lui-même en toutes choses.
SB 8.3.3: La Suprema Personalidad de Dios es el plano supremo en que todo reposa, el elemento del que todo es producto, la persona que ha creado esta manifestación cósmica y que es su única causa. Él, sin embargo, es diferente de la causa y del resultado. Yo me entrego a Él, que es la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, autosuficiente en todo.
SB 08.03.03 Everything Comes From Krsna 1995-01-04 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.3.3 Everything Comes From Krsna 1995-01-04 Radhadesh
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.3.3 Everything Comes From Krsna
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.3.3 Everything Comes From Krsna
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Kurma dasa, AU: Krishna, the Lord of Sweetness
Today is Easter Friday and a lot of Christian leaders are, hopefully, speaking on various religious topics. Here's my offering: a tangible description of God and one of his limitless divine qualities - sweetness.
I published this 6 months ago, but here it is again, back by popular demand.
The Sweetness of Lord Sri Krishna by Sripad Vallabha-acharya
adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram nayanam madhuram hasitam madhuram hridayam madhuram gamanam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His lips are sweet, His face is sweet, His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet, His loving heart is sweet, His gait (walk) is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
vachanam madhuram charitam madhuram vasanam madhuram valitam madhuram chalitam madhuram bhramitam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His words are sweet, His character is sweet, His dress (garment) is sweet, His posture is sweet, His movements are sweet, His wandering (roaming) is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
venur madhuro renur madhurah panir madhurah padau madhurau nrityam madhuram shakhyam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His flute-playing is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet, His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet, His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gitam madhuram pitam madhuram bhuktam madhuram suptam madhuram rupam madhuram tilakam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His song is sweet, His drinking is sweet, His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet, His beautiful form is sweet, His Tilaka (mark on the forehead) is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
karanam madhuram taranam madhuram haranam madhuram ramanam madhuram vamitam madhuram shamitam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His deeds (activities) are sweet, His conquest (liberating) is sweet, His thieving (stealing) is sweet, His love-sports are sweet, His oblations (offerings) are sweet, His countenance is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gunja madhura mala madhuram yamuna madhura vici madhuram salilam madhuram kamalam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His gunja-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet, Sweet is the Yamuna river, and sweet are her rippling waves, Her water is sweet, and sweet are the lotus flowers also, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gopi madhura lila madhuram yuktam madhuram muktam madhuram dhristam madhuram shistam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His gopis (cowherd girlfriends) are sweet, His pastimes (plays) are sweet, His union (meeting him) is sweet, His deliverance (rescue) is sweet, His sidelong glances are sweet, His courtesy (etiquette) is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
gopa madhura gavo madhuram yastir madhura shristhir madhuram dalitam madhuram phalitam madhuram madhur-adipater akhilam madhuram
His gopas (cowherd boyfriends) are sweet, His cows are sweet, His cane (herding-stick) is sweet, His creation is sweet, His victory (trampling) is sweet, His accomplishment (fruition) is sweet, Everything is completely sweet about the Lord of Sweetness.
|| iti srimad vallabha-acarya viracitam madhurastakam sampurnam ||
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.3.2 The Difference Between Matter & Spirit
SB 8.3.2: The King of the elephants, Gajendra, said: I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Person, Vāsudeva [oḿ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya]. Because of Him this material body acts due to the presence of spirit, and He is therefore the root cause of everyone. He is worshipable for such exalted persons as Brahmā and Śiva, and He has entered the heart of every living being. Let me meditate upon Him.
SB 8.3.2: Gajendra, le roi des éléphants, dit: Je présente mon respectueux hommage à la Personne Suprême, Vāsudeva [oḿ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya]. Grâce à Lui, l'esprit anime ce corps matériel; Il est donc à l'origine de l'existence de tous les êtres. Il est digne de l'adoration de hauts personnages tels que Brahmā et Śiva, et Il habite le coeur de chaque être vivant. Que ma méditation se porte sur Lui.
SB 8.3.2: El rey de los elefantes, Gajendra, dijo: Ofrezco respetuosas reverencias a la Persona Suprema, Vāsudeva [oḿ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya]. El cuerpo material actúa gracias a Él, por la presencia del espíritu; Él es, por lo tanto, la causa original de todos los seres. Él es digno de la adoración de personas tan elevadas como Brahmā y Śiva; Él ha entrado en el corazón de todo ser vivo. En Él medito.
SB 08.03.02 The Difference Between Matter & Spirit 1995-01-03 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.3.2 The Difference Between Matter & Spirit 1995-01-03 Radhadesh
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.3.2 The Difference Between Matter & Spirit 1995-01-03 Radhadesh
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.3.2 The Difference Between Matter & Spirit 1995-01-03 Radhadesh
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The Loft, Auckland, NZ: Re-Opening on Tuesday 26th
The Loft will be closed over the Easter Weekend and will re-open on Tuesday the 26th of April for Yoga.
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Japa Group: With Genuine Spiritual Feeling
Here Giriraj Swami discuss's a very nice topic about chanting with genuine spiritual feeling.
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David Haslam, UK: Engage all, even council/government officials in service
There are many reasons why people come in to devotional life, each as diverse as the people we meet. There is also many reasons why people undertake and do devotional service, some for financial reward, some seeking benediction, some for company and some as they understand the significance in devotional service and spiritual life. The [...]
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Toronto Sankirtan Team, CA: A part of a grand orchestra
I was running out of the temple with two big plates of prashadam in my hand and I saw these 2 people walk into the temple and they looked like they had not been there before. I really wanted to talk to thm but I could not as I was really late. As I was walking out, i decided to keep a few books on top of the pile of the plates, just in case I saw someone on street and they agreed to speak with me. Going through Roxborough, I met someone and she bought a book and we talked for a few miutes. When I started to move on, i saw the same couple walk ahead of me. So i started to walk really fast (with these two heavy plates) hoping that they would see me and stop. Somehow after a few minutes I caught up with them and i said Hi! She smiled and we started talking like friends. She was inquiring about spirituality, turned out that she was from Karnal, Haryana and i remembered two days ago I had heard Srila Prabhupada say in a lecture that the Jats are actually Kshatriya race and so I repeated the exact same thing to her and she was all pleased. I told her so you are Kshatriya, a go-getter and she was all excited. I showed her the books I had and inquired about her having heard of Bhagavad gita and she said yes, she was looking for one and had found one online. I told her I had original copies and she was really excited to get a chance to read the original copy. We left exchanging emails and I realised as I was walking away that every word we hear from Srila Prabhupada in a lecture and read in a book - is a part of a beautiful orchestra. We just have to do our small parts. I also realised that I was carrying two plates of prashadam and even though it crossed my mind, I didnt have it in me to part with my plate of prashad although she would have taken it. I was contrasting it with how I was reading about Rantideva's passtimes this morning in Srimad Bhagavtam how he even offered the last drop of water he had and I cant eveb part with some prashad. I realised what a long way in Bhakti we have to go, its like we dont even have our baby teeth out yet.
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Prabhupada was happy to see you
Urmila devi dasi: It struck me that Prabhupada didn't necessarily answer peoples' questions the way they expected them to be answered, he answered in his own way. Prabhupada was just also very friendly with my father, first thing he said is "Oh, I have seen you before?" My father said "Yes, twice before." He said "Oh, so how are you now?" like he was meeting an old friend; very warm and friendly, so that you felt that Prabhupada was so happy to see you and that you were the person he was just waiting to see, how he remembers you. Often when you meet somebody, especially a very busy person, you feel like you are intruding on their time and maybe they are just seeing you out of obligation, so Prabhupada didn't make you feel that way; he made you feel that he would put everything else aside to meet with you and be with you because he liked you so much.
Memories of Srila Prabhupada, DVD 51. (Available from www.prabhupadamemories.com)
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Rupa Madhurya das, TX, USA: Lecture - Tamohara Prabhu - SB 10.2.11-12 - Material Miseries
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 2, Texts 11-12 titled "Material Miseries" given by Tamohara Prabhu
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 2, Texts 11-12 titled "Material Miseries" given by Tamohara Prabhu.
This series of lectures was given during the 2011 TP/GBC Meetings held here in Dallas.
Dallas, TX
Lord Krishna blessed Mayadevi by saying: In different places on the surface of the earth, people will give you different names, such as Durga, Bhadrakali, Vijaya, Vaishnavi, Kumuda, Candika, Krishna, Madhavi, Kanyaka, Maya, Narayani, Isani, Sarada and Ambika.
Because Krishna and His energy appeared simultaneously, people have generally formed two groups -- the saktas and the Vaishnavas -- and sometimes there is rivalry between them. Essentially, those who are interested in material enjoyment are saktas, and those interested in spiritual salvation and attaining the spiritual kingdom are Vaishnavas. Because people are generally interested in material enjoyment, they are interested in worshiping Mayadevi, the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vaishnavas, however, are suddha-saktas, or pure bhaktas, because the Hare Krishna maha-mantra indicates worship of the Supreme Lord's energy, Hara. A Vaishnava prays to the energy of the Lord for the opportunity to serve the Lord along with His spiritual energy. Thus Vaishnavas all worship such Deities as Radha-Krishna, Sita-Rama, Lakshmi-Narayana and Rukmini-Dvarakadhisa, whereas durga-saktas worship the material energy under different names.
The names by which Mayadevi is known in different places have been listed by Vallabhacarya as follows. In Varanasi she is known as Durga, in Avanti she is known as Bhadrakali, in Orissa she is known as Vijaya, and in Kulahapura she is known as Vaishnavi or Mahalakshmi. (The representatives of Mahalakshmi and Ambika are present in Bombay.) In the country known as Kamarupa she is known as Candika, in Northern India as Sarada, and in Cape Comorin as Kanyaka. Thus she is distributed according to various names in various places.
Srila Vijayadhvaja Tirthapada, in his pada-ratnavali-tika, has explained the meanings of the different representations. Maya is known as Durga because she is approached with great difficulty, as Bhadra because she is auspicious, and as Kali because she is deep blue. Because she is the most powerful energy, she is known as Vijaya; because she is one of the different energies of Vishnu, she is known as Vaishnavi; and because she enjoys in this material world and gives facilities for material enjoyment, she is known as Kumuda. Because she is very severe to her enemies, the asuras, she is known as Candika, and because she gives all sorts of material facilities, she is called Krishna. In this way the material energy is differently named and situated in different places on the surface of the globe.
Download: 2011-01-27 - Tamohara Prabhu - SB 10.2.11-12 - Material Miseries.mp3
2011-01-27 - Tamohara Prabhu - SB 10.2.11-12 - Material Miseries
2011-01-27 - Tamohara Prabhu - SB 10.2.11-12 - Material Miseries.mp3
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ISKCON News.com: British Man Sentenced To 70 days For Burning Quran
A British former soldier has been jailed for burning a copy of the Quran in front of shoppers in England -- an act the judge described as "theatrical bigotry."
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ISKCON News.com: US Senate Confirms Religious Freedom Ambassador
A New York minister will soon fill the Obama administration's long-vacant position to oversee international religious freedom after the Senate voted to confirm the Rev. Suzan Johnson Cook for the post.
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ISKCON News.com: The Archbishop of Canterbury on the Royal Wedding
Speaking in a short film, the Archbishop of Canterbury talks about the sense of hopefulness and generosity which lie at the heart of marriage, and what this also tells us about the ‘mystery’ and ‘delight’ which can be found in this life-time commitment. Dr Williams, who will be conducting the marriage ceremony at Westminster Abbey on Friday 29th, also describes the sense of privilege he feels about his own role in the royal wedding.
ISKCON News.com: The Archbishop of Canterbury on the Royal Wedding
If the selection above is hosted by YouTube then after the video plays there will be several links presented to other videos. ISKCON News Weekly has no control over the selections presented and is not responsible for their contents.• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON News.com: 2011 Festival of Inspiration in New Vrindaban, USA
The schedule of Festival of Inspiration in New Vrindaban, USA, May 6, 7 & 8th, 2011 has been announced. Among many other topics there will be discussions on the different aspect of family life, devotional practice, there will be music lessons, kirtana and drama performance.
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: The Budapest Centre will cease to use, consume or serve violence based milk or milk products by the end of April
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 287—Poem for April 21
4:36 A.M.
A Writer of Pieces
New format—I will begin with a poem written on the day of its printing. Then I will print random excerpts of books I have printed over the last 30 years. I hope this variety will be pleasing.
Poem for April 21
The Krishna mantras go one way,
but my mind was going back to
unpleasant things. I could not control
it but kept laying down the mantras
rapidly with a separate attention.The morning is going well,
I am all alone,
both Narayana and I get up early
by 2:30 A.M. at least and chant all our
rounds before mangala-arati.
It ‘s a blessed schedule which I
hope to keep up until the end.All the mantras pass through your
mind enunciating and touching
your tongue. The beauty
of japa-yajna is the best
start of the day.When he comes up we exchange
small talk of warmth
and long-term intimacy. Soon
he will leave for travels,
but he is here for now.What more? When you’ve
finished your rounds
you are ready to read
and to dictate your
morning’s posting in
excerpts from the books
you have written over thirty five years
to share with readers you
hope will stay with
you to see the clear
writing you used to do.Radha-Krishna are waiting
for you to wave the
incense before Their
forms. You subdue
the cynical part of
your mind with full
faith accepting the arca-
vigraha. Today Krishna’s
face was particularly real,
and fetching kind
Cowherd boy and
Hanuman shining mighty
pray to him for long life
and inspiration to write
the personal episodes.Baladeva and Gurudasa
have mulched the yard,
and now it’s ready for
plants when Keli-lalita
will bring them. We’ll
have a beautiful landscape
of flowers and bushes
to present to the neighborhood.
It’s an aspect of bhakti-
yoga, growing things for
Krishna’s pleasure and
the pleasure of His devotees.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
From The Qualities of Sri Krishna (1995)
“If Sri Krishna were beautiful but not strong, He would be incomplete. Who would protect us? Without Krishna and Balarama, the pastimes would end in disaster when the demons attacked. Sankhacuda ran away with all the gopis. Sometimes it so happens in the world that merrymaking is intruded upon by murderers. Peaceful sages cannot meditate when Dvivida gorilla comes and pollutes their bhajana-kutirs. Yogis are killed and eaten by raksasas. Ravana plots to kidnap Sita-devi. But Krishna is baliyan.
“When Krishna killed Aristasura, some of the gopis said, ‘My dear friends, just see how Krishna has killed Aristasura! Although he was stronger than a mountain, Krishna plucked him up just like a piece of cotton and threw him away without any difficulty!’ (NOD, Chapter 21, p. 159)
“As described by Parasara Muni, strength is one of the six opulences of Bhagavan. There are many strong men, but He who has unlimited power is Bhagavan. Krishna is so powerful that He does not have to personally maintain the universes but maintains them through His expansions and energies. ‘Sometimes we see a picture of Atlas holding a globe on his shoulders; he seems to be very tired, holding this great earthly planet. Such an image should not be entertained in connection with Krishna’s upholding this created universe.’ (Bhagavad-gita 9.5, purport)
“Krishna can do anything. Any one of His senses can perform the function of another. He can impregnate by His glance, and He can accept food simply by hearing His devotees’ prayers. He can kill whole armies of demons as many-armed Nrsimahdeva, and He can understand a devotee’s heart without either of them speaking. But He prefers to play in Vrndavana with His parents, boyfriends and beautiful gopis. When strength is required, then by His will everything is performed perfectly and inconceivably.
“If Krishna kicks a demon or punches Kamsa or Kamsa’s washerman, that is for sport and for the pleasure of His devotees. Krishna is many-faceted. We have already heard that He is pleasing and beautiful to behold. His body is delicate to the touch. But those who are opposed to Krishna experience His hard side. They feel His hot, iron-like fist in their mouths or His strong dancing feet upon their heads.
“In Vrndavana, Krishna appears as a young boy, yet Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, admits, ‘There is so much difference between Your body and mine that I cannot estimate the potency of Your body.’ When Krishna was only six years old, He crushed the hundred-headed serpent Kaliya, who had poisoned the Yamuna. Just by Krishna’s jumping into the Yamuna to fight with Kaliya, the river overflowed its banks as if something large had fallen into it. ‘This exhibition of Krishna’s strength is not at all uncommon because He is the reservoir of all strength.’ (Krishna, Chapter 16, p. 156)
“Krishna’s strength is spiritual. If He were only another strong man of this material world, He would eventually slacken with age and be replaced by younger, more powerful men. Krishna is not like that. He is the prowess of all powerful men. In Bhagavad-gita Krishna declares, ‘I am the strength of the strong.’ Prabhupada writes, ‘When Krishna was present on earth, no one could surpass Him in strength. Even in His childhood He lifted Govardhana Hill. No one can surpass Him in cheating, no one can surpass Him in splendor, no one can surpass Him in victory, no one can surpass Him in enterprise, and no one can surpass Him in strength.’ (Bhagavad-gita, 10.36, purport)
“May Krishna protect us. We are weak in every way. The strongest among us is a plaything against the power of maya. We try to control our minds, but it is as difficult as controlling the wind. We want to be renunciates, but we feel weak in the grip of our own lust. We want to defeat the demons, but sometimes they defeat us. In all circumstances, we have no recourse but to seek shelter in all-powerful, all-good Krishna. The demigods know this well, and whenever a demon like Hiranyakasipu or Hiranyaksa appears, they pray to the Lord to please destroy the evil force. Krishna complies with their prayers, appearing in the world to rescue the devotees and to destroy the demons.
“In Kali-yuga, it often appears that the devotees are hopelessly outnumbered and in no position to fight. Even when they lack physical strength, however, devotees can appeal to the ultimate power. Srila Prabhupada writes,
‘There are two kinds of strength—daiva and purusakara. Daiva refers to the strength achieved from the Transcendence, and purusakara refers to the strength organized by one’s own intelligence and power. Transcendental power is always superior to the power of the materialist . . . We should fight our enemy to the best of our ability, but for victory we must depend upon the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.’ (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 9.10.20, purport)
“In this age of quarrel, Lord Caitanya advises that we fight with the divine weapons of harinama sankirtana. ‘Think of Me and fight,’ Krishna tells Arjuna. Prabhupada has encouraged us, ‘Go on chanting. Be tolerant. You will be victorious. There is no other way.’
“O my dear devotees of Lord Krishna, may the left hand of Krishna, which has lifted Govardhana Hill like a ball, save you from all dangers.”
From Lessons from the Road, Volume I (1987)“I have been reading A Walk Across America by Peter and Barbara Jenkins. Not only did Jenkins take many risks and welcome adventures, but he advocates it for others. He says,
‘People are afraid to be vulnerable. They would give everything to know, if they weren’t so scared.’ He recommends that people get out and take a chance: ‘A lot of us get in line and are afraid to step out, but you can come back so much bigger and wiser. I am going to have adventures all my life.’
“During the journey his wife was often reluctant, and she thought of giving up the walk, especially in the first weeks. But as she felt stronger and tougher by the walk, she gained encouragement:
“‘I wish I had it all figured out, but maybe this walk across America really was right for me. There must be dozens of adventures just waiting down the road. I was learning how much taking risks, doing new things and not knowing what was ahead excited me and how unafraid I really was.’
“When I apply these words to myself, it gives me plenty to think about. I certainly stepped out of line by becoming a Hare Krishna devotee, with shaved head and saffron robes. And there is no turning back from that. But over the years I have grown less adventuresome. I don’t like to expose myself to hoots, jeers, police arrests or any kind of violence. In a few years I will be fifty, and I tend to look for situations where I am respected and comfortable. I also see it as part of a positive growth that I feel more at home with solitude. But what about adventures for spreading Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana? Is that only for young people?
“There is also the phenomena of a traveling recluse. Emily Carr was a famous painter who at the age of sixty-one went to live in a van in British Columbia with a pet monkey, a rat and two puppies. In her diary she often talks of God and feels His goodness in the simple pleasures of camp life, which she shares with her animal pets. ‘It’s fine here,’ she writes. ‘Nobody pesters you. The great wide beach is yours for the taking.’
“The Massachusetts hermit-poet Robert Francis wrote of the social element within solitude:
“‘Spells of social silence are all to the good. I do not forget people, nor do they forget me. If my solitude is the warp of my life, people are the woof. I have no desire to make them less, and I couldn’t even have the desire . . . when alone I have the freedom of my friends and I am not captured by those who happen to be here.’ (Traveling in Amherst)
“Francis also said, ‘If solitude only made me happy, I might hesitate to indulge in it. But since it also makes me productive, I feel satisfied to say no to a few picnics.’
“But what does Srila Prabhupada say on this matter? He advises us to be introspective as well as well-wishing to others. Become perfect and preach:
“‘One who is not very expert in preaching may chant in a secluded place, avoiding bad association, but for one who is actually advanced, preaching and meeting people who are not engaged in devotional service are not disadvantages. A devotee gives the nondevotees his association but is not affected by their misbehavior. Thus by the activities of a pure devotee, even those who are bereft of love of Godhead get a chance to become devotees of the Lord one day.’ (Cc. Adi-lila 7.92)
“Despite my tendency for inwardness, I’m ready for life on the road. We are selling personal belongings and borrowing money so that we can buy Gita Nagari’s used motorhome. It’s their famous ‘Kamadhuk,’ a twenty-five foot Barth recreational vehicle. They have used it for five years to go out selling paintings. It’s in good shape except for a rotted roof caused by a leak.”
From ISKCON in the 1970s: Diaries (1997)
“Crossing the Ganges in an old wooden boat. Prabhupada sat. People calling out to us, ‘Hare Krishna.’ He said that wherever we go and people see us, they say Hare Krishna. Even when he arrived in a plane stopover at night, they chanted Hare Krishna.
“Calcutta—went to the kaviraja’s house. He felt Prabhupada’s pulse. Then Prabhupada went to another room and everyone in the house came to receive darsana and offer fruit. We held Hare Krishna kirtana. Me, terrible headache, weak from cholera shot, leading chanting in kaviraja’s, Srila Prabhupada pleased. Big basket of fruit.
“Riding in the car afterwards, we said hardly anything. Then this morning we visited another man’s home, a modest apartment, seemingly mundane things (talking in Bengali), and Prabhupada finally told them to chant Hare Krishna.
“I was very sick for two days, now returned to life, eating, digesting, working. Srila Prabhupada ate a kachauri yesterday cooked by his sister, and now he has become sick again.
“Plans are uncertain now about going to London. Thinking to ask him how I can expand my activities in the zone. I am so saturated with self-interest—if I could only think, ‘What is best for Krishna,’ then I would get direction how to do big things for the zone. Festivals coming together, parades in Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland.
“Prabhupada is ill. His sister is coming to see him but not helping. Took picture of Nsrimhadeva from altar.
“Srila Prabhupada subdued us. He called in his big GBC and sannyasi leaders—their consensus was to go to good climate, Hawaii or L.A., to rest. No, he wanted to preach in the West. All leaders subdued by his calm, forceful statement of ‘strength of mind.’
“He said, ‘Strike while the iron is hot. I think that is an English maxim. Then you can keep it in shape.’
“In the West they are fed up. I want to give spiritual enlightenment. Two very misleading theories: (1) Life comes from matter, (2) There is no life after death (so enjoy), everything is matter. As this movement grows, Communism will be curbed.
“They try for unity, but this simply means our Ratha-yatra festival. They have no brain to see. By the complicated League of Nations and United Nations, still they fail. This simple method all over the world. Ghandi’s method was to cut up India into India and Pakistan, and now who cares for noncooperation, nonviolence? But by our movement this culture is spread all over the world. Jagannatha means ‘Lord of the Universe.’ International God, thanks to ISKCON.
“He criticized Western civilization for ruination of human living. They are thinking there is no time for self-realization. Not only must they work eight hours a day, but they try to save time for spending at naked dancing, vacations, intoxication. Our movement is fighting this. It is not religious sentiment but trying to save humanity from ruin.
“Regarding Midwest zone, he said that since centers are established there, then go into interior—come and go, come and go, some go south, some go north, in this way (cover all the towns and villages). If we make some devotees, we can open centers. Centers should not be opened whimsically, opened one day and closed the next.
“I can go with my party and encourage the centers also to send parties, not just to do hard-core book distribution. Give them direction—but preach, meet people, hold feasts in cities—go to the interior, chanting in Kansas City, Topeka, Minneapolis, etc.”
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ISKCON News.com: Live Streaming: Durban Ratha Yatra Festival
Having first graced the Durban shoreline in December 1988, the Durban (South Africa) Ratha Yatra festival has grown from a two day event to a four day event and has relocated due to the increasing need to accommodate the over 40 exhibition and activity tents. On Easter weekend, more than a 100.000 visitors are expected.
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Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: Srila Prabhupada's Kadamba garland
The following narration is from the visionary Memories series of Sriman Siddhanta das Adhikary. It is the remembrance of Sriman Bahushiras das Adhikary given in DVD 44 and in vol. 3, p. 334 of the book Memories-Anecdotes of a Modern-Day Saint.
After Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance, [Patita Pavana das] asked if I’d like to assist Satswarupa’s Lilamrita project by interviewing people in India who had known Srila Prabhupada. One of them was Acharya Prabhakar Misra, Prabhupada’s first disciple. Acharya Prabhakar Misra was clean-cut, well-behaved and articulate. His demeanor impressed me. He held a MA and PhD and was a very cultured Sanskrit scholar and teacher. In Jhansi, Prabhupada had told Acharya Prabhakar. “I met you because I saw you in a dream and I knew that I was supposed to come here.” Prabhupada and he would do bhajan together. They’d hold Rathayatra festivals and they’d have programme in villages in the area.
Acharya Prabhakar said that on Sri Krishna Janmashtami in 1954, he had to go to Delhi. When he returned to Jhansi, he took a little rest, woke up at 1:00 am and heard Srila Prabhupada ecstatically playing mridanga in the temple room. Prabhupada was chanting in total bliss. Acharya Prabhakar went upstairs and saw Srila Prabhupada bouncing around the temple room performing kirtan. Prabhupada was wearing a kadamba flower garland that went all the way down to his feet.Kadamba flowers are very rare in Jhansi and when they are available they are usually the size of a golf ball. But the ones Prabhupada was wearing were big, the size of tennis balls. And he said that the atmosphere right down to the atoms in the room was not material, aprakrita. The place was surcharged with the fragrance of the heavenly planets. Acharya Prabhakar wanted to ask Srila Prabhupada, “Where did this garland come from? It is not available from the market.” But Srila Prabhupada would not answer. His Divine Grace just kept on performing kirtan, bouncing round the room and chanting. The next morning Acharya Prabhakar asked Srila Prabhupada, “Where did you get the garland, why did it have such a rich fragrance, and why were you feeling so blissful?”
Srila Prabhupada told him, “I was chanting to Krishna and feeling some love for Him. And He appeared and gave me this garland. I went to touch His feet and He disappeared. Because of that I was dancing around the temple room.” Srila Prabhupada was crying.
Acharya Prabhakar was very believable and I felt that what he told me was valid. He also said that sometimes Srila Prabhupada’s mood was to performkirtan intensely. He would chant on and on and on for three days straight. We hear that sometimes he wouldn’t eat for long periods, especially near the end of his manifest lila, but remarkably in Jhansi, he was doing kirtan for a long period of time without eating or sleeping. And the result of his bhajanwas that Krishna appeared.
Hare Krishna• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Sivarama Swami
May the abode of Vrindavana be glorified! The transcendental glories of a single particle of its dust minimizes the glories of innumerable kamadhenu of surabhi cows, desire trees and touchstones. Even the best of the demigods like Brahma, Siva, and Laksmi never know the glories of such a particle of dust.
- Sri Vrindavana Mahimamrita 1.36
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H.H. Sivarama Swami
If you are in anxiety, then that will create a disease. Our this psychological condition, physiological condition, is working in so subtle way – little shocking, little disturbance will create another disturbance. The Ayurvedic medicine, they treat patients on this principle, how things are disturbed.
- Srila Prabhupada
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Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Krishna Kids & Easter Eggs
So this week brings another “eggy” situation at school. Easter holidays are around the corner and despite the teachers knowing the kids don’t eat eggs, they still send an email to bring in hard boiled eggs for Easter decorating.
So as usual we are expecting to need to explain it to the teachers. But our 4 year old Gopika says it best. “Ewww Mommy, I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to hurt the chicks.”
A few months ago, the same teachers showed the “life cycle” at school and brought a little hatchery machine complete with lights, a warmer and eggs. The kids were anxiously waiting for the chicks to hatch and low and behold an excited Gopika came home to tell us about the cute chicks that hatched. It was an important lesson and we used it to reinforce the lesson that eggs have life and should not be eaten.
Between the Easter bunny, “Get Cracking” marketing, people that don’t eat meat but eat eggs and the “innocent” looking white oval ball, kids don’t always understand the restriction but the teachers did us a big favour with their demonstration. But too bad the teachers did not understand the same lesson that a 4 year old did!
A simple substitution of some craft foam eggs and the "eggy" situation is solved...
- Kishori (Gopika’s mommy)
[As a reference point, Kishori is Subhavilasa's daughter-in-law and Gopika is his granddaughter]• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Sivarama Swami: A meeting at the Bhaktivedanta College
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Dandavats.com: Lord Krishna As Raas Behari
Gautam Saha: Lord Krishna is Raas Behari, the reservoir of each and every relationship One can relate with him at any level, in love or hate, in enmity or in kinship The Lord will play the game by the rules you yourself set To discharge His part of the deal, He will never forget
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Dandavats.com: Simple Living and Varnasrama
By Vrindavan- lila Devi Dasi
A few years ago, when I was bringing my friend’s dog to my place for a few days, I realized that he had no belongings save the feeding bowl and the leash! In a moment it made me feel inferior
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Dandavats.com: Unnecessary Necessities
By Bhakti Raghava Swami
Hedonism, the path of unrestricted sense enjoyment, of ‘eat, drink and be merry’ and ‘beg, borrow or steal’, as advocated thousands of years ago by the Indian atheist philosopher Charbak, has now become a fashion in the Western countries
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Dandavats.com: All Set For Durban’s Ratha Yatra Festival! (join Us On The Live-Stream)
Champakalata dasi: Having first graced the Durban shoreline in December 1988, the festival has grown from a two day event to a four day event and has relocated due to the increasing need to accommodate the over 40 exhibition and activity tents that will form part of the landscape of the former Durban Drive-In where the event will take place this Easter weekend (Friday, 22nd to Monday, 25th April) from noon until 10pm daily
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Dandavats.com: Yamuna Rally
Nirguna dasi: A group of farmers led by Bhanu Pratap Singh, head of the Kisan Union ( Farmers Union ) of Mathura and devotees from different areas of Braj are demonstrating at the Jantar Mantar Grounds in New Delhi since April 15th
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Dandavats.com: New Video His Divine Holiness Shrila Prabhupada
Bh. Tibor: A Portrait of a modern day saint that shows what one man can do for human society
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Bhakta Chris, New York, USA: The Humble Musings Of The Manhattan Monk 4/21/11
Compassionate work is patient work, determined sacrifice, trudging through all the expected and welcomed failures, and in these failures finding the building blocks of authentic success and happiness that one can never have in complacent, shallow sameness.
Actual, sincere compassion, free of envy, duplicity, and hypocrisy, requires that character change which is considered too "foreign", too "toxic", to our contemporary sense of self. Therefore what is so simple, so natural to our soul, to love and to give, to share Krsna and serve each other with body, mind, and sweet word, becomes excruciatingly difficult.
This is a personal revolution. The soul's natural state, glimpsed in particles of effulgence through the smoke and dust of our conditioning, give all positive momentum to us in the course of our too-human endeavor.
The compassionate heart is the sacred heart. The compassionate heart is a weapon against the decay of our very being, the very structure of our personal and collective existence.
Let us embrace this turning inwards and outwards. Let us become natural again, even if it is swimming against the same current we have always floated along with. It is this effort against the tide which makes us whole, which makes us grow, which makes us true lovers of Krsna and of each other.
We must have in our heart a great and strong internal sense of mission, focused and perhaps even quite contrary to whatever external consequences we find ourselves in. It is the furnace of our heart which drives us forward towards this great compassion to properly qualify ourselves as the servant of the servant.
It is this internal fire which is one of the great gifts of the culture of bhakti, filling a void within our existence left open and festering by the ruthless and void expressions of "self" and "community" that pass for our excuses for civilization.
This personal revolution begins when we simply become obliged to think of the spiritual pleasure and well-being of others before and beyond the fulfilling of our own selfish appetites. This is the pillar and the mason-stone for all further and deeper growth. But this is quite contrary to the current shape of my character.
The only path to becoming a real instrument of compassion is to learn how to become a mature servant of the Divine intuition within myself. The mature heart can be trusted to extend itself in all matters of responsibility and dynamic love, where it can be most and completely effective.
As we become aware of our duplicities we shouldn't become shattered. It is part of our growth, if we make it so, to use the clarity of our weakness to see what we need to do to become stronger, more sure, more simple. It is a two-way street; increasing our attachment to the personal, to the devotional, while sacrificing that which has little tangible value or worth in our lives.
If we are determined and struggling forward on these paths, then our failures along the way can always be put into proper perspective. We can see the weeds in the garden of our heart quite clearly. We can pull them out with the right deftness and torque, examine them for all that they are and aren't, and toss them aside for good.
Without the momentum of this personal revolution in our heart, then we are stagnant, hypocritical without redemption, and just the same as we were before• Email to a friend ••
Japa Group: Chanting With Love
I thought about my chanting today, exploring my Japa and seeing if I am chanting Krsna's names with love and devotion. It reminded me of a class by Giriraj Swami where he was talking about how we chant the names....if we call someone's name then we get their attention.
When we chant with love and from our heart (soul) then we get Krsna's attention more and more. If we chant with inattention, we still get Krsna's attention but the degree is less - so I thought "Why not chant with more and more devotion, then I will get Krsna's attention more and more".
Let us all chant with our heart dedicated to expressing love for Krsna.
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Gouranga TV: Lecture – Malati Mataji – SB 10.2.10 – Demigod Worship
SB 10.2.10: By sacrifices of animals, ordinary human beings will worship you gorgeously, with various paraphernalia, because you are supreme in fulfilling the material desires of everyone.
SB 10.2.10: Debido a tu supremacía en satisfacer los deseos materiales de todos, los seres humanos comunes te ofrecerán una suntuosa adoración con sacrificios de animales y diversos artículos de culto.
Lecture - Malati Mataji - SB 10.2.10 - Demigod Worship
Subido por rupagopi el 17/04/2011
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10, Chapter 2, Text 10 titled "Demigod Worship" given by Malati Mataji.
This series of lectures was given during the 2011 TP/GBC Meetings held here in Dallas.
Dallas, TX
By sacrifices of animals, ordinary human beings will worship you gorgeously, with various paraphernalia, because you are supreme in fulfilling the material desires of everyone.
Lecture – Malati Mataji – SB 10.2.10 – Demigod Worship
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Aa-Ag · Ah-Am · Ana-Anc · And-Anu · Ap-Ar · As-Ax · Ay-Az · Baa-Baq · Bar-Baz · Be-Bhak · Bhal-Bhy · Bo-Bu · Bra · Brh-Bry · Bu-Bz · Caa-Caq · Car-Cay · Ce-Cha · Che-Chi · Cho-Chu · Ci-Cn · Co-Cy · Daa-Dan · Dar-Day · De · Dha-Dny · Do-Dy · Ea-Eo · Ep-Ez · Faa-Fy · Gaa-Gaq · Gar-Gaz · Ge-Gn · Go · Gra-Gy · Haa-Haq · Har-Haz · He-Hindk · Hindu-Histo · Ho-Hy · Ia-Iq · Ir-Is · It-Iy · Jaa-Jaq · Jar-Jay · Je-Jn · Jo-Jy · Kaa-Kaq · Kar-Kaz · Ke-Kh · Ko · Kr · Ku - Kz · Laa-Laq · Lar-Lay · Le-Ln · Lo-Ly · Maa-Mag · Mah · Mai-Maj · Mak-Maq · Mar-Maz · Mb-Mn · Mo-Mz · Naa-Naq · Nar-Naz · Nb-Nn · No-Nz · Oa-Oz · Paa-Paq · Par-Paz · Pe-Ph · Po-Py · Raa-Raq · Rar-Raz · Re-Rn · Ro-Ry · Saa-Sam · San-Sar · Sas-Sg · Sha-Shy · Sia-Sil · Sim-Sn · So - Sq · Sr - St · Su-Sz · Taa-Taq · Tar-Tay · Te-Tn · To-Ty · Ua-Uq · Ur-Us · Vaa-Vaq · Var-Vaz · Ve · Vi-Vn · Vo-Vy · Waa-Wi · Wo-Wy · Yaa-Yav · Ye-Yiy · Yo-Yu · Zaa-Zy
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