----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Saturday, April 23, 2011 7:57 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 52 new articles
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"Planet ISKCON" - 52 new articles
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 23 April 2011--Reconnect With the Self and the Supreme Self--and--Present is Karmic Reaction of My Past?
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 08.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.24 The Active Foolish Society
- Japa Group: Sweet Like Sugar Candy
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion
- New Vrndavan, USA: 2011 Festival of Inspiration Schedule
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: How to become a cockroach in a car
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization
- ISKCON News.com: Environmental Pollution is a Spiritual Problem
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.12-16 The Hunted
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Friday 22 April 2011--Bringing Light and Life to Jonava, Lithuania--and--Does Humility Breed Low Self Esteem?
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.18.4 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Tipster : Home Canning Made Easy
- ISKCON News.com: Walnuts Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
- ISKCON News.com: How Metaphors Shape Your Health
- ISKCON News.com: Is It The Arctic Circle? No, It Is The Yamuna River!
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 288—Poem for April 22
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.6 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krishna
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.5 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.1-4 Shiva’s Guidance Not Elvis
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.9-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.6 Different Stages Of Consciousness
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection
- H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Saturday 23 April 2011--Reconnect With the Self and the Supreme Self--and--Present is Karmic Reaction of My Past?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(TM) Saturday 23 April 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Reconnect With the Self and the Supreme Self Uploaded from Kaliningrad, Russia At the present moment the human society is grossly discombobulated because they are completely disconnected from themselves and the source of their existence. Therefore, it is no small wonder that the entire world has been plunged into an ever-increasingly chaotic condition. If we ask people who they are, they will not be able to tell us. But there is hope. Through the inconceivable healing power of mantras, transcendental sound vibrations, one can be completely restored to his original divine state of enlightened consciousness. The Vedas contain thousands and millions of bona fide mantras, but that same Vedic wisdom advises us that in the present materialistic age of Kali there is no mantra more powerful and more effective for self realization than the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Therefore anyone who is tired of suffering in ignorance and illusion can come back to their original, natural, harmonious consciousness quickly and easily by chanting the Hare Krishna mahamantra on regular daily basis. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Reconnecting with the Self and the Supreme Self Klaipeda, Lithuania--21 April 2011 http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Spring/Klaipeda_Lecture.JPG Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Present is Karmic Reaction of My Past? My dear Gurudeva Please accept my pranam. I have some questions about karma. I was listening a few days ago about karma from a devotee. He said that all happiness and distress in your life is dependent on your past karma. Is this true? Do my present actions give me a karmic result in my next birth? If I go to an interview for a job and I am not selected is this my past karma or is it that I have less talent for the job? Your servant, P.V Answer: Freedom from the Prison of Karma It is a fact that in this material world all of our happiness and distress is simply due to karma. Happiness is due to past pious activities, and distress is due to past impious activities. What we are doing in this lifetime determines what will happen to us in our next lifetime. This is called karma cakra, the wheel of karma. Regarding your example of the job interview: Not being selected for the job is due to past karma. Lack of talent is also due to past karma. But even if you have more talent, if it is not your karma to get the job, you will not get the job. The good news is that one can escape the prison of karma by surrendering to Krishna. He promises us in the Bhagavad-gita that if we surrender ourselves to Him that He will relieve us from all of our karma. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed:http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought http://www.facebook.com/SDASITE Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 08.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 08.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress
SB 08.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress 1995-11-14
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress 1995-11-14 Radhadesh
SB 8.23.1: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: When the supreme, ancient, eternal Personality of Godhead had thus spoken to Bali Mahārāja, who is universally accepted as a pure devotee of the Lord and therefore a great soul, Bali Mahārāja, his eyes filled with tears, his hands folded and his voice faltering in devotional ecstasy, responded as follows.
SB 8.23.2: Bali Mahārāja said: What a wonderful effect there is in even attempting to offer respectful obeisances to You! I merely endeavored to offer You obeisances, but nonetheless the attempt was as successful as those of pure devotees. The causeless mercy You have shown to me, a fallen demon, was never achieved even by the demigods or the leaders of the various planets.
SB 8.23.1: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dijo: Cuando la Personalidad de Dios, el supremo, el antiguo, el eterno, hubo hablado así a Bali Mahārāja, que es reconocido universalmente como devoto puro del Señor y, por ello, como una gran alma, Bali Mahārāja, con los ojos llenos de lágrimas, las manos juntas y la voz quebrada por el éxtasis devocional, respondió con las siguientes palabras.
SB 8.23.2: Bali Mahārāja dijo: ¡Qué maravillosos efectos tiene el simple intento de ofrecerte respetuosas reverencias! Aunque sólo traté de ofrecerte reverencias, obtuve el mismo resultado que los devotos puros. Ni siquiera los semidioses o los líderes de los planetas obtuvieron nunca la misericordia sin causa que me has concedido a mí, que soy un caído demonio.
SB 8.23.1: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dit: Une fois que l'Etre Suprême, éternel et ancien entre tous, lui eut ainsi parlé, Bali Mahārāja, reconnu universellement comme un pur dévot du Seigneur et donc une grande âme, répondit ainsi, les yeux pleins de larmes, les mains jointes et la voix tremblante d'extase dévotionnelle.
SB 8.23.2: Bali Mahārāja: Quel effet merveilleux un simple effort pour Te présenter son hommage ne produit-il pas! J'ai seulement essayé de T'offrir mon hommage, mais néanmoins cette tentative eut autant de succès que celle des purs bhaktas. La miséricorde immotivée que Tu as montrée à un asura déchu comme moi, les devas et les régents des différentes planètes eux-mêmes ne l'ont jamais obtenue.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 08.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress
SB 08.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress 1995-11-14 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.23 Ch SUM 01-02 The Most Important Qualification For Spiritual Progress 1995-11-14 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification
SB 08.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification 1995-11-08
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification 1995-11-08 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.28: Bali Mahārāja has become the most famous among the demons and nonbelievers, for in spite of being bereft of all material opulences, he is fixed in his devotional service.
SB 8.22.28: Bali Mahārāja est devenu le plus célèbre des asuras et des incroyants, car bien qu'ayant été privé de toutes richesses matérielles, il demeure établi dans son service de dévotion.
SB 8.22.28: Bali Mahārāja se ha vuelto el más famoso de los demonios y no creyentes, pues, aunque se ha visto privado de toda opulencia material, permanece firme en su servicio devocional.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification
SB 08.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification 1995-11-08 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.28 Difficulties Are Part Of Our Purification 1995-11-08 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World
SB 08.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World 1995-11-07
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World 1995-11-07 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.27: Although aristocratic birth and other such opulences are impediments to advancement in devotional service because they are causes of false prestige and pride, these opulences never disturb a pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
SB 8.22.27: El hecho de haber nacido en la aristocracia y otras opulencias semejantes impiden el avance en el servicio devocional, pues son causa de prestigio falso y de orgullo; sin embargo, el devoto puro de la Suprema Personalidad de Dios nunca se perturba con esas opulencias.
SB 8.22.27: Bien qu'une noble naissance et d'autres atouts du même genre, étant sources de prétention et d'orgueil, gênent l'avancement dans le service de dévotion, ces avantages ne troublent jamais un pur dévot du Seigneur Suprême.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World
SB 08.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World 1995-11-07 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.27 There Is Nothing To Be Proud Of In This Material World 1995-11-07 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.24 The Active Foolish Society
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.24 The Active Foolish Society
SB 08.22.24 The Active Foolish Society 1995-11-04
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.24 The Active Foolish Society 1995-11-04 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.24: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Lord Brahmā, because of material opulence a foolish person becomes dull-witted and mad. Thus he has no respect for anyone within the three worlds and defies even My authority. To such a person I show special favor by first taking away all his possessions.
SB 8.22.24: Dieu, la Personne Suprême, dit: Mon cher Brahmā, la prospérité matérielle fait perdre la raison à l'homme insensé et rend son esprit obtus; il n'a plus aucun respect pour personne dans les trois mondes et défie même Mon autorité. Je lui montre alors une grâce spéciale en lui enlevant d'abord tous ses biens.
SB 8.22.24: La Suprema Personalidad de Dios dijo: Mi querido Señor Brahmā, en contacto con la opulencia material, la persona necia deja de razonar y se vuelve loca, de modo que no respeta a nadie en los tres mundos y llega incluso a desafiar Mi autoridad. Cuando quiero favorecer especialmente a una persona así, lo primero que hago es quitarle todo lo que posee.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.24 The Active Foolish Society
SB 08.22.24 The Active Foolish Society 1995-11-04 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.24 The Active Foolish Society 1995-11-04 Radhadesh
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Japa Group: Sweet Like Sugar Candy
The holy name, character, pastimes and activities of Krishna are all transcendentally sweet like sugar candy. Although the tongue of one afflicted by the jaundice of avidya (ignorance) cannot taste anything sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue, and his disease is gradually destroyed at the root.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion
SB 08.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion 1995-11-03
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion 1995-11-03 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.21: Lord Brahmā said: O well-wisher and master of all living entities, O worshipable Deity of all the demigods, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, now this man has been sufficiently punished, for You have taken everything. Now You can release him. He does not deserve to be punished more.
SB 8.22.22: Bali Mahārāja had already offered everything to Your Lordship. Without hesitation, he has offered his land, the planets and whatever else he earned by his pious activities, including even his own body.
SB 8.22.23: By offering even water, newly grown grass, or flower buds at Your lotus feet, those who maintain no mental duplicity can achieve the most exalted position within the spiritual world. This Bali Mahārāja, without duplicity, has now offered everything in the three worlds. How then can he deserve to suffer from arrest?
SB 8.22.21: Brahmā dit: O ami, bienfaiteur et maître de tous les êtres vivants, ô Seigneur vénéré de tous les devas, ô Personne Divine omniprésente, cet homme a été assez puni car Tu lui as tout pris. Tu peux le relâcher maintenant, il ne mérite pas d'autres châtiments.
SB 8.22.22: Bali Mahārāja a déjà tout offert à Ta Grâce. Sans hésitation il a donné ses terres, les planètes ainsi que tout ce qu'il a pu obtenir de par ses activités pieuses, y compris son propre corps.
SB 8.22.23: Par la simple offrande d'eau, d'herbe nouvelle ou de boutons de fleurs à Tes pieds pareils-au-lotus, ceux en qui n'existe aucune duplicité peuvent obtenir une position très élevée dans le monde spirituel. Or, Bali Maharaja T'a offert en toute bonne foi tout ce qui se trouve dans les trois mondes. Comment peut-il donc mériter son arrestation?
SB 8.22.21: El Señor Brahmā dijo: ¡Oh, amo y bienqueriente de todas las entidades vivientes!, ¡oh, deidad adorable de todos los semidioses!, ¡oh, Personalidad de Dios omnipresente! Este hombre ya ha sufrido suficiente castigo, pues se lo has quitado todo. Ahora podrías liberarle. No merece mayor castigo.
SB 8.22.22: Bali Mahārāja Te lo ha ofrecido todo ya. Sin titubear, ha ofrecido a Tu Señoría sus tierras, los planetas y todo lo que había ganado con sus actividades piadosas, incluso su propio cuerpo.
SB 8.22.23: Con un poco de agua, hierba fresca o capullos de flores que ofrezcan a Tus pies de loto, aquellos cuya mente está libre de duplicidad pueden alcanzar la posición más gloriosa del mundo espiritual. Bali Mahārāja, sin la menor duplicidad, Te ha ofrecido ahora todo lo que existe en los tres mundos. ¿Por qué razón merecería ser apresado?
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion
SB 08.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion 1995-11-03 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.21-23 Krsna Simply Wants Our Love & Devotion 1995-11-03 Radhadesh
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New Vrndavan, USA: 2011 Festival of Inspiration Schedule
From the Festival of Inspiration website:
7:45 – 9:15 am
A Presentation
B Varshana Swami Back to Basics: Ph.D. Means Plough
9:15- 10:30am Breakfast
10:30-11:00 am Welcome
11:00-12:30 First Sessions
B Laxmimoni dd: Pulling and Pushing: Are you Being Pushed Away from Krishna or Pulled Closer to Him?
C Dravida Das: God Is in the Details – Seven Little Verses Guaranteed to Take You Back to Godhead
D Krishna Priya: The Art of Yoga Flows – A class based on the principles of Triyoga
12:30-2:30 pm Lunch Break
2:30-4:00 pm Second sessions
B Bhakti Sundar Swami: Srila Prabhupada in South America
C Arcana Siddhi & Karnamrita Das: What About My Mind
D Jaya Krishna Das: Leadership & Succession within ISKCON
4:00-4:15 pm Break
4:15-5:45 pm Third Sessions
B GVT Parenting – Tamohara Das, Mantrini Dasi, Praharana Dasi : “Parenting: Are You a Brickwall or a Jellyfish?”
C Mitrasena: Bhagavad Guitar- Playing your guitar for Krishna
D Danavir Goswami: Bright Side
6:30-7:30 pm Dinner Hour
7:00 pm Gaura Arati
7:30-10:30 pm
Kirtan/Entertainment : Temple – Bhakti Lata Dasi
7:45 – 9:15 am
Presentation Shyamsundar and Gurudas: Prabhupada – Always Alive in our Hearts
9:15-10:30am Breakfast
10:30 -12:00 pm First Sessions
B Mystery Guest
C Krsna Priya Dasi: The Art of Yoga Flows—A class based on the principles of Triyoga
D Bharat Natyam: Learn the Rhythm, flow and movemements of dancing for Krisna!
12:00- 12:15 pm Break
12:15 – 1:45 pm Second Sessions
B Vaisesika Das: Yoga of the Tongue – Derive the highest benefit and elevate human society by applying and mastering the five austerities of speech
C Maharha Dasi: Deity Sewing – Designing and Sewing for Deities
D Anuttama Das: Doing Interfaith Dialogue – Anti-cult, Muslims and beyond
1:45 – 3:00 pm Lunch Break
3:00 – 4:30 pm Third Sessions
B Rambhoru Dasi : The Lord in Our Midst through Sacred Listening
C Srinandananda Das : Vedic Prophecies – Confirmation of Mayapur and Mahaprabhu:
D Bada Hari Das : The emperor of sadhana
4:30 – 4:45 pm Break
4:45 – 6:15 pm Final Session
B GVT Marriage – Cintamiani & Jagannatha Pandit Das, Uttama & Partha Das, Krsnanandini & Tariq :Marriage ReAwakening
C Kamalini Dasi: The Grandeur and Preaching of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
D Mrdanga Class : For beginners on up
6:30- 7:30 Dinner Hour
Kirtan/Entertainment: temple – Bhakti Lata Dasi
7:45- 9:15 am Presentation
Radhanatha Swami
9:15- 10:30am Breakfast
10:30- 12:00 am First Sessions
B Vaisesika Das: All You Need is Love - Awakening the mood of Individual, Spontaneous & Voluntary Service
C Mahamaya Dasi & Sankirtan Das: Book Publishing – Practical tips for aspiring authors
D Braja Bihari Das : Straight Thinking – Avoiding Logical Fallacies
12:00- 12:30pm Break
12:30- 2:00 pm
Bhakti Marg Swami & the Toronto Players : The Lives of
Jada Bharata – Outstanding Devotional Drama!
2:00pm Good Old Fashioned Sunday Love feast
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: How to become a cockroach in a car
Today you may be proprietor of a big house, big motor car, but after death you don't know, you have to accept a body, and it may be you become a cockroach in the car or in the house. ... If you have got attachment for the car and you are dying, then you have done working such a way that you have no right to possess a car any more. You have to accept a cockroach body. Then you become, because you have got attachment, in the same car you become a cockroach.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 9.3 -- Toronto, June 20, 1976
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe
SB 08.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe 1995-11-02
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe 1995-11-02 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.18: Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: O King Parīkṣit, Lord Brahmā then began to speak to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, within the hearing of Prahlāda Mahārāja, who stood nearby with folded hands.
SB 8.22.18: Śukadeva Gosvāmī poursuivit: O roi Parīkṣit, Brahmā s'adressa alors à Dieu, la Personne Suprême, tandis que Prahlāda Mahārāja, qui se tenait tout près, écoutait les mains jointes.
SB 8.22.18: Śukadeva Gosvāmī continuó: ¡Oh, rey Parīkṣit!, el Señor Brahmā se dispuso entonces a hablar a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, de forma que Prahlāda Mahārāja, que estaba cerca de él con las manos juntas, pudiera oírle.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe
SB 08.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe 1995-11-02 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.18 Proprietorship Of The Universe 1995-11-02 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization
SB 08.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization 1995-11-01
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization 1995-11-01 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.17: Material opulence is so bewildering that it makes even a learned, self-controlled man forget to search for the goal of self-realization. But the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nārāyaṇa, the Lord of the universe, can see everything by His will. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.
SB 8.22.17: La prospérité matérielle trouble tellement qu'elle peut même faire oublier à un homme érudit et maître de lui le but de sa quête spirituelle. Mais Dieu, la Personne Suprême, Nārāyaṇa, le Seigneur de l'univers, peut voir toutes choses selon Son désir. Je Lui offre donc mon hommage respectueux.
SB 8.22.17: La opulencia material confunde de tal forma a las personas, que hasta un hombre erudito y con dominio de sí mismo puede llegar a olvidar su búsqueda de la autorrealización. Pero la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, Nārāyaṇa, el Señor del universo, puede verlo todo por Su voluntad. Por ello Le ofrezco respetuosas reverencias.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization
SB 08.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization 1995-11-01 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.17 So-Called Advancement Of The Modern Civilization 1995-11-01 Radhadesh
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ISKCON News.com: Environmental Pollution is a Spiritual Problem
The claim is that all our environmental problems can be solved by listening to the compelling call of our timeless culture. Pollution, as stated in the scriptures, is a direct result of “over-consumption”, which in turn is a product of greed, and greed is generated by materialism combined with secularism.
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.12-16 The Hunted
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.12-16 The Hunted
SB 08.22.12-16 The Hunted 1995-10-31
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.12-16 The Hunted 1995-10-31 Radhadesh
SB 8.22.12: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: O best of the Kurus, while Bali Mahārāja was describing his fortunate position in this way, the most dear devotee of the Lord, Prahlāda Mahārāja, appeared there, like the moon rising in the nighttime.
SB 8.22.13: Then Bali Mahārāja saw his grandfather Prahlāda Mahārāja, the most fortunate personality, whose dark body resembled black ointment for the eyes. His tall, elegant figure was dressed in yellow garments, he had long arms, and his beautiful eyes were like the petals of a lotus. He was very dear and pleasing to everyone.
SB 8.22.14: Being bound by the ropes of Varuṇa, Bali Mahārāja could not offer befitting respect to Prahlāda Mahārāja as he had before. Rather, he simply offered respectful obeisances with his head, his eyes being inundated with tears and his face lowered in shame.
SB 8.22.15: When the great personality Prahlāda Mahārāja saw that the Supreme Lord was sitting there, surrounded and worshiped by His intimate associates like Sunanda, he was overwhelmed with tears of jubilation. Approaching the Lord and falling to the ground, he offered obeisances to the Lord with his head.
SB 8.22.16: Prahlāda Mahārāja said: My Lord, it is Your Lordship who gave this Bali the very great opulence of the post of heavenly king, and now, today, it is You who have taken it all away. I think You have acted with equal beauty in both ways. Because his exalted position as King of heaven was putting him in the darkness of ignorance, You have done him a very merciful favor by taking away all his opulence.
SB 8.22.12: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dit: O meilleur des Kurus, tandis que Bali Mahārāja décrivait ainsi son heureuse fortune, le bhakta le plus cher au Seigneur, Prahlāda Mahārāja, fit son apparition, comme la Lune qui se lève dans la nuit.
SB 8.22.13: Bali Mahārāja vit alors son grand-père, Prahlāda Mahārāja, l'être le plus fortuné au monde, dont le corps au teint sombre rappelait le fard noir dont on use pour les yeux. De haute et élégante stature, vêtu de jaune, il avait de longs bras et ses beaux yeux ressemblaient à des pétales de lotus. Tout le monde l'appréciait et l'aimait.
SB 8.22.14: Lié par les cordes de Varuṇa, Bali Mahārāja ne put comme auparavant témoigner convenablement son respect à Prahlāda Mahārāja. Il offrit simplement son hommage respectueux de la tête, les yeux inondés de larmes et le visage baissé de honte.
SB 8.22.15: Quand Prahlāda Mahārāja vit que le Seigneur siégeait là, entouré et vénéré par Ses compagnons intimes, tels que Sunanda, cette grande âme fut envahie par des larmes d'allégresse. S'approchant du Seigneur, il se jeta à terre et Lui offrit son hommage de la tête.
SB 8.22.16: Prahlāda Mahārāja dit: Mon Seigneur, c'est Ta Grâce qui avait donné à Bali la position prestigieuse de roi des cieux, et c'est Toi aujourd'hui qui la lui as enlevée. Je pense que Tes Actes ont été d'une beauté égale dans les deux circonstances. Comme sa position élevée de roi des planètes édéniques le mettait dans les ténèbres de l'ignorance, Tu lui as fait une faveur empreinte de miséricorde en lui enlevant toute son opulence.
SB 8.22.12: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dijo: ¡Oh, el mejor de los Kurus!, mientras Bali Mahārāja expresaba de esta forma su buena fortuna, Prahlāda Mahārāja, el muy querido devoto del Señor, se presentó en el lugar, como la Luna que surge en medio de la noche.
SB 8.22.13: Bali Mahārāja vio entonces a su abuelo, Prahlāda Mahārāja, la persona más afortunada, cuyo cuerpo oscuro tenía el matiz negro de un cosmético para los ojos. Su figura era alta y elegante; iba vestido con ropas amarillas, tenía los brazos largos, y sus hermosos ojos eran como los pétalos de una flor de loto. Era querido por todos, y su presencia resultaba muy grata.
SB 8.22.14: Atado con las cuerdas de Varuṇa, Bali Mahārāja no pudo ofrecer el debido respeto a Prahlāda Mahārāja, como siempre había hecho. Sólo pudo ofrecerle reverencias respetuosas con la cabeza, con los ojos arrasados en lágrimas, y tan avergonzado que no se atrevía a levantar el rostro.
SB 8.22.15: Cuando Prahlāda Mahārāja, la gran personalidad, vio allí sentado al Señor Supremo, rodeado y adorado por sirvientes íntimos como Sunanda, no pudo contener las lágrimas de alegría. Después de acercarse al asiento del Señor, se postró ante Él y Le ofreció reverencias con la cabeza en el suelo.
SB 8.22.16: Prahlāda Mahārāja dijo: Mi Señor, Bali recibió de Tu Señoría la inmensa opulencia del trono celestial, que hoy Tú mismo le has quitado. De las dos formas has mostrado Tu bondad. Puesto que su gloriosa posición como rey del cielo le sumía en la oscuridad de la ignorancia, creo que, por Tu misericordia, le has hecho un gran favor al quitarle toda su opulencia.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.22.12-16 The Hunted
SB 08.22.12-16 The Hunted 1995-10-31 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.22.12-16 The Hunted 1995-10-31 Radhadesh
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H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Friday 22 April 2011--Bringing Light and Life to Jonava, Lithuania--and--Does Humility Breed Low Self Esteem?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(TM) Friday 22 April 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. (Click on photo to see a larger image.) Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: Bringing Light and Life to Jonava, Lithuania Uploaded from Kaunas, Lithuania On 20 April 2011, by the nice arrangement of my disciple, Sankirtan Das, we had a wonderful opportunity to spread the light and life of Krishna consciousness to a hall full of sincere souls in Jonava, Lithuania. After an ecstatic kirtan and a lecture on mantra meditation I was amazed by the endless stream of wonderful questions asked by the various local people who were attending. One lady asked, Since the people of Lithuania are Christians, why should we practice Krishna Consciousness? I polled the audience to see how many Lithuanian people present were devotees of Lord Krishna and how many were Christians. There were more Lithuanian Krishna devotees than there were Christians. The audience laughed enthusiastically to see how I handled her argument. But then she countered that outside of this meeting the overwhelming majority Lithuanian people are Christians. To this I responded that actually everyone in Lithuania is already a devotee of Krishna, simply they have not realized it yet. She could not say anything in response. In this way I answered many questions one after another until finally I ended the lecture and many people purchased our books so they could continue learning more about Krishna consciousness after going home. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Revealing Secrets of Mantra Meditation Jonava, Lithuania http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Spring/Jonava_lecture.JPG Many People Were Inspired to Buy Our Books http://www.backtohome.com/images/2011-Spring/book_table.JPG Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Does Humility Breed Low Self Esteem? Dear Srila Gurudeva, Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I have a question about humility and low self-esteem. Both mean that one feels insignificant. What is the difference? Humility is considered good, but low self-esteem is considered to be very destructive. I have a friend also, who used to be a devotee, but now says that all religions only destroy your self-esteem and want you to feel guilty and indebted. Your servant, K.D. Answer: Humility Brings the Highest Esteem Used to be a devotee means that your friend never understood the full import of the sublime teachings of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. If he had done so, he would have never given up Krishna consciousness. He would also not be under the foolish misconception that there are different religions. Religion is one, to revive your lost eternal intimate loving relationship with the Supreme Person, the source of all existence. One who misidentifies himself with his body, which is nothing but a bag of blood, flesh, stool, urine, mucus, and vomit, must necessarily suffer from low esteem. To be rescued from such a miserable life of low esteem and come to genuine high esteem one needs to understand and realize that he is not the material body, that he is instead an eternal spiritual being qualitatively one with God. Those who are truly humble possess the highest possible esteem as confirmed by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. Although they personally do not seek honor and distinction, because their lives are fully dedicated to broadcasting the glories of the Lord all over the universe, they are personally given the highest recognition by the Lord Himself and are thus revered as the most esteemed persons in world history. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at:http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed:http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought http://www.facebook.com/SDASITE Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy
SB 08.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy 2004-12
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy 2004-12 Radhadesh
SB 8.19.38: One might argue that since you have already promised, how can you refuse? O best of the demons, just take from me the evidence of the Bahvṛca-śruti, which says that a promise is truthful preceded by the word oḿ and untruthful if not.
SB 8.19.39: The Vedas enjoin that the factual result of the tree of the body is the good fruits and flowers derived from it. But if the bodily tree does not exist, there is no possibility of factual fruits and flowers. Even if the body is based on untruth, there cannot be factual fruits and flowers without the help of the bodily tree.
SB 8.19.38: On pourrait objecter que, puisque tu as déjà promis, tu ne peux plus refuser. O toi le meilleur des asuras, apprends de moi le verdict probant du Bahvṛca-śruti: précédée du mot om, une promesse est véridique; autrement, elle est mensongère.
SB 8.19.39: Les Vedas expliquent que les bons fruits et les fleurs représentent les produits tangibles de l'arbre du corps. Mais si cet arbre n'existe pas, il ne pourra y avoir de fruits et de fleurs réels. Même si l'arbre du corps est basé sur l'illusion, sans lui on ne peut obtenir de fruits et de fleurs.
SB 8.19.38: Y si alguien argumenta que no puedes dejar de cumplir tus promesas, ¡oh, el mejor de los demonios!, te recordaré el testimonio del Bahvṛca-śruti, según el cual una promesa sólo es válida si va precedida de la sílaba oˆ, y que no lo es en caso contrario.
SB 8.19.39: Los Vedas afirman que el verdadero resultado del árbol del cuerpo son los frutos y flores que se obtienen de él. Pero, si ese árbol no existe, no hay posibilidad de obtener frutos y flores verdaderos. Puede que el fundamento del cuerpo sea falso, pero sin la ayuda del árbol del cuerpo no puede haber frutos y flores verdaderos.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy
SB 08.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy 2004-12 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.38-39 Become A Certified Animal & Be Happy 2004-12 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied
SB 08.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied 2004-12
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied 2004-12 Melbourne
SB 8.19.25: Material existence causes discontent in regard to fulfilling one's lusty desires and achieving more and more money. This is the cause for the continuation of material life, which is full of repeated birth and death. But one who is satisfied by that which is obtained by destiny is fit for liberation from this material existence.
SB 8.19.26: A brāhmaṇa who is satisfied with whatever is providentially obtained is increasingly enlightened with spiritual power, but the spiritual potency of a dissatisfied brāhmaṇa decreases, as fire diminishes in potency when water is sprinkled upon it.
SB 8.19.27: Therefore, O King, from you, the best of those who give charity, I ask only three paces of land. By such a gift I shall be very pleased, for the way of happiness is to be fully satisfied to receive that which is absolutely needed.
SB 8.19.28: Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued: When the Supreme Personality of Godhead had thus spoken to Bali Mahārāja, Bali smiled and told Him, "All right. Take whatever You like." To confirm his promise to give Vāmanadeva the desired land, he then took up his waterpot.
SB 8.19.29: Understanding Lord Viṣṇu's purpose, Śukrācārya, the best of the learned, immediately spoke as follows to his disciple, who was about to offer everything to Lord Vāmanadeva.
SB 8.19.30: Śukrācārya said: O son of Virocana, this brahmacārī in the form of a dwarf is directly the imperishable Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu. Accepting Kaśyapa Muni as His father and Aditi as His mother, He has now appeared in order to fulfill the interests of the demigods.
SB 8.19.31: You do not know what a dangerous position you have accepted by promising to give Him land. I do not think that this promise is good for you. It will bring great harm to the demons.
SB 8.19.32: This person falsely appearing as a brahmacārī is actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who has come in this form to take away all your land, wealth, beauty, power, fame and education. After taking everything from you, He will deliver it to Indra, your enemy.
SB 8.19.25: Le mécontentement du matérialiste qui veut combler ses désirs lascifs et obtenir toujours plus d'argent contribue à prolonger son existence matérielle, avec ses naissances et ses morts répétées. Quant à celui qui se satisfait de ce que la destinée lui accorde, il est digne d'être libéré de cette existence matérielle.
SB 8.19.26: Un brāhmaṇa qui se satisfait de ce qu'il obtient par la grâce de Dieu voit s'accroître l'éclat de sa puissance spirituelle, quand celle du brāhmaṇa insatisfait décroît, tout comme un feu perd de son intensité lorsqu'on verse de l'eau dessus.
SB 8.19.27: En conséquence, ô roi, toi le meilleur de ceux qui donnent en charité, Je ne te demande que trois pas de terre. Cette aumône me comblera, car la voie du bonheur consiste à être pleinement satisfait de recevoir le strict nécessaire.
SB 8.19.28: Śukadeva Gosvāmī poursuivit: Quand Dieu, la Personne Suprême, lui eut ainsi parlé, Bali Mahārāja Sourit et répondit: "Très bien. Prends tout ce que Tu veux." Et pour confirmer la promesse faite à Vāmanadeva de Lui donner le terrain désiré, il ramassa Son récipient d'eau.
SB 8.19.29: Comprenant le dessein de Sri Viṣṇu, Śukrācārya, le meilleur des érudits, s'adressa immédiatement à son disciple, qui s'apprêtait à tout offrir à Vāmanadeva.
SB 8.19.30: Śukrācārya dit: O fils de Virocana, ce brahmacārī ayant l'apparence d'un nain est directement Dieu, l'impérissable Personne Suprême, Viṣṇu. Il a choisi pour père et mère Kaśyapa Muni et Aditi, et Il fait maintenant Son apparition afin de répondre aux intérêts des devas.
SB 8.19.31: Tu ignores le danger auquel tu t'es exposé en Lui promettant une pièce de terre. Je ne pense pas que cette promesse soit bonne pour toi. Elle sera source de grand malheur pour les asuras.
SB 8.19.32: Ce personnage qui Se fait passer pour un brahmacārī est en fait Dieu, la Personne Suprême, Hari, venu sous cette apparence te ravir tes terres, tes biens, ta beauté, ta puissance, ta renommée et ton éducation. Après t'avoir dépouillé, Il remettra tout à Indra, ton ennemi.
SB 8.19.25: La existencia material nos decepciona en nuestras aspiraciones de satisfacer los deseos de disfrute y de tener cada vez más dinero. Ésa es la causa de la continuación de la vida material, que se caracteriza por la sucesión de nacimientos y muertes. Sin embargo, quien se siente satisfecho con lo que el destino le depara está en condiciones de liberarse de la existencia material.
SB 8.19.26: El brāhmaṇa que se contenta con lo que la providencia le trae se ilumina con un poder espiritual cada vez mayor; sin embargo, la potencia espiritual del brāhmaṇa insatisfecho siempre disminuye, como la potencia de un fuego al rociarlo con agua.
SB 8.19.27: Por esa razón, ¡oh, rey, el más generoso entre quienes dan caridad!, sólo te pido tres pasos de tierra. Con esa dádiva Me sentiré muy complacido, pues para ser feliz hay que sentirse plenamente satisfecho con lo absolutamente indispensable.
SB 8.19.28: Śukadeva Gosvāmī continuó: Cuando la Suprema Personalidad de Dios hubo dicho estas palabras, Bali Mahārāja, sonriendo, Le contestó: «Muy bien. Ten lo que desees». Para confirmar su promesa de dar a Vāmanadeva la tierra que deseaba, Bali tomó su cántaro de agua.
SB 8.19.29: Al comprender las intenciones del Señor Viṣṇu, Śukrācārya, el sabio entre los sabios, se dirigió inmediatamente a su discípulo, que estaba a punto de ofrecerlo todo al Señor Vāmanadeva, y le habló con las siguientes palabras.
SB 8.19.30: Śukrācārya dijo: ¡Oh, hijo de Virocana!, este brahmacārī con cuerpo de enano no es otro que el propio Viṣṇu, la imperecedera Suprema Personalidad de Dios. Aceptando por padres a Kaśyapa Muni y a Aditi, ha hecho Su advenimiento para satisfacer los intereses de los semidioses.
SB 8.19.31: No sabes el gran peligro que corres por haberle prometido que Le darás tierras. No me parece que eso sea bueno para ti. Tu promesa causará un gran daño a los demonios.
SB 8.19.32: Este brahmacārī de engañoso aspecto es, en realidad, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, Hari, que ha venido en esa forma para quitarte todas tus tierras, tu riqueza, y tu belleza, poder, fama y educación. Cuando te lo haya quitado todo, se lo dará a Indra, tu enemigo.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied
SB 08.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied 2004-12 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.25-32 Lust & Lament Or Simply Satisfied 2004-12 Melbourne
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering
SB 08.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering 2004-12
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering 2004-12 Melbourne
SB 8.19.22: If I were not satisfied with three paces of land, then surely I would not be satisfied even with possessing one of the seven islands, consisting of nine varṣas. Even if I possessed one island, I would hope to get others.
SB 8.19.23: We have heard that although powerful kings like Mahārāja Pṛthu and Mahārāja Gaya achieved proprietorship over the seven dvīpas, they could not achieve satisfaction or find the end of their ambitions.
SB 8.19.24: One should be satisfied with whatever he achieves by his previous destiny, for discontent can never bring happiness. A person who is not self-controlled will not be happy even with possessing the three worlds.
SB 8.19.22: Si Je n'étais pas satisfait par trois pas de terre, Je ne le serais sûrement pas non plus même en possédant l'une des sept îles, constituée de neuf varṣas. Même si Je possédais une île, J'espérerais en obtenir d'autres.
SB 8.19.23: Nous avons entendu dire que, même après avoir obtenu de régner sur les sept dvipas, de puissants rois comme Mahārāja Pṛthu et Mahārāja Gaya ne purent atteindre la satisfaction ou trouver la fin de leurs ambitions.
SB 8.19.24: Il faut se satisfaire de ce que l'on obtient en vertu de ses actes passés, car le mécontentement n'apporte jamais le bonheur. Une personne qui n'est pas maîtresse d'elle-même ne peut être heureuse même si elle possédait les trois mondes.
SB 8.19.22: Si no estuviera satisfecho con tres pasos de tierra, tampoco lo estaría con una de las siete islas, compuestas de nueve varṣas. Aunque fuese dueño de una isla, aspiraría a poseer otras.
SB 8.19.23: Hemos escuchado que algunos reyes poderosos, como Mahārāja Pṛthu y Mahārāja Gaya, llegaron a ser dueños de los siete dv…pas; sin embargo, nunca lograron sentirse satisfechos, ni llegaron a saciar sus ambiciones.
SB 8.19.24: Debemos sentirnos satisfechos con lo que nuestro destino nos tiene reservado, pues el descontento nunca es causa de felicidad. Una persona sin dominio de sí misma no será feliz ni aunque posea los tres mundos.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering
SB 08.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering 2004-12 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.19.22-24 Cure For The Covering 2004-12 Melbourne
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.18.4 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.18.4 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts
SB 08.18.04 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts 2007-06-04
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.18.4 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts 2007-06-04 New Vrindaban
SB 8.18.4: At that time, there was happiness in all directions, in the reservoirs of water like the rivers and oceans, and in the core of everyone's heart. The various seasons displayed their respective qualities, and all living entities in the upper planetary system, in outer space and on the surface of the earth were jubilant. The demigods, the cows, the brāhmaṇas and the hills and mountains were all filled with joy.
SB 8.18.4: A ce moment, le bonheur rayonnait dans toutes les directions, sur les rivières et les océans ainsi qu'au fond du coeur de chaque être. Les différentes saisons déployaient leurs charmes respectifs et tous les êtres vivant dans le système planétaire supérieur, dans l'espace et à la surface de la Terre se réjouissaient. Les devas, les vaches, les brāhmaṇas, les collines et les montagnes resplendissaient de joie.
SB 8.18.4: En aquella ocasión, la felicidad reinaba en todas direcciones, en los receptáculos de agua, como los ríos y los mares, y en lo más profundo del corazón de todos. Las estaciones manifestaron sus respectivas cualidades, y en el sistema planetario superior, el espacio exterior y la superficie de la Tierra, todas las entidades vivientes estaban llenas de júbilo. Los semidioses, las vacas, los brāhmaṇas y las colinas y montañas también se llenaron de alegría.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.18.4 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts
SB 08.18.04 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts 2007-06-04 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.18.4 GBC Meetings- Transcendental Addicts 2007-06-04 New Vrindaban
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Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Tipster : Home Canning Made Easy
Asparagus, green beans, beets and carrots. You can do it too!
Home canning is easy. I promise. I know that it seems all witchy 1800′s mystical special skills pioneer girl New England Blueberries for Sal but it’s not. If you can boil water, you can can. I admit, it’s not BoilingWater Lite. But it’s also not graduate coursework. Don’t even bother with other websites advising you to sterilize your stuff ten times. Sterile is sterile people! Check out my simplified canning rundown, enjoy the pics, get inspired and get into the kitchen. What are you waiting for!
The Only Home Canning Guidelines You Need!
Start with a clean space. Clean stove, clean counters, clean towels. Have them all on hand. And by clean I mean soap and water. You don’t need to Clorox the place. Don’t boil your jars. Every canning guide you set your intimidated eyes on will tell you to boil your jars. Don’t. It is American clean freak overkill. If you are making jam, set your jars on a baking sheet (without the tops) and stick in the oven on 200 while your jam cooks. Remove jars from hot oven with tongs and pack in your jam and screw on your lid. Hot jars + hot jam = sterile. If you are pickling, you will need to boil your jars for 30 minutes once packed so whatever is living in there will surely be deadened. You can can without a canner. Don’t have a hot water bath canner? No worries. I know when I first started out home canning I thought I needed all this equipment and ordered the home canning starter kit from Ball. It’s nice to have but you can get things a la carte or even go at it commando style with no specialized equipment. If you have a stock pot, you can can. Just place your packed jars on the bottom of the pot and make sure the jars are covered by an inch of water. That’s right. You can put your jars on the bottom of the pot. They are not going to crack. This is how the Amish do it, I tell you. Hot pack jam and move on. If your jam and jars are both hot, then skip the hot water bath. Nothing is alive in that jar. Once the jars cool, your button will pop, the jar will seal and your jam will cool and set up. To blanch or not to blanch? This is the question that was plaguing us yesterday. My conclusion, after extensive research and use of my brain is: it depends. If you are going to boil your brine, no need to blanch. If you are cold packing, blanch. Blanching deactivates the enzymes in plant matter. Wipe your rims clean. Make sure no stuff is on the rims of your jars after you pack them. This is especially important for jams because the sticky goop will keep your jar from sealing. Keep a clean cloth and some water nearby to wipe the rims if needed. You do not have to go crazy and wipe every rim with steaming hot rags! Have enough jars on hand. Really. Don’t even start a canning project without having all your materials in front of you. And this means all the jars you will need, especially if you are working on something to hot pack. When pickling vegetables, set aside a pint or quart jar to use for vegetable overflow. A mixed jar of vegetables looks beautiful on a shelf and makes a tasty pickled salad. Keep it simple. Or, divide and conquer. If you enjoy hoarding, you will enjoy canning. But don’t go overboard. You want to can fresh stuff so don’t take on more fruits and vegetables than you can possibly process. I have found teaming up with friends to be an excellent way to tackle larger canning projects. Do engage your friends by dividing up tasks and, when the last jar has popped, divvying up the jars.
I borrowed Padi’s camera for the day and photographed my momentarily clean kitchen before we got to work.
Caption? Leave your photo narrative in the comments box!
Mohini bought a helluva lot of asparagus! Which reminds me, Mohini, I owe you money for the stuff. The white asparagus are cute but the spears grossed me out as they looked very similar to zombie fingers. Eeek! We mixed them in with the green and it looked cute. These are the asparagus after they were blanched a minute and then soaked in cold water.
Asparagus spears prepped, blanched, packed and awaiting brine.
One final jar filled with the leftovers.
Unfortunately, green vegetables look their gorgousest when blanched for a minute and their least gorgousest when boiled for thirty.
Undecorate. Okay, nothing against the aesthetic...just not embracing the term.
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ISKCON News.com: Walnuts Prevent Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer
The result of a new study found that the noble walnut packed the highest level of quality antioxidants of any nut species. Adding a handful of walnuts to your daily diet can provide many of the essential antioxidants necessary to ward off cardiovascular disease and cancer.
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ISKCON News.com: How Metaphors Shape Your Health
The most enduring teacher in Western history was a committed storyteller. Jesus taught in parables. Stories have found a permanent place in our cultural consciousness. Why are stories such effective teaching devices and what does this have to do with your health?
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ISKCON News.com: Is It The Arctic Circle? No, It Is The Yamuna River!
Simultaneously to the big procession from Allahabad to New Delhi, ISKCON devotees are doing an awareness campaign to save the Yamuna river.
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 288—Poem for April 22
5:12 A.M.
A Writer of Pieces
New format—I will begin with a poem written on the day of its printing. Then I will print random excerpts of books I have printed over the last 30 years. I hope this variety will be pleasing.
Poem for April 22
He dares to write such
love poems and speaks
to the universe challengingly
in experimental form.
I choose to make mine
simple reports of the morning
and the days, no fear
of repetition.Today I woke late and had
to finish my rounds even
while Narayana was in
the room. I kept them sacred
in my mind and finally
finished them. I’m at
a crossroads in the
autobiog., he’ll read
the latest pages and tell
me what he thinks. I’d
hoped to go on writing
for years, but now don’t
know. Krishna always
gives me a certain window
in which to write in a
certain form and then
He takes it away, and
I move to a new place
to work. I’m dependent
on His inspiration.
Just desire to sing like
the jazz group improvising,
and He always lets you
practice some devotional
form.The Deities are the exact
representations of actual
Radha and Govinda. I
believe in Them and wave
the curlicues of incense
smoke before Their nicely-
dressed bodies. They let
me rest a few moments
in divine space and
presence of the Divine Couple.Now we expect Radhanatha Swami
coming for the weekend. We look
forward to some private meeting
with this special empowered
soul. He is kind and loving
in sharing a friendship.
I will tell him what
I’m doing and inquire into
his program.Baladeva is healthy and
continues to spread mulch
in the yard. He is
basically jolly and
keeps himself fully
busy in devotional service
activities. He has been
a trusted companion
for so long. Each
evening he says, “Good
night, Guru Maharaja,” and
I live another day.
My years are measured
and kept by Krishna
in His book. He
will call me when
it’s time.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.6 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krishna
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.6 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krishna
SB 08.12.06 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krsna 1995-05-20
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.6 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krsna 1995-05-20 Radhadesh
SB 8.12.6: Pure devotees or great saintly persons who desire to achieve the highest goal in life and who are completely free from all material desires for sense gratification engage constantly in the transcendental service of Your lotus feet.
SB 8.12.6: Les purs bhaktas ou les grands saints qui désirent atteindre le but suprême de la vie et qui sont complètement libres de tout désir matériel pour la satisfaction des sens s'absorbent constamment dans le service transcendantal de Tes pieds pareils-au-lotus.
SB 8.12.6: Los devotos puros y las grandes personas santas que desean alcanzar el objetivo más elevado de la vida, y que están completamente libres de todos los deseos materiales de complacencia sensorial, se ocupan constantemente en el trascendental servicio de Tus pies de loto.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.6 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krishna
SB 08.12.06 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krsna 1995-05-20 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.6 Real Faith Comes From Surrendering Unto Krsna 1995-05-20 Radhadesh
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): OLD FRIENDS
From Obstacles on the Path of Devotional Service (1991)
“What’s Wrong?“Why do we fail to find taste, why do we lose the discipline to perform chanting and hearing as a daily duty of life? In the Harinama Cintamani, Bhaktivinode Thakura analyzes this difficulty in regard to inattentive chanting of the holy names. He states that if a neophyte devotee is not very scrupulous in taking up the practice of chanting and hearing, he will quickly grow distracted, and this will produce ‘a type of illusion, causing serious offenses against the holy name that are very difficult to overcome.’ What happens is that one simply gives up interest in the pursuit of spiritual life and turns his attention to cravings for wealth, sex and fame. ‘When these attractions cover the heart, the neophyte gradually loses interest in chanting of the holy name.’
“Realized in this way, the failure to pursue the two main practices of bhakti (sravanam kirtanam) is not due to the omission of a particular detail and is certainly not the fault of the process of bhakti itself. The fault is in ourselves. We have become weak-hearted, and so maya has entered once again and turned our heads. We do not want to chant and hear about the Lord because we are absorbed in sense gratification.
“A good beginning for japa and reading reform is to accept this blunt analysis of why we are not interested in sravanam kirtanam. Let me admit, ‘I’m not very interested in chanting because I have too many material desires.’ This is humbling, and it is the truth. I could offer more intricate and psychological reasons, and even circumstantial explanations, excuses, and rationalizations, but it is better to reach the bedrock: acceptance of our causeless unwillingness to serve the Supreme Lord. Now we will be in a better position to consider the grave dangers of material life and why we were attracted to Krishna consciousness in the first place.
“There will never be a clearer analysis of why we cannot chant nicely than the explanation and remedy given by Rupa Gosvami in the Upadesamrta:
“‘The holy name, character, pastimes and activities of Krishna are all transcendentally sweet like sugar candy. Although the tongue of one afflicted by the jaundice of avidya (ignorance) cannot taste anything sweet, it is wonderful that simply by carefully chanting these sweet names every day, a natural relish awakens within his tongue, and his disease is gradually destroyed at the root.’ –Nectar of Instruction, Text Seven
“Rupa Goswami’s verse is worth putting on a 3-inch by 5-inch card where we can see it every day—and not just see it, but feel it.”
From Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Diary(1997)
“I’m looking forward to feeling Prabhupada’s presence in his murtis at Krishna Balarama mandir in Vrndavana. Deity worship can be seen as external because Krishna or His pure devotee is manifested in stone or brass or wood. But Deity worship is not external; it has been given to us to facilitate an internal exchange with Krishna or His pure devotee. Therefore, I don’t want to take the Prabhupada murti for granted. It’s a problem I sometimes have, especially when the temple is crowded and I feel my worship is too public. How close can you get to Prabhupada when so many other devotees are there? How long can you pray to him in full dandavats before you become conscious of people watching you? Still, I can’t expect to have everything to myself. I wouldn’t want to walk around the temple with nobody there! Therefore, I should tolerate whatever conditions inhibit my ability to feel full devotion, and when I see Prabhupada, bow down to him with full presence of mind. At the same time, I understand that temple worship is more than just tolerating others. It is sharing our Krishna consciousness. Those people who bow down to Srila Prabhupada are so rare in this world.
“Someone said to me, ‘In Krishna consciousness there are no old days.’ It’s true that service to Prabhupada is eternal and never grows stale, that the present is equally happy and filled with Prabhupada consciousness and that the future is brilliant because we will be with him again. I pray for his mercy and hope to intensify my remembrance of him at the time of death.
“One reason I’m trying to turn to him now is that he is the one I want to turn to at the time of death. I don’t trust anyone else the way I trust Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada came to us, to our world and language, and he converted us and the Western cities to Krishna consciousness. Then he gave us those Western cities and told us to take care of them. On returning to Los Angeles, he expressed satisfaction.
“Amazing how thousands could work for him and his vision and feel access to him. It continues today. He gave us real work. Take up that work, whoever you are. Read his books and be with him.”
“Prabhupada’s Room
“My proposal, dear Srila Prabhupada, is to become your servant again. I am grown up, but I am your child. Please know me better, and please let me know you. I want to read your books more, but also to know you in the heart, by prayer and as a result of service.
“Sitting before you, I recall I used to sit before you like this. I don’t recall it well. I remember I used to be afraid of you. But I was also surrendered to whatever you told me. Forgive me for wanting to be alone with you. I don’t want to be selfish, but we all need this sometimes. You are able to be with each of us just as Krishna is able to be with each gopa and gopi.
“From this room you can teach me all the mysteries of Radha and Krishna. You can also give me the inconceivable shakti of the preacher. I want to please you as a soldier. I want to come here and imbibe your mood and then go around the world again only to return to this room and you.
“Today on your desk there’s a letter to Satsvarupa, dated 26 May, 1971. The letter is filled with at least a dozen specific instructions, most of them answers to practical inquiries. Some of them are not permanent (no pictures with the recipes in BTG, no drawings should appear in the magazine, etc.), but when I received that letter I followed whatever you said, and if I had doubts I inquired further. Thank you for your instructions. ‘Encourage them more and more,’ you told me. Let me always remember to do that.”
From Reading Reform: Srila Prabhupada’s Plan for the Daily Reading of His Books (1985)
“‘Street chanting must go on; it is our most important program. Lord Caitanya’s movement means the sankirtana movement. You may simply take two hours for chanting sixteen rounds daily, two hours for reading congregationally, and balance of time go out for sankirtana. We must do both, reading books and distributing books. But distributing books is the main propaganda. Reading in class for two hours is sufficient, and other reading can be done in spare time if one has got it; it is not as though one has to be always reading. One hour a morning for Bhagavatam class, and one hour in the evening, either Bhagavad-gita or Nectar of Devotion. That is sufficient.’ (Letter to Bali-Mardana and Pusta-Krishna)
“Commentary: While traveling through the New York temple, one of Prabhupada’s newly-initiated sannyasis expressed the view that devotees should read Prabhupada’s books for five to eight hours each day. A controversy arose, and the devotees placed an urgent call to Prabhupada. In response, Prabhupada wrote the letter quoted above.
“In this letter Prabhupada rejects the extreme program of reading up to eight hours daily. He instead advocates what some devotees call the ‘ISKCON sandwich’ plan. According to this program, devotees begin the day with congregational chanting and hearing. Then, after engaging in various preaching activities throughout the day, the devotees meet again for more hearing and chanting in an evening program. However, because there are advantages to performing sankirtana during the evening hours, most temples find it hard to have a steady evening program.
“As a result, the ‘ISKCON sandwich’ has become an open-faced sandwich with only one piece of ‘bread’—the morning program. Yet, the daily Srimad-Bhagavatam class does not by itself provide enough opportunity for devotees to hear from the sastra. It is not enough to hear for only one hour in the morning and not read the books. As Prabhupada states in his letter quoted above, ‘One hour a morning for Bhagavatam class, and one hour in the evening, either Bhagavad-gita or Nectar of Devotion. That is sufficient.’ Moreover, as Prabhupada points out in his letter to Madhuvisa, quoted earlier, if one were to study but one verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam every day (as one would do if he were to attend class regularly), it would require not less than fifty years to finish. Nor is it possible that one can hear all of Prabhupada’s books simply by attending Srimad-Bhagavatam. Therefore, only by reading on a regular, daily basis can devotees read all of Prabhupada’s books and also hear from the scriptures for the minimum of two hours every day as Prabhupada requires.
“Beyond reading and hearing for two hours daily, Prabhupada instructs devotees to read his books in whatever spare time they may have. Few devotees may feel they have any spare time to speak of. After all, ‘distributing books is the main propaganda,’ as Prabhupada states in his letter, and every devotee has full engagement in maintaining and expanding this Krishna consciousness movement. Yet, as Prabhupada also states, ‘We must do both, reading books and distributing books.’ And if one does not somehow find the time, how will he ever read The Nectar of Devotion, the Caitanya-caritamrta, and the many volumes of Srimad-Bhagavatam? It is, therefore, incumbent upon every devotee to find the time to read, regardless of how full his schedule may be. One symptom of a devotee on the bhava platform is that he is always anxious to utilize his time for Krishna. Out of transcendental anxiety, we should therefore minimize the time we spend eating and sleeping and engaging in material activities, and we should find more time for reading Srila Prabhupada’s books.”
From One Hundred and Eight Japa Poems (2010)
“A Pillar of Success
“A falldown is the
worst thing that can
happen to a bhaktaon the royal road
of devotional service.
But he can save himself
if he takes to chanting
Hare Krishna and stops
his sinful action.
The chanting must not
be merely mechanical
but a cry from the
heart, begging forgiveness.
If one reinstates himself
and resolutely engages
in devotional service, he
cannot be considered
fallen. Krishna protects
him and warns others
to accept the erring
devotee as a victim of
an accident and
include him again in
the circle of devotees.”“Rapid Chanting
“Chanting rapidly gives
the pleasure of racing
in an expensive sports car.
It is a luxury.
But you can’t merely
drive. You have to
concentrate on the road,
taking care to hear the
meaning of the names.
I did my sixteen
rounds in minimal time,
but there was too much
concern for racing. You
have to learn the art
of moving quickly but
hearing deeply and
keeping aware of the
transcendental vibration;
feel the pull of the
names toward attraction
to Krishna. By the
code-sound, open up
to everything about Him
and feel your love.”• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.5 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.5 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect
SB 08.12.05 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect 1995-05-19
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.5 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect 1995-05-19 Radhadesh
SB 8.12.5: The manifest, the unmanifest, false ego and the beginning, maintenance and annihilation of this cosmic manifestation all come from You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But because You are the Absolute Truth, the supreme absolute spirit soul, the Supreme Brahman, such changes as birth, death and sustenance do not exist in You.
SB 8.12.5: Le manifesté, le non-manifesté, le faux ego ainsi que le commencement, le maintien et l'annihilation de cette manifestation cosmique, tout cela provient de Toi, Dieu, la Personne Suprême. Mais parce que Tu es la Vérité Absolue, l'âme spirituelle suprême et absolue, le Brahman Suprême, Tu n'es pas sujet aux changements que sont la naissance, la mort et la survivance.
SB 8.12.5: De Ti, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, vienen lo manifestado, lo no manifestado, el ego falso, y el comienzo, el mantenimiento y la aniquilación de la manifestación cósmica. Sin embargo, Tú eres la Verdad Absoluta, el alma espiritual absoluta suprema, el Brahman Supremo, y, debido a ello, en Ti no existen cambios como el nacimiento, la muerte y el sostenimiento.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.5 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect
SB 08.12.05 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect 1995-05-19 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.5 Krsna Is Great In Every Aspect 1995-05-19 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.1-4 Shiva’s Guidance Not Elvis
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.1-4 Shiva’s Guidance Not Elvis
SB 08.12.01-4 Shiva’s Guidance Not Elvis 1995-05-18
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.1-4 Shiva’s Guidance Not Elvis 1995-05-18 Radhadesh
SB 8.12.1-2: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, in the form of a woman, captivated the demons and enabled the demigods to drink the nectar. After hearing of these pastimes, Lord Śiva, who is carried by a bull, went to the place where Madhusūdana, the Lord, resides. Accompanied by his wife, Umā, and surrounded by his companions, the ghosts, Lord Śiva went there to see the Lord's form as a woman.
SB 8.12.3: The Supreme Personality of Godhead welcomed Lord Śiva and Umā with great respect, and after being seated comfortably, Lord Śiva duly worshiped the Lord and smilingly spoke as follows.
SB 8.12.4: Lord Mahādeva said: O chief demigod among the demigods, O all-pervading Lord, master of the universe, by Your energy You are transformed into the creation. You are the root and efficient cause of everything. You are not material. Indeed, You are the Supersoul or supreme living force of everything. Therefore, You are Parameśvara, the supreme controller of all controllers.
SB 8.12.1-2: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dit: Dieu, la Personne Suprême, Hari, sous les traits d'une femme, captiva les asuras et permit aux devas de boire le nectar. Lorsqu'il entendit parler de ces Divertissements, Śiva, qui monte un taureau, se rendit à l'endroit où réside Madhusūdana, le Seigneur. Accompagné de son épouse, Umā, et de sa suite, les fantômes, Śiva alla donc voir la Forme féminine du Seigneur.
SB 8.12.3: Dieu, la Personne Suprême, souhaita la bienvenue à Śiva et à Umā avec grand respect; puis, Śiva, après s'être confortablement assis, adora le Seigneur comme il se doit; en souriant, il parla ainsi.
SB 8.12.4: Mahādeva dit: O deva parmi les devas, ô Seigneur omniprésent, maître de l'univers, par Ton énergie Tu Te transformes en cette création. Tu représentes la racine et la cause efficiente de tout ce qui est. Tu n'as rien de matériel. En vérité, Tu es l'Ame Suprême ou la force vivante suprême de chaque chose. Aussi es-Tu Parameśvara, le maître suprême de tous les maîtres.
SB 8.12.1-2: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dijo: Adoptando una forma de mujer, la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, Hari, cautivó a los demonios y permitió a los semidioses beber el néctar. Cuando supo de estos pasatiempos, el Señor Śiva, que viaja montado en un toro, fue al lugar en que reside Madhusūdana, el Señor. Acompañado por su esposa, Umā, y rodeado de su séquito de fantasmas, partió para ver la forma del Señor como mujer.
SB 8.12.3: La Suprema Personalidad de Dios dio la bienvenida al Señor Śiva y a Umā con gran respeto; el Señor Śiva, después de recibir un cómodo asiento, ofreció al Señor la debida adoración y, con una sonrisa, dijo lo siguiente.
SB 8.12.4: El Señor Mahādeva dijo: ¡Oh, Tú, el principal semidiós entre los semidioses!, ¡oh, Señor omnipresente, amo del universo!, mediante Tu energía, Tú Te transformas en la creación. Tú eres la raíz y causa eficiente de todo. Tú no eres material. En verdad, Tú eres la Superalma, la fuerza viviente suprema de todo lo que existe. Por lo tanto, eres Paramevara, el supremo controlador entre todos los controladores.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.12.1-4 Shiva’s Guidance Not Elvis
SB 08.12.01-4 Shiva's Guidance Not Elvis 1995-05-18 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.1-4 Shiva's Guidance Not Elvis 1995-05-18 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.9-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.9-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons
SB 08.11.09-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons 1995-05-17
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.11.9-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons 1995-05-17 Radhadesh
SB 8.11.9: You demigods think that your own selves are the cause of your attaining fame and victory. Because of your ignorance, saintly persons feel sorry for you. Therefore, although your words afflict the heart, we do not accept them.
SB 8.11.10: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: After thus rebuking Indra, King of heaven, with sharp words, Bali Mahārāja, who could subdue any other hero, drew back to his ear the arrows known as nārācas and attacked Indra with these arrows. Then he again chastised Indra with strong words.
SB 8.11.11: Since Mahārāja Bali's rebukes were truthful, King Indra did not at all become sorry, just as an elephant beaten by its driver's rod does not become agitated.
SB 8.11.12: When Indra, the defeater of enemies, released his infallible thunderbolt scepter at Bali Mahārāja with a desire to kill him, Bali Mahārāja indeed fell to the ground with his airplane, like a mountain with its wings cut off.
SB 8.11.13: When the demon Jambhāsura saw that his friend Bali had fallen, he appeared before Indra, the enemy, just to serve Bali Mahārāja with friendly behavior.
SB 8.11.14: The greatly powerful Jambhāsura, carried by a lion, approached Indra and forcefully struck him on the shoulder with his club. He also struck Indra's elephant.
SB 8.11.15: Being beaten by Jambhāsura's club, Indra's elephant was confused and aggrieved. Thus it touched its knees to the ground and fell unconscious.
SB 8.11.9: Vous les devas, vous pensez être vous-mêmes la cause de votre renommée et de votre victoire. Du fait de votre ignorance, les personnes saintes se sentent désolées pour vous. C'est pourquoi, bien que vos paroles affligent le coeur, nous ne sommes pas disposés à les accepter.
SB 8.11.10: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dit: Après avoir ainsi admonesté Indra par de dures paroles, Bali Mahārāja, qui pouvait triompher de n'importe quel autre héros, ramena à son oreille les flèches connues sous le nom de nārācas, et les décocha sur le roi des cieux. Ensuite, il lui adressa encore de sévères reproches.
SB 8.11.11: Etant donné que les réprimandes de Bali Mahārāja étaient justifiées, le roi Indra ne s'en affligea nullement, tout comme un éléphant qu'on aiguillonne n'en devient pas agité pour autant.
SB 8.11.12: Quand Indra, le vainqueur des ennemis, lança son infaillible sceptre de foudre sur Bali Mahārāja dans le désir de le tuer, celui-ci tomba effectivement à terre avec sa nacelle volante, à l'instar d'une montagne aux ailes coupées.
SB 8.11.13: Quand l'asura Jambhāsura vit que son ami Bali était tombé, il alla au-devant d'Indra, l'ennemi, poussé par un sentiment d'amitié à l'égard de Bali Mahārāja.
SB 8.11.14: Le très puissant Jambhāsura, monté sur un lion, s'approcha d'Indra et, avec force, le frappa à l'épaule de sa masse. Il frappa aussi son éléphant.
SB 8.11.15: Atteint par le coup de masse de Jambhāsura, l'éléphant d'Indra était tout étourdi et affligé. Il toucha le sol de ses genoux et s'affaissa sans connaissance.
SB 8.11.9: Vosotros, los semidioses, os creéis la causa de vuestra fama y de vuestra victoria. Debido a vuestra ignorancia, las personas santas sienten pena de vosotros. Por eso, aunque vuestras palabras hacen daño en el corazón, nosotros no las aceptamos.
SB 8.11.10: Śukadeva Gosvāmī dijo: Después de reprender a Indra, rey del cielo, con estas hirientes palabras, Bali Mahārāja, que podía someter a cualquier héroe, armó su arco con las flechas nārācas y, llevándose la cuerda hasta la oreja para tensarlo, disparó contra Indra. Entonces volvió a reñirle con palabras fuertes.
SB 8.11.11: Como las acusaciones de Mahārāja Bali eran ciertas, el rey Indra no se dolió en lo más mínimo, del mismo modo que un elefante no se agita cuando su jinete lo golpea con su vara.
SB 8.11.12: En verdad, cuando Indra, el vencedor de enemigos, disparó su infalible cetro, el rayo, contra Bali Mahārāja, deseoso de matarle, éste cayó a tierra con su avión, como una montaña con las alas cortadas.
SB 8.11.13: Al ver que su amigo Bali había caído, el demonio Jambhāsura plantó cara a Indra, el enemigo, para servir a Bali Mahārāja conforme a la amistad que les unía.
SB 8.11.14: Montado en un león, el muy poderoso Jambhāsura fue hacia Indra y le golpeó violentamente en el hombro con su maza. También golpeó al elefante de Indra.
SB 8.11.15: Al ser golpeado por la maza de Jambhāsura, el elefante de Indra quedó confuso y dolorido. Doblando las rodillas, se inclinó y cayó inconsciente en el suelo.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.9-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons
SB 08.11.09-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons 1995-05-17 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.11.9-48 King Indra Annihilates The Demons 1995-05-17 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses
SB 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses 1995-05-16
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses 1995-05-16 Radhadesh
SB 8.11.8: Seeing the movements of time, those who are cognizant of the real truth neither rejoice nor lament for different circumstances. Therefore, because you are jubilant due to your victory, you should be considered not very learned.
SB 8.11.8: Observant les mouvements du temps, ceux qui ont vraiment conscience de la vérité ne se réjouissent ni ne se lamentent quelles que soient les circonstances. En conséquence, puisque tu exultes dans ta victoire, tu ne devrais pas être considéré comme quelqu'un de très savant.
SB 8.11.8: Al ver los movimientos del tiempo, los que son conscientes de la verdadera realidad ni se regocijan ni se lamentan ante el devenir de las circunstancias. Puesto que tu victoria te llena de júbilo, no se te puede considerar muy sabio.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses
SB 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses 1995-05-16 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.11.8 The Practical Way Of Controlling The Mind & Senses 1995-05-16 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.6 Different Stages Of Consciousness
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.6 Different Stages Of Consciousness
SB 08.11.06 Different Stages Of Consciousness 1995-05-15
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.11.6 Different Stages Of Consciousness 1995-05-15 Radhadesh
SB 8.11.6: Today, with my thunderbolt, which has hundreds of sharp edges, I, the same powerful person, shall sever your head from your body. Although you can produce so much jugglery through illusion, you are endowed with a poor fund of knowledge. Now, try to exist on this battlefield with your relatives and friends.
SB 8.11.6: Aujourd'hui, à l'aide de ma foudre aux centaines d'arêtes tranchantes, c'est moi, avec toute ma puissance, qui vais séparer ta tête du reste de ton corps. Bien que tu puisses produire toutes sortes de prodiges en recourant à la magie, tu possèdes bien peu de connaissance. Maintenant, essaie de rester en vie sur ce champ de bataille avec tes parents et amis.
SB 8.11.6: Yo, esa misma persona poderosa, es quien te va a cortar hoy mismo la cabeza con su afilado rayo de cientos de dientes. Aunque puedes producir mucha magia con tus trucos, tu conocimiento es muy escaso. A ver cómo sobrevives en este campo de batalla, con todos tus amigos y familiares.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.11.6 Different Stages Of Consciousness
SB 08.11.06 Different Stages Of Consciousness 1995-05-15 .Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.11.6 Different Stages Of Consciousness 1995-05-15 Radhadesh
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection
SB 08.05.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection 2002-01-10
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection 2002-01-10 Perth
SB 8.5.50: My Lord, all obeisances unto You, who are eternal, beyond time's limits of past, present and future. You are inconceivable in Your activities, You are the master of the three modes of material nature, and, being transcendental to all material qualities, You are free from material contamination. You are the controller of all three of the modes of nature, but at the present You are in favor of the quality of goodness. Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto You.
SB 8.5.50: O Seigneur, tout hommage à Toi, qui es éternel, au-delà des limites temporelles du passé, du présent et de l'avenir. Tu es inconcevable dans Tes Activités; Tu gouvernes les trois modes d'influence de la nature matérielle, et comme Tu les transcendes, Tu es libre de toute souillure. Tu règnes sur les trois gunas, mais en ce moment Tu Te montres en faveur de la vertu. Nous Te présentons notre hommage respectueux.
SB 8.5.50: Mi Señor, Te ofrecemos reverencias a Ti, que eres eterno y estás más allá de los límites temporales del pasado, el presente y el futuro. Tú eres inconcebible en Tus actividades, eres el amo de las tres modalidades de la naturaleza material, y, como eres trascendental a todas las cualidades materiales, estás libre de contaminación material. Aunque eres el controlador de las tres modalidades de la naturaleza material, en el momento actual favoreces la cualidad de la bondad. Te ofrecemos respetuosas reverencias.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection
SB 08.05.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection 2002-01-10 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.50 Beyond An Appeal For Protection 2002-01-10 Perth
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H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies
SB 08.05.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies 2002-01-09
Lecture – Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies 2002-01-09 Perth
SB 8.5.49: When one pours water on the root of a tree, the trunk and branches of the tree are automatically pleased. Similarly, when one becomes a devotee of Lord Viṣṇu, everyone is served, for the Lord is the Supersoul of everyone.
SB 8.5.49: Lorsqu'on arrose la racine d'un arbre, le tronc et les branches sont automatiquement nourris. De façon similaire, en devenant un dévot de Śrī Viṣṇu on sert ainsi tous les êtres car le Seigneur est l'Ame Suprême de chacun.
SB 8.5.49: Al regar la raíz de un árbol, el tronco y las ramas también quedan satisfechos. Del mismo modo, el devoto del Señor Viṣṇu está sirviendo a todo el mundo, pues el Señor es la Superalma de todos.
H.H. Prahladananda Swami: Lecture – SB 8.5.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies
SB 08.05.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies 2002-01-09 Lecture - Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.49 Serving Vishnu & His Energies 2002-01-09 Perth
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ISKCON News.com: New Dwarika Dham, Kenya Temple Opening
On 12th of April 2011, Mombasa, Kenya celebrated a very special Ram Navami festival as a beautiful new ISKCON temple was opened and Their Lordships Sri Sri Sita Rama Laksman Hanuman were installed. The festivities of the grand opening were spread over five days.
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Dandavats.com: HSBC bankers event with Radhanath Swami
By Sri Radharamana dasa
American Swami Startles 830 HSBC Bankers. Organised by the Vedic Society in HSBC, over 830 bankers congregated together at the globalheadquarters of HSBC in Canary Wharf UK to explore the message of Holi – ‘The Festival of Colours’ symbolising the message of universal equality despite being diverse materially
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Dandavats.com: Looking for Aravinda Das
Shyamasundar das: I am trying to track down an early devotee and personal servant of Srila Prabhupada named "ARAVINDA DAS" for my memoirs. His input would be extremely valuable as he witnessed first-hand many of Prabhupada's greatest triumphs (Moscow, etc.)
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3D Temple Project, Cyberspace: New Demo and Some Updates!
Jai, haribol! Thought I’d post a development update. AND also a new demo, but don’t get too excited, you can’t throw grenades and blow stuff up in this one. It’s not complete yet, but in this demo there is: Rain! Day and night Some new objects New glass windows The foundations for internet multilayer are [...]
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ISKCON Transcriptions: Vedic Leadership Seminar Part 1 (day 1)
Vedic Leadership seminar given by HH. Bhaktividya Purna Swami at ISKCON Sydney in 2010
Vedic Leadership Seminar part 1 (day1)
Vedic Leadership seminar given by HH. Bhaktividya Purna Swami at ISKCON Sydney in 2010
Vedic Leadership Seminar part 1 (day1)
Vedic Leadership Seminar part 1 (day1)
Vedic Leadership Seminar part 1 (day1)
The whole concept of Vedic leadership starts with the principle of self-realization. The information you will be presented with is not technically different from what you have possibly encountered since your association with Krishna consciousness. The difference is that it will be seen, not just in the light of philosophy, but in a way that practically applies to your life. Not just something to think about but as something that you use. The idea is that you will understand how to take any aspect of the philosophy that you are reading and apply it in day to day life because that is where leadership happens- in day to day life, not elsewhere. Leadership means that you do things and others take inspiration from it. So it is a very personal thing and a very practical thing.
If you have the leadership course; on page 16 in the middle we define leadership. In the middle of the page there are two quotes from Srila Prabhupada- “Leader means first class disciple- Evam Parampara Praptam” and “Guru Mukha Padma Vakya, Ara Na Kariha Mane Asa- To follow the order of the bona fide guru; this is leader.”
Leadership is a further stage of realization. The ISKCON movement is meant for self-realization and not for anything else. All other aspects are for engaging yourself in Krishna’s service, but the point is for you to realize who you are. If you can realise who you are then you can realise who others are. When you realise who others are then only can you lead. The difficulty in the aspect of leadership is that it is taken for granted that you are just going to manage people. That you are going to be in charge and that is leadership. But that is not actually leadership. Leadership means that you are doing something that others can follow. Managing is not leadership. Leadership is person to person. You are doing something because you are inspired and you can inspire others. That is leadership. Otherwise, management simply means that you are clever at organizing the material energy so that you can get some observable result…. ready full story
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Kirtans in Oxford, UK: All Day Kirtan in Birmingham - Coming Up!
It's a terrific experience to be in a kirtan with hundreds of other chanters, chanting and dancing (if you care to!) hour after hour. Our next opportunity for this is in Birmingham on Sunday 29th May (a bank holiday weekend). It's actually a 24 hour kirtan, but we are taking a party up by minibus for the day on Sunday. The event is sponsored, so there is no charge for that, and Indian vegetarian food will be served at various times through the day - also no charge. If you'd like to join us for the party, here are the details:
Depart Oxford - 9.30 am
Return Oxford - 7.00 p.m.
Venue: Sri Balaji Temple, Dudley Road East, Tividale, West Midlands, B69 3DU,
Cost: £15 per person approx. for minibus hire and petrol. It may turn out a little less.
If you'd like to join us, please let us know by 5th May, to make sure we can secure the minibus for the event. You are welcome, of course, to make your own way there, too.
For further enquiries, please phone Keshava: 01865 331716
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Vraja Kishor, JP: The Silence in Secrets, The Wisdom in the Wise
Of means of keeping order, I am fear of punishment
I really enjoy reading different versions of the same thing, and different commentaries on the same verse. My very kind and learned instructor, Sripad Dhanurdhar Swāmī , often talks of true “scriptural conclusions” as being those “arrived at after examining the same issues from many different angles – just as one sharpens an object by cutting it from all sides.”
Sometimes very interesting dynamics arise between Prabhupāda’s purports and the commentary of those on whom he based his purports – which was mainly Srila Viśvanātha Chakravarti Thakur, unless I am mistaken. That happened in 10.37, it was very fascinating.
In today’s text, 10.38 it is the different editions of Srila Prabhupāda’s own text that are fascinating. The current edition of Bhagavada Gita As It Is translates this verse as:
Among all means of suppressing lawlessness I am punishment, and of those who seek victory I am morality. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom.
The original version of Bhagavad Gita As It Is, has the verse translated as:
Among punishments I am the rod of chastisement, and of those who seek victory I am morality. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am wisdom.
As you can see the main difference is in the first half of the first sentence. The Sanskrit for this sentence is:
daṇḍo damayatām asmi
Danda literally means a “rod” or a “stick” or “wand” or “staff.” Damayata literally means “domination.” So one very literal way to translate this line is: Among methods of dominating I am the stick. That would be sort of leaving off the connotations of the words, however. In Vedic culture, danda is one of the six ways that Ksatriyas get what they want and deal with one another. It refers to “punishment” – a stick is used to punish. One who carries a stick carries authority. Damayata also has a connotation specific to Vedic Ksatriya culture (remember, Kṛṣṇa is speaking to Arjuna, a Ksatriya) – it means the method of keeping law and order.
So the best way I can think of to express the meaning of this line is, “Among means of keeping law and order, I am punishment.”
All the modern-trained politically aware sensitivities in us might be curling in distaste to hear this. But, yo, that’s the way things work in the world. Ksatriyas (warriors and politicians) are a reality – as much as progressive intellectuals would wish otherwise. There is no more powerful way to keep law and order than fear. Fear of punishment. 90% of religion and government is based on this principle, and it’s not because it doesn’t work, that’s for sure.
The power that is in the fear of punishment is one of the wonders of Kṛṣṇa’s power. It might not be something you like to think about, but the world is not all kisses and flower garlands. It is actually a nasty place. The tenth chapter is about how to see the presence of God in this nasty place – therefore some of the examples given are nasty and disagreeable to our higher, finer sensitivities.
In Victory I am Morality
Here is a more agreeable, nice way to appreciate God in the world around us.
nītir asmi jigīṣatām
In fact Kṛṣṇa purposely put this sentence following that previously rather gruesome sentence about the power of punishment. As I mentioned in my attempt to explain that line, danda (punishment) is one of six methods (“niti”) employed by Vedic rulers (kshatriyas) to suppress lawlessness. I am not a political scholar by any means, but If I remember correctly from learning about how the Vedic ruler Vāsudeva attempted to deal with the other ruler, Kaṁsa when Kaṁsa threatened to kill Vāsudeva’s wife (Kṛṣṇa’s mother), danda is the sixth principle, the final option. In other words, when all other niti fails, then one has to resort to physical violence, punishment, danda. One must try the other 5 options first.
I believe that Kṛṣṇa begins this next half line of the text with the word “nīti” to reference that fact and counterbalance the rather brutal sound that the first half of the line had.
Here he is saying that if you want to successfully establish law and order and be victorious over chaos that would undermine you – the most important thing is not merely danda or the ability to punish – it is actually the ability to be moral and follow moral principles – which are called the niti and which for ksatriya ettiquite has 6 divisions, ending in danda as far as I know. The principle here is that if you are not moral, you have no authority to hold a danda! You have no authority to punish! Therefore if you are immoral, even if you try to punish others and scare them into following your rules – you will ultimately fail.
Because reality is stronger than any king or champion or warlord. If one is not harmonious with reality, then quite soon reality comes along and demolishes whatever temporary gains once makes from recklessly scaring people into following their rules and doing what one wants them to do.
In a spiritual group of people, leaders are also required to some small extent. It is important to note that it is a small extent. For the most part, spiritualists should be on a brahminical platform, which means that they can take care of policing themselves. Brahmanas are not subject to the punishment of Ksatriyas under any circumstance – because Brahmanas keep themselves in line as a result of their strong morality. Therefore in a spiritual community there should be minimal need for leadership in a governmental sense. Whatever need there is, the leadership will be ineffective unless it is achieved on the principle of Morality. That is to say, a person who takes authority and enforces rules that are not morally sound will not be allowed by reality to remain an authority for long.
Whatever we want to achieve, we have to take pains to ensure that we employ no immoral means to achieve it. Otherwise the immoral means will undue and ruin whatever successful end we temporarily seem to achieve. This is in direct opposition to the Machiavellian concept of “ends justify the means.” The Vedic morality is that “The means create the ends.” If the means are corrupt, therefore, the end cannot be sound – it will crumble.
Of secrets I am silence
This is such a cool line, I really love this one.
maunaḿ caivāsmi guhyānāḿ
Maunam is one principle of renunciation and yoga. Renunciation and yoga is meant to allow us to directly perceive the hidden occult reality behind the illusions of the world. If you want to have a direct vision of occult principles, remain absolutely silent for some time. The longer your silence, the more profoundly you will see into the secrets of the world.
Why is this?
As long as we talk we are not listening. The less we listen the less sensitive our perception is. To perceive the secret, occult things of the world, our perception must be heightened, not diminished. By being silent, we listen more carefully – heightening our perception.
Many devotees try to qualify this line a million times. I note that Srila Prabhupāda did not do so in the translation or his purport. For a Vaishnava trying to follow Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu silence is essential, just as it is in every yoga. Our silence is to listen with great attentiveness to the sound of Kṛṣṇa’s name, form, pastimes, and qualities. That is our practice of silence. When we break our silence, we do so to vibrate the name, form, pastimes and qualities of Kṛṣṇa – so as to serve others allowing them to be silent and listen. We observe silence by hearing Kṛṣṇa katha and by speaking nothing but Kṛṣṇa katha.
It is also very potent just to hear the phrase “of secret things I am silence.” It has a riddle like quality that inspires great and sweet awe and reverence for the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
I am the Wisdom of the Wise
jñānaḿ jñānavatām aham
What is wisdom? Prabhupāda’s purport mainly addresses this angle. Wisdom is to know the difference between what is real and what is not. That which exists is real. That which ceases to exist is not truly real. This is wisdom. This is Kṛṣṇa. The ability to see that the only real things are the spirit soul, God, and the relationship between them. All else ceases to exist and therefore is not real. The ability to see this is Kṛṣṇa’s vibhuti – his power. To make initial progress in spiritual life, we all require to be empowered by Kṛṣṇa to see this truth.
Vraja Kishor, JP: Yo soy el Silencio entre las Cosas Ocultas, Yo soy la Sabiduría de los Sabios
Para guardar el Orden, Yo soy el miedo al castigo
Gozo realmente al leer de diversas versiones de la misma cosa, y de diversos comentarios en el mismo verso. Mi instructor muy bueno y docto, Sripad Dhanurdhar Swāmī, habla a menudo de las “conclusiones de las verdaderas escrituras” como es ésto “llegado a este punto tras examinar las mismas ediciones desde muchos diversos ángulos - de forma similar a como uno afila un objeto cortándolo por todos los lados.”
Las dinámicas a veces muy interesantes se presentan entre los significados de Prabhupāda y los comentarios de aquellos en quién él basó sus significados - que era principalmente Srila Viśvanātha Chakravarti Thakura, a menos que me confunda. Eso sucedió en el verso 10.37, que es muy fascinador.
En el verso de hoy, 10.38 es las diversas ediciones de propio verso de Srila Prabhupāda que son tan fascinadoras. La edición actual del Bhagavada Gita como se traduce en este verso como:
daṇḍo damayatām asmi
nītir asmi jigīṣatām
maunaḿ caivāsmi guhyānāḿ
jñānaḿ jñānavatām aham
Among all means of suppressing lawlessness I am punishment, and of those who seek victory I am morality. Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am the wisdom.
Entre todos los medios de suprimir la anarquía Yo soy el Castigo, y de los que busquen la Victoria Yo soy la Moralidad. De las Cosas Secretas Yo soy el Silencio, y de los Sabios Yo soy la Sabiduría.
La versión original de Bhagavad Gita como es, tiene el verso traducido como:
Entre los castigos Yo soy la barra del Castigo, y de los que busquen la Victoria Yo soy la Moralidad. De las Cosas Secretas Yo soy el Silencio, y del Sabio Yo soy Sabiduría.
Como usted puede ver la diferencia principal está hacia la primera mitad de la primera oración. El sánscrito para esta oración es:
daṇḍo damayatām asmi
Danda significa literalmente una “barra” o un “palillo” o “vara” o “personal.” Damayata significa literalmente la “dominación.” Una manera más literal de traducir esta línea es: Entre los métodos que dominan Yo soy la Vara. Ésta sin embargo, sería la clase de la connotación de la palabra. En la Cultura Védica, el danda es de seis maneras que el Ksatriyas consigue lo que quiere y lo reparte el uno con el otro. Se refiere al “castigo” - una Vara se utiliza para Castigar. Aquel que lleva una Vara lleva la Autoridad. Damayata también tiene una connotación específica en la Cultura Védica, sobre el Ksatriya (recuerde, que Kṛṣṇa le está hablando a Arjuna, que es un Ksatriya) - Él le enseña el método de Guardar la Ley y el Orden.
Es la mejor manera que tengo de pensar para expresar el significado de esta línea, “entre los medios de Guardar la Ley y el Orden, Yo soy el Castigo.”
Todos los entrenados en la politica moderna se sintieron sensiblemente incómodos y hastiados al oír esto. Pero, así, de esta manera son las cosas y así funciona el mundo. Los Ksatriyas (guerreros y políticos) son una realidad - tanto como los progresistas intelectuales ellos desearían que fuera de otra manera. No hay otra manera de más grande alcance que el Guardar la Ley y y el Orden que el Miedo. El Miedo al Castigo. El 90% de la Religión y del Gobierno se basa en este principio, y no es porque no funcione, sino que es el más seguro.
El Poder a este Miedo al Castigo es uno de los maravillos Poderes de Kṛṣṇa. Puede ser que no sea algo que a usted le guste pensar sobre ello, pero en el mundo no todo es besos y guirnaldas. Es en verdad un lugar repugnante realmente. El Décimo Capítulo trata sobre cómo considerar la Presencia de Dios en este lugar repugnante - por lo tanto algunos de los ejemplos dados son repugnantes y desagradables a nuestras sensibilidades más elevada, y más sutil.
En la Victoria Yo soy Moralidad
Aquí encontramos una manera más conforme, más agradable de apreciar a Dios en el mundo alrededor de nosotros.
nītir asmi jigīṣatām
De hecho Kṛṣṇa la puso adrede, esta oración que segue a esa oración previamente algo espantosa sobre el Poder del Castigo. Como mencioné, en mi tentativa de explicar esta línea, el danda (Castigo) es uno de seis métodos (“niti ") empleados por los Gobernadores Védicos (kshatriyas) para suprimir la anarquía. No soy un erudito político de ninguna manera, pero si recuerdo correctamente el aprendizaje sobre cómo la el gobernador védico Vāsudeva que se encontraba frustrado para tratar al otro gobernador, Kaṁsa cuando Kaṁsa amenazó con matar a la esposa de Vāsudeva (madre) de Kṛṣṇa, danda es el sexto principio, la opción final. Es decir cuando el resto de los niti falla, después de que uno tiene que recurrir a la violencia física, castigo, danda. Uno debe intentar las otras 5 opciones primero.
Creo que Kṛṣṇa comienza esta primera parte de la línea del siguiente verso con la palabra “nīti” para referirse a ese hecho y para contrapesar el sonido algo brutal que la primera mitad de la línea tenía.
Aquí Él está diciendo que si ustedes quieren obtener el éxito deben establecerse en la Ley y el Orden y salir victorioso del caos, que si no le minarían (ganaría) - la cosa más importante es que no es simplemente danda o la Capacidad de Castigar - sino que es realmente la Capacidad de Ser Moral y la de seguir los Principios Morales - que se llaman el niti y que para la etiqueta del ksatriya tiene 6 divisiones, terminando en danda por lo que sé. ¡El principio que aquí se expresa es que si usted no es una persona moral, usted no tiene ninguna autoridad para llevar o sostener un danda! ¡Usted no tiene ninguna autoridad para castigar! Por lo tanto si usted es inmoral, incluso si usted intenta castigar a otros y asustarlos en el siguiente de sus reglas - usted fallará en última instancia.
¿Por qué?
Debido a que la realidad es más fuerte que cualquier rey o líder o jefe militar. Si uno no está en armonía con la realidad, bien pronto la realidad se nos viene encima y aparta cualesquier (ganancia personal) exceso temporal realizado imprudentemente y asusta a la gente después con sus leyes y hace lo que quisiera que uno le hiciera a él.
En un grupo de personas espirituales, requieren a los líderes también en un cierto pequeño grado. Es importante observar que es en un pequeño grado. En general, los seres espirituales deben estar en una plataforma brahminica, así que esto significa que pueden tomar el cuidado de limpiarse. Los brahmanas no están conforme al castigo de los Ksatriyas bajo ninguna circunstancia - porque ellos se mantienen en la Línea Brahmínica como resultado de su Elevada Moralidad. Por lo tanto en una comunidad espiritual no es muy necesario la dirección en un sentido gubernamental. Si hay cualquier necesidad allí, la dirección será ineficaz a menos que se alcance a través del principio de la Moralidad. Es decir, no se permitirá a una persona que tome autoridad y haga cumplir las normas que no sea él, de una sana moralidad para que siga siendo una autoridad duradera.
Lo que queremos alcanzar, tenemos que alcanzarlo con mucho sufrimientos para asegurarnos de que no empleamos ningún medio inmoral para alcanzarlo. Si no los medios inmorales que hemos adquirido arruinaran cualquier fin conseguido y lo habremos alcanzado solo temporalmente. Esto es opuesto al concepto maquiavélico de que los “extremos justifica los medios.” La moralidad védica es que “los medios crean los fines o extremos.” Si los medios son corruptos, por lo tanto, el extremo no puede ser sano (lo que logremos será corrupto) - y se desmenuzará (se desrrumbará).
Entre las cosas secretas Yo soy el Silencio
Ésta es una línea tan fresca, yo la amo realmente a esta linea.
maunaḿ caivāsmi guhyānāḿ
Maunam es un principio de renuncia y de yoga. La renuncia y el yoga significa permitir que percibamos directamente la Realidad Oculta, oculta detrás de las ilusiones del mundo. Si usted quiere tener una visión directa de los Principios Ocultos, mantente absolutamente silencioso durante algún tiempo. Contra más largo sea su Silencio, más profundamente verás los Secretos del Mundo.
¿Por qué es esto así?
Mientras hablemos no estamos escuchando. Contra menos escuchamos menos sensible es nuestra opinión. Para percibir el Secreto, las cosas ocultas del mundo, nuestra opinión se debe aumentar, no disminuir. Permaneciendo silencioso, escuchamos más cuidadosamente - y aumentamos nuestra opinión.
Muchos devotos han intentado calificar esta línea millones de veces. Observo que Srila Prabhupāda no hizo tan en la traducción o en su significado. Para un Vaishnava el intentar permanecer en silencio de Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu es esencial, apenas pues está en cada yoga. Nuestro silencio es escuchar con gran atención (aguda atención) el sonido del nombre, de la forma, de los pasatiempos, y de las cualidades de Kṛṣṇa. Ésa es nuestra práctica del silencio. Cuando rompemos nuestro silencio, lo hacemos para hablar del nombre, la forma, los pasatiempos y las cualidades de Kṛṣṇa - para servir a los demás que permiten que sean silenciosos y que escuchen. Permanecemos en silencio oyendo el Kṛṣṇa katha y no hablando nada sino solo el Kṛṣṇa katha.
Es también muy potente apenas oír la frase “de las Cosas Secretas Yo soy el Silencio.” Tiene una criba como la cualidad que inspira temor y las dulce y grandes reverencia hacia la Suprema Personalidad de Dios.
Entre los Sabios Yo soy la Sabiduría
jñānaḿ jñānavatām aham
¿Qué es sabiduría? El significado que da Prabhupāda trata principalmente este ángulo. La sabiduría es saber la diferencia entre lo que es verdadero y lo que no lo es. Lo que existe es verdadero. Lo que deja de existir no es la verdad no es lo verdadero. Ésto es la sabiduría. Ésto es Kṛṣṇa. La capacidad de ver que los únicos auténticos son el alma el espíritu, Dios, y la relación entre ellos. Todo deja de existir y por lo tanto no es verdadero. La capacidad de considerar esto es la vibhuti de Kṛṣṇa - su energía. Para hacer progreso inicial en la vida espiritual, todos requerimos estar autorizados por Kṛṣṇa para ver esta verdad.
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Madhava Ghosh dasa, New Vrndavan, USA: While Resting In the Van Between Planting Nut Trees
under a circling hawk
dangling box elder blossoms
flutter ensemble• Email to a friend ••
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Oh, I have more respect for Jesus Christ than you. I say, "Jesus does not die."
Today marks Good Friday and Christians believe that Jesus "died" on the cross. Srila Prabhupada cuts through this thinking process and elevates the discussion. We realize many people skim through posts, so emphasis has been added to 3 statements made by Srila Prabhupada.
The following is an excerpt of an exchange that occurred in Paris, on June 15, 1974, between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and two priests and two Christian scholars.
Madame Siaude:
Yes, Your Divine Grace, of course. As you say, since Lord Jesus is the son of God, his body is spiritual. But because Jesus wanted to take part in the life of the human beings on earth, we think he actually accepted a material body.
Srila Prabhupada:
Why do you speculate that Jesus accepted a material body?
Madame Siaude:
We have prayers that say Jesus underwent suffering and he underwent death.
Srila Prabhupada:
But his so-called death: in your mind you think, you speculate, that he died. But he immediately resurrected.
Madame Siaude:
But the Gospel says that he died.
Srila Prabhupada:
That's all right.
Madame Siaude:
Just as you accept--totally--the word as found in the Vedas, so we accept--totally--the word as found in the Bible.
Srila Prabhupada:
No, no. When the Bible speaks of Jesus, "died" simply means something resembling death. Janma karma ca me divyam: in Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna explains that the birth, activities, and disappearance of Himself and His pure devotees are all transcendental. Just take, for example, Christ's "birth" from the womb of Mary. It may appear like an ordinary material birth, but actually, it is not. It is something resembling birth, but in reality, it is transcendental.
Madame Siaude:
No. It is very important that we understand death of Christ to be a real death. The central point of our faith and our philosophy is that Lord Jesus actually died.
Srila Prabhupada:
No. The Vedic literature explains that even an ordinary living being--he does not die. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. Do you understand Sanskrit?
Madame Siaude:
Not by hearing it. I have to read it.
Srila Prabhupada:
Na hanyate: "the soul is never killed." And hanyamane sarire: "even when the body dies, the soul is never dead."
Father Canivez:
Your Divine Grace, in order for there to be dialogue, we have to respect one another's positions--not that we will try to convert the others. Just as we respect your absolute faith in the Vedic philosophy, so also, there must be respect about our Christian interpretation of the life of Lord Jesus and his death.
Srila Prabhupada:
Oh, I have more respect for Jesus Christ than you. I say, "Jesus does not die." You say, "Jesus dies." As far as respect is concerned, I have more respect than you. You want to see Jesus Christ dead. I don't want to see him dead.• Email to a friend ••
By Srila Prabhupada
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness is a movement aiming at the spiritual reorientation of mankind through the simple process of chanting the holy names of God. The human life is meant for ending the miseries of material existence. Our present-day society is trying to do so by material progress. However, it is visible to all that in spite of the extensive material progress, the human society is not in peaceful condition.
The reason is that a human being is essentially a spirit soul. It is the spirit soul which is the background of development of the material body. However the materialist scientist may deny the spiritual existence in the background of the living force, there is no better understanding than accepting the spirit soul within the body.
The body is changing from one form to another, but the spirit soul is existing eternally. This fact we can experience even in our own life. Since the beginning of our material body in the womb of our mother, the body is transforming from one shape to another in every second and in every minute. This process is generally known as growth, but actually it is change of body.
On this earth planet we see change of day and night and of seasons. The more primitive mentality attributes this change to changes occurring in the sun. For example, in the winter they think the sun is getting weaker, and at night they presume sometimes that the sun is dead. With more advanced knowledge of discovery we see that sun is not changing at all in this way.
Seasonal and diurnal changes are attributed to the change of the position of the earth planet. Similarly, we experience bodily changes from embryo to child to youth to maturity to old age and to death. The less intelligent mentality presumes that at the death the spirit soul's existence is forever finished, just like primitive tribes who believe that the sun dies at sunset. Actually, the sun is rising in another part of the world. Similarly, the soul is accepting another type of body.
When the body gets old like the old garments and is no longer usable, then the soul accepts another body just like we accept a new suit of clothes. The modern civilization is practically unaware of this truth. They do not care about the constitutional position of the soul. There are different departments of knowledge in different universities and many technological institutions to study and understand the subtle laws of material nature -- medical research laboratories to study the physiological condition of the material body -- but there is no institution to study the constitutional position of the soul. This is the greatest drawback of material civilization, which is external manifestation of the soul.
They are enamored by the glimmering manifestation of the cosmic body or the individual body, but they do not try to understand the basic principles of this glimmering situation. The body looks very beautiful working with full energy and exhibiting great traits of talent and wonderful brain work. But as soon as the soul is away from the body, all this glimmering situation of the body becomes useless.
Even the great scientists who have discovered many wonderful scientific contributions could not trace out about the personal self, which is the cause of such wonderful discoveries. The Krsna consciousness movement basically is trying to reach this science of the soul -- not in any dogmatic way, but in complete scientific and philosophical understanding.
You can find out the background of this body as the soul and the soul's presence as perceived, perceivable by consciousness. Similarly, the presence of Supersoul and superconsciousness in the universal body of cosmic manifestation is perceived by the presence of the Supreme Lord, or the Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is systematically experienced in the Vedanta-sutra, generally known as the Vedanta philosophy, which is elaborately explained by a commentary by the same author of the Vedanta-sutras known as the Srimad-Bhagavatam.
The Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of the Srimad-Bhagavatam to understand the constitutional position of the Supreme Lord, or the Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding, namely as Brahman, or the impersonal universal soul; Paramatma, or the localized universal soul; and at the end as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
An individual soul is understood in three aspects, namely first in the consciousness pervading all over the body, then as the spirit soul within the heart, and ultimately exhibited as a person. Similarly, the Absolute Truth is first realized as impersonal Brahman, then as localized Supersoul, Paramatma, and at the end as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Krsna means all-inclusive, or, in other words, Krsna is simultaneously Brahman, Paramatma, and the Personality of Godhead. As such, as every one of us is simultaneously consciousness, soul, and person, this individual person and the Supreme Lord Person are qualitatively one but quantitatively different.
Just like the drop of sea water and the vast mass of sea water -- both are qualitatively one. The chemical composition of the drop of sea water and that of the mass of sea water are one and the same, but the quantity of salt and other minerals in the whole sea is many, many times greater than the quantity of salt and other minerals contained in the drop of sea water.
The Krsna consciousness movement maintains the speciality of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul. From the Vedic Upanisads we can understand that both the Supreme Person, or God, and the individual person are eternal and living entities. The difference is that the supreme living entity, or Supreme Person, maintains all the innumerable living entities. In the Christian way of understanding, the same principle is admitted because in the Bible it is taught that the individual entities should pray to the supreme father for supplying means of maintenance and giving pardon for their sinful activities.
So it is understood from any source of scriptural injunction that the Supreme Lord, or Krsna, is the maintainer of the individual living entities, and it is the duty of the individual entity to feel obliged to the Supreme Lord. This is the whole background of religious principle. Without this acknowledgement, there is chaos, as it is happening in our daily experience at the present moment. Everyone is trying to become the Supreme Lord, either socially, politically or individually. Therefore there is competition for this false lordship and there is chaos all over the world, individually, nationally, socially or collectively.
The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to establish the supremacy of the Absolute Personality of Godhead. The human society is meant for this understanding because this consciousness makes his life successful. This Krsna consciousness movement is not a new introduction of the mental speculators. Actually this movement was started by Krsna Himself in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. At least five thousand years ago the movement was presented by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita.
From this Bhagavad-gita we can understand that this system of consciousness was spoken by Him long, long before -- He imparted to the sun-god Vivasvan. That calculation goes to show that before the repetition of the Bhagavad-gita in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, it was once before explained at least forty million years ago. So this movement is not at all new. It is coming down from disciplic succession, and in India from all great leaders of the Vedic society like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka, and lately, about 480 years ago, Lord Caitanya. The principle is still being followed today.
This Bhagavad-gita is also very widely persued in all parts of the world by great scholars, philosophers, and religionists. But in most cases the principle is not followed as it is. Krsna consciousness movement means to present the principles of the Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any misinterpretation.
In the Bhagavad-gita we can understand five main principles: namely God, the living entity, the material or the spiritual nature, time, and activities. Out of these five items, God, the living entities, nature -- material or spiritual -- and time are eternal. But activities are not eternal. The activities in the material nature are different from the activities in the spiritual nature.
In the material nature, although the spiritual soul is eternal, as we have explained before, the activities are temporary. Krsna consciousness movement is aiming to place the spirit soul in his eternal activities. The eternal activities can be practiced even when we are materially encaged. It requires simply direction. But it is possible, under the prescribed rules and regulations, to act spiritually. The Krsna consciousness movement teaches these spiritual activities, and if one is trained up in such spiritual activities, one is transferred to the spiritual world, of which we get ample evidence from Vedic literatures and also from the Bhagavad-gita. And the spiritually trained person can be transferred to the spiritual world easily by change of consciousness.
The consciousness is always there because it is the symptom of the living spirit soul. But at the present moment the consciousness is materially contaminated. Just like pouring water, water pouring, down from the cloud is pure, distilled water, but as soon as the water comes in touch with the earth it becomes muddy immediately. Again, by filtering the same water, the original clearness can be regained.
Similarly, Krsna consciousness movement is the process of clearing the consciousness, and as soon as the consciousness clear and pure it is transferred to the spiritual world for eternal life of knowledge and bliss, which we are hankering for in this material world, and being frustrated in every step on account of material contamination. Therefore this Krsna consciousness movement should be taken very seriously by the leaders of the human society. So,
utsāhān niścayād dhairyāt
saṅga-tyāgāt sato vṛtteḥ
ṣaḍbhir bhaktiḥ prasidhyati
[Upadesamrta 3]
This Krsna consciousness movement, or a person's Krsna consciousness, can be progressively improved by six processes. What is that? Utsaha, enthusiasm. Dhairya. Dhairya means patience. Utsahan, dhairyat, and niscayat, firm conviction. Utsahan dhairyat niscayad tat-tat-karma-pravartanat. And following the regulative principles. Sato vrtteh. The profession must be strictly honest and serious. Sato vrtteh. And sadhu-sange, and in the association of the devotees.• Email to a friend ••
Click on the title to access the article about mountain climbing chanters.• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Svarupa Sakti Mataji
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.4.29 - Krsna is the source of everything (aham sarvasya prabhavao...).
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Kalki Raval, asks
“What do you think about next Vishnu avatara, Kalki?” My answer and some other comments about worship of Lord Kalki today.
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Semainar - Narayani Mataji
The Prayers of Queen Kunti
Part 5 - What is the healthy renunciation that appears simultaneously with attraction to Krsna.
(vidya vinaya sampanne...)
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Spring in NVD
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gopa-Vrndesa Prabhu
Srimad Bhagvatam class given on Thursday, 21st April 2011
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.4.28 - We are tiny living entity always in a dependent position (...sutre mani gana iva)
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Semainar - Narayani Mataji
The Prayers of Queen Kunti
Part 4 - How to live our daily life for the pleasure of Krsna.
(...anukulyena krsnanusilanam bhaktir uttama)
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Gouranga TV: Bhajan – 24hr Kirtan – Madhava Hari das
Bhajan – 24hr Kirtan – Madhava Hari das
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Japa Group: With Genuine Spiritual Feeling
Here Giriraj Swami discuss's a very nice topic about chanting with genuine spiritual feeling.
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Malati dd, USA: ISKCON Philippines March 2011 Update
Hare Krishna!
Below is the March 2011 update for ISKCON Philippines. Devotees can also download the newsletter in PDF form by clicking this link:March Newsletter
For further inquiries, devotees can contact:
ISKCON Philippines Communications
Email: iskconcommunicationsph@gmail.com
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